All purchases made on behalf of the City of Grand Junction shall be made in accordance with and conforming to the rules and regulations as published in the revised City of Grand Junction Purchasing Manual (“manual”) dated January 16, 2012 by Resolution 04-12, January 16, 2012.
The forms and processes described herein can be modified with approval of the City Manager, but such changes shall not affect the competitive bidding and approval requirements.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.1), 1-16-12)
The Purchasing Division has prepared this manual for use by all departments and divisions of the City of Grand Junction. The purpose of this manual is to establish policies and serve as a reference for employees to maximize the value of public funds in procurement and to maintain an ethical, quality procurement system.
From an economic standpoint, competition in public purchasing is an indispensable means for improving the quality of commodity purchases, encouraging innovation among suppliers, increasing the City’s latitude of choice and, most importantly, assuring the reasonableness of costs. Competition coupled with standardization and economies of scale will maximize the City’s opportunity to obtain the greatest value for the tax dollar.
To develop an effective and efficient procurement program, all personnel involved must work as a cross functional team for the betterment of the City as a whole. Those individuals whose responsibilities require them to become a part of the purchasing cycle must be knowledgeable of the policies and procedures adopted herein as a general framework for ethical procurement practices. The goal is the promotion of the City’s best interest through intelligent activities and fair dealing with the vendor community.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.2), 1-16-12)
The purpose of this manual is to provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in public purchasing by the City, to maximize the purchasing value of public funds, to codify and standardize the City’s purchasing rules and regulations for orderly and efficient administration, to provide safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity, and to foster effective, broad-based competition within the free enterprise system.
All City of Grand Junction employees shall familiarize themselves with the regulations set forth and shall adhere to the policies and practices established herewith. The City Manager reserves the right to waive regulations established in this manual if it is determined to be in the best interest for the City of Grand Junction. The City Council shall be notified by the City Manager of any exceptions to purchasing regulations, as delineated in the procedures herein.
This manual has been prepared to establish policy and serve as a reference for those employees delegated purchasing authority in the name of the City of Grand Junction. Detailed explanations of individual department responsibility and role in the procurement function are included within this manual, as well as in other written purchasing procedures as they are developed.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.3), 1-16-12)
Except as otherwise provided herein, all rights, power, duties and authority relating to the procurement of supplies, services and construction are vested in the Purchasing Division. The sale and disposal of supplies and equipment are also the responsibility of Purchasing Division. Authority may be delegated only by the Purchasing Division with approval of the Financial Operations Manager and the City Manager within the parameters established in this manual.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.4), 1-16-12)
This purchasing policy shall apply to the procurement of all materials, equipment, construction and services required by the City. Purchases subject to contracts between the City and other governmental bodies are excluded. When any procurement involves the expenditure of federal or State funds, the procurement shall be conducted in accordance with any mandatory applicable federal and State laws or regulations.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.5), 1-16-12)
Except as may be otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for any City officer or employee to order or purchase goods and/or services contrary to the policy of this manual. Any procurement or contract so made shall be void and wholly without effect, and shall not be binding upon the City.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.6), 1-16-12)
Competitive sealed bids or competitive proposals, as appropriate, shall be used to facilitate contracts with nongovernmental contractors for the purchase or lease of goods, services and/or construction in accordance with the limitations of this manual.
The disposal of City tangible personal property shall be through an open competitive process to the extent possible. The City may donate surplus property to other governmental entities or nonprofit organizations, as is in the best interest of the City.
The policy and practices set forth herein are designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in providing goods, services and/or construction to the City.
It is unlawful to disclose the identity or information derived from competing proposals to any bidder or offeror that might provide an unfair advantage over a competing bidder or offeror.
All City employees are governed by the provisions of this manual whether directly or indirectly involved in a procurement transaction. Violation of these provisions is grounds for disciplinary action, to include termination and criminal action.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.7), 1-16-12)
The City Manager is responsible for the City’s purchasing system. This responsibility is delegated to the Purchasing Manager.
The Purchasing Manager is the principal public purchasing official of the City. The Purchasing Manager’s responsibilities are as enumerated in this manual (Chapter 41.08 GJMC).
Department Directors are responsible for ensuring their departments’ purchasing activities are in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth herein.
Any purchase or contract entered into by an elected or appointed City official, Department Director or employee that violates the rules and regulations defined in this manual shall be the personal and financial responsibility of that individual. Violation of these policies and procedures shall be grounds for disciplinary action, to include termination and/or criminal prosecution.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.8), 1-16-12)
Any person using this manual is encouraged to comment and/or recommend changes. Address such in writing to the following:
Purchasing Supervisor
Division of Purchasing
City of Grand Junction
250 N. 5th Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501
(970) 244-1484
(Res. 04-12 (§ 1.9), 1-16-12)