Any person who conducts a business or activity which is described in this chapter shall first obtain a health permit, together with any other licenses and permits required by this Code.
(Ord. 86-17)
There is hereby adopted, by reference, by the City of Encinitas, for the purpose of prescribing rules and regulations for the protection of the public health and safety, the following portions of the San Diego County Code together with such secondary references as are included in those portions, effective as of the date set forth in Section 11.04.030 of this chapter. The provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the City of Encinitas to include, without limitation, the fees, regulatory provisions, and definitions, but excluding the procedural provisions beyond those specified for processing and applications, conducting investigations, issuing permits and enforcing regulatory provisions:
Title 6, Division 1, Chapter 1, regulating the preparation and distribution of food.
Title 6, Division 1, Chapter 2, regulating food handlers.
Title 6, Division 1, Chapter 3, providing for the destruction of spoiled food.
Title 6, Division 6, Chapter 1, regarding applications, permits and fees.
Title 6, Division 6, Chapter 4, regulating refrigeration plants.
Title 6, Division 6, Chapter 8, regulating reduction plants.
Title 6, Division 6, Chapter 9, providing for the enforcement of the State housing law.
Title 6, Division 6, Chapter 10, regulating apartments and hotels.
Title 6, Division 7, Chapter 1, regulating waste of water.
Title 6, Division 7, Chapter 2, regarding the pollution of waters.
Title 6, Division 7, Chapter 3, regarding public swimming pools.
Title 6, Division 7, Chapter 3.5, regarding swimming pool fencing.
Title 6, Division 7, Chapter 4, regulating wells.
Title 6, Division 8, Chapter 3, regarding septic tanks and seepage pits.
Title 6, Division 8, Chapter 6, regarding septic tank and cesspool cleaners.
Title 6, Division 9, Chapter 1, regarding condemnation of buildings.
Title 6, Division 8, Chapter 8, regarding disclosure of hazardous materials.
Title 6, Division 8, Chapter 9, regarding hazardous waste establishments.
Title 6, Division 8, Chapter 10, regarding underground storage of hazardous substances.
Title 6, Division 4, regarding disease control.
Title 6, Division 5, regarding procedures.
Title 6, Division 8, Chapter 12, regarding medical waste.
Title 6, Division 6, Chapter 3, regarding tattoo parlors and mobile tattoo vehicles.
Title 61.211 through Title 61.256, regarding the regulation of wholesale food warehouses.
(Ord. 86-17; Ord. 87-21; Ord. 89-33; Ord. 94-05; Ord. 2003-11)
The operative date of this chapter is May 23, 2003.
(Ord. 2003-11)
The San Diego County Health Officer, together with the Department of Health Services for the County of San Diego, is hereby designated as the Health Officer for the City of Encinitas with authority to enforce and observe within the City of Encinitas the following:
All orders, quarantine regulations, and rules and regulations issued by the State Department of Health Services under the provisions of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.
All statutes of the State of California relating to public health.
Those portions of the San Diego County Code pertaining to public health and sanitation as are set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 86-17)
Each applicant for a permit required by this chapter shall apply to the Department of Health Services, County of San Diego.
The Department of Health Services of the County of San Diego shall collect and retain for the benefit of the County of San Diego the fees and delinquent payment penalties imposed by this chapter.
(Ord. 86-17)