There is hereby established in and for the Borough of River
Edge a Department of Recreation and Cultural Affairs (the "Department")
to maintain, promote, operate and facilitate the use of Borough-owned
or -leased parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities. The Department
shall design, provide, coordinate, and administer existing and new
recreation and cultural programs with the advice of the Recreation
Commission and the Cultural Affairs Advisory Committee.
Powers and duties of the Recreation Department are as follows:
A. Administer, operate, and have jurisdiction over the use of municipal
parks, playgrounds and playfields, facilities for indoor and outdoor
sports, and recreational programs.
B. Develop and administer recreational programs and related activities;
regular and special public events in cooperation with other public
and private agencies and organizations or as advised by the Recreation
Commission or at the direction of the governing body.
C. Maintenance and repairs; trees and shrubbery.
(1) Maintain and repair the playfields, playgrounds and recreational
areas, the exception being the regulation, planting and care of shade
and ornamental trees and shrubbery now located, or which may hereafter
be planted, including trimming, spraying, care and protection thereof,
which is subject to the requirements of § 384-6A and C.
(2) No tree or shrubbery shall be planted in or removed from any Borough
park, playground, recreational area, or other area under the jurisdiction
of the Borough or Department without the consent of the Director and
the River Edge Shade Tree Commission. Should the Director and Shade
Tree Commission not be able to agree on a planting or removal, the
final determination shall be made by the governing body in accordance
with § 384-6A.
(3) The Department of Public Works Superintendent, or his designee, may
direct the removal of a tree, or part thereof, if the Superintendent
or designee determines that there is an imminent danger to public
safety in accordance with § 384-6C.
D. Enforce Borough ordinances, rules, regulations and policies pertaining
to the use of recreational facilities and programs.
E. Authority to establish, charge and collect a reasonable fee for use
of the Borough's recreational facilities and programs or activities
subject to approval of the Mayor and Council.
F. Authority to solicit sponsorships and accept donations in strict
accordance with Borough standards, procedures and applicable statutes.
G. Determine, in consultation with other Borough departments, scope,
description, manpower and materials costs necessary for the proper
maintenance of the Borough's parks, playgrounds, playfields and
other facilities. The Department of Public Works shall have the authority
to determine the schedule and assignment of manpower for any work
conducted to assist the Department.
H. Provide advisory opinions to the governing body and Borough departments.
The office of Director of Recreation and Cultural Affairs ("Director")
is hereby created.
A. The Director shall serve as department head and be responsible for
the overall efficient administration, maintenance, direction and development
of the Department. The Director may recommend that the Mayor and Council
create subordinate offices and positions that may be necessary and
if such funds are appropriated.
B. Subject to the general oversight by the Mayor and Council, the Director
shall be supervised by the Borough Administrator and operate the Department
under the auspices of same. Compensation shall be in accordance with
policies and procedures for all noncontractual personnel.
C. Director.
(1) The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.
Compensation shall be in accordance with policies and procedures for
all noncontractual personnel.
(2) Prior to appointment, the Director shall be qualified by training
and experience in the field of public recreation. The Director shall
possess the Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) and
Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) certifications from the
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). If the Director does
not possess the CPRP certification upon date of hire, the Director
is required to attain the certification within 18 months from the
date of hire. If the Director does not possess the CPSI certification
upon date of hire, the Director is required to obtain the certification
within 24 months from the date of hire.
D. The Director shall collaborate with the Recreation Commission and
shall seek the advice and consent of the Mayor and Council as may
be required in this chapter.
Powers and duties of the Director of Recreation are as follows:
A. Administer, plan, supervise, inspect and conduct programs and activities
of the Borough's public playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation
facilities, regular and special public events, in consultation and
cooperation with other public and private agencies and organizations
if necessary and/or as recommended by the Recreation Commission or
at the direction of the governing body.
B. Manage, inspect and maintain all recreational facilities, recreational
equipment and services for any properties owned, leased or controlled
by the Borough.
C. Develop routine maintenance needs for all playfields, playgrounds
and other recreational areas and a schedule thereof.
