One of the first steps in implementing the Greater Downtown Plan is a zoning overlay. The overlay is intended to provide guidance and criteria for the planning, design and implementation of public and private improvements in the Greater Downtown area and is set forth in this document to be known as the Greater Downtown overlay district (zoning overlay). If properly administered and adhered to, the standards and guidelines should result in public and private development improvements (or a combination thereof) that achieve, as a minimum, a common level of quality in terms of site design, architectural design, landscaping and other site improvements.
The general purposes of the standards and guidelines are to support the overall goals of the Greater Downtown Plan.
Maintain and enhance the economic, cultural and social vitality of Greater Downtown. Promote downtown living by providing a wide range of housing opportunities in appropriate areas within Greater Downtown.
Enhance the transportation system to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians, and provide adequate, convenient parking.
Stabilize, preserve, protect and enhance the downtown residential neighborhoods.
Promote and protect the unique identity of the Greater Downtown area.
The standards and guidelines were developed upon an analysis of the existing character of the Greater Downtown area. The area was divided into subdistricts and the Downtown District was further divided into subareas based on existing zoning, character of existing development and potential for redevelopment opportunities. In addition, primary corridors were identified for which overlay guidance is created with the adoption of the document. The subdistricts, primary corridors and subareas are shown on Figures 1, 2 and 3.
These standards supplement other development regulations such as the City of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, which includes detailed criteria by zone district, planned development regulations, design and improvement standards, supplemental use regulations, sign regulations and the City Transportation and Engineering Design Standards (TEDS). In the instance the following standards are silent on a development concern, the existing regulations shall apply. None of the guidelines and standards within the zoning overlay is intended to apply to properties within the North Seventh Street Historic Residential District or the North Avenue Corridor Overlay since separate guidelines and standards have been established through overlays for those areas.
The standards identify design alternatives and specific design criteria for the visual character and physical treatment of private development and public improvements within Greater Downtown. They are adopted through an overlay zoning district, which will establish the means by which the standards are administered and enforced. The Director will make all decisions, and appeals and variance requests will be heard by the City of Grand Junction Planning Commission. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) will be a review agency for all applications and will make recommendations for proposals in the Central Business District.
Figure 1: Greater Downtown Plan Subdistricts
Figure 2
Figure 3
(Ord. 4572, 3-20-13)