All transmission and distribution lines, laterals, service assemblies, meters, fire hydrants and other appurtenances are the property of the District. No person shall connect to, utilize, replace or repair any of such facilities without the express written consent of the District.
The District owns the meter. The ownership and maintenance by the District stops at the meter. The maintenance of the flange or coupling on the customer’s side of the meter and any valves, pressure regulators or piping are the responsibility of the customer.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
Section 25.2.1. 
Main Lines. Transmission and distribution lines of the District shall be maintained in a serviceable condition. Such lines shall be replaced as necessary, subject to the availability of District funds.
Section 25.2.2. 
Services. District shall maintain and repair services as needed. Services shall be replaced when found to be too expensive to repair.
Section 25.2.3. 
Meters. District shall maintain and repair meters as needed, and replacements shall be made when necessary.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)