The International Residential Code, 2018 Edition, promulgated by the International Code Council, Inc., together with amendments set forth below (hereafter “IRC” or “International Residential Code”) is hereby adopted for regulating the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use and maintenance of one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories in height within the jurisdiction.
The following chapters of the Appendix of the International Residential Code, 2018 Edition, are adopted:
Appendix A, Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping;
Appendix B, Sizing of Vent Systems Serving Appliances Equipped With Draft Hoods, Category 1 Appliances, and Appliances Listed For Use With Type B Vents;
Appendix C, Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent Venting Systems;
Appendix D, Recommended Procedures for Safety Inspections of Existing Appliance Installations;
Appendix H, Patio Covers;
Appendix J, Existing Buildings and Structures