D. Work with the Superintendent of Public Works to determine the scope
of work that is to be conducted by the Department of Public Works
and personnel and manpower; materials or outside services and required
schedule of tasks. The Director must request sufficient funding in
the Recreation Department's budget to ensure adequate operating
funds are available.
E. Supervise and manage any subordinate offices or positions employed
under the auspices of the Department.
F. Develop, implement and oversee a master schedule, in consideration
of advice of the Recreation Commission, to apportion available time
for use of Borough recreational facilities, parks or other Borough
properties, including leased property or property subject to an interlocal
agreement with the River Edge Board of Education, River Dell Board
of Education or other entity.
G. Determine specific criteria, in consideration of advice of the Recreation
Commission, to which sports organizations are deemed as being under
the auspices of the Department.
H. Expend departmental funds in accordance with budget appropriations
and ordinances.
I. With the advice of the Recreation Commission and/or Cultural Affairs
Committee, arrange and provide for the concerts, games and contests,
and may use and employ such playgrounds or recreation places for the
purpose of giving thereon games and contests to provide the funds,
in whole or in part, necessary to improve, maintain and police the
playgrounds or recreation places under the Department's control.
J. Authority to charge and collect a reasonable admission fee for each
person entering such playground or recreation place as a spectator
during the time or times when the same is being used or employed for
such purposes.
K. Authority to charge and collect a reasonable service charge from
persons using, as participants, special areas and facilities, which
require special maintenance and the use of which is restricted to
relatively few people, in order to assist in the meeting of the operating
costs thereof in whole or in part.
L. Pay over all moneys received by the Department to the Chief Financial
Officer. These monies will be kept in a dedicated fund used only for
the purpose of defraying the expenses of improving, maintaining or
policing the playground and recreation places. In order to expend
the funding for any of these purposes, the Director, subject to approval
of the Mayor and Council, may expend funds from the dedicated account.
Any such funds authorized shall be expended in accordance with applicable
state and local rules and regulations for public purchasing.
M. Recommend and request allocations of available monies that may be
available through the Borough's open space tax for the term if
and when authorized from the Mayor and Council.
N. Recommend the collection fees and/or other admission or entry charges
for registration, enrollment or admission to the recreation programs
and activities of the Borough.
O. Prepare and submit a proposed operating and capital budget annually
to the governing body. The budget may include recommended salary budgets
for the proper and efficient operation of the Department for each
calendar year.
P. Request appropriations for professional services and vendors. Any
ongoing maintenance contracts must also be included.
Q. Prepare proposals for additional personnel. Said proposals shall
include a job description, rationale, recommended work hours and recommended
compensation for the position(s) sought to the Borough Administrator.
The employment request will be subject to the Borough's personnel
hiring procedure.
R. Prepare a five-year capital improvement plan identifying replacement
or upgrades to existing outdoor/recreation areas/facilities and/or
purchase of new equipment and respective estimated costs.
S. Investigate and report on any recreational grant opportunities from
private, nonprofit and/or public sources and prepare applications
regarding same.
T. Apply for and maintain membership in the New Jersey Recreation and
Parks Association.
U. Develop and disseminate promotional materials and inform residents
of all available programs and events.
V. Recommend and screen all potential program directors, league directors
and coaches for review by the Recreation Commission.
W. Prepare the agenda, minutes and, unless excused for cause, attend
all meetings of the Recreation Commission.
X. Establish rules and regulations applicable in the programming and
use of parks and recreational facilities with the advice of the Recreation
Commission; subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council.
Y. Ensure all programs and volunteers are in compliance with background
checks, credential programs and required training.
Z. Attend meetings of the governing body from time to time to provide
periodic reports regarding the activities of the Department or upon
AA. Prepare and submit an annual report to the Mayor and Council in accordance with §
BB. Any other duty as directed by the governing body.
Any rules, regulations, policies or code of conduct previously
adopted and enforced by the Recreation Commission, Cultural Affairs
Advisory Committee and Director prior to the date of adoption of this
chapter shall remain and continue in full force and effect until further
order by the appropriate jurisdiction.