It is the purpose of this chapter to establish the employment status of persons with a regular appointment to a general position.
(Ord. 89-31; Ord. 2022-18)
A person with a regular appointment to a general position within the City shall receive a salary recommended by the appointing authority and fixed by the City Manager within the range established by resolution of the City Council.
Movement within the salary range shall be based upon performance.
(Ord. 89-31; Ord. 2022-18)
Regular appointees shall receive those City holidays designated by City Council resolution.
Regular appointees shall earn and use annual leave in accordance with the provisions contained in the annual leave policy as established by the City Council.
Regular represented, unrepresented and confidential employees will earn and use sick leave time in accordance with the provisions contained in the sick leave policy.
(Ord. 89-31; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
Regular, represented appointees, under specific terms, shall earn and use units of benefit in accordance with the provisions contained in the income protection plan as established by the City Council.
(Ord. 89-31; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The duties of persons appointed to general positions shall be those duties contained within the position specification.
(Ord. 89-31; Ord. 2022-18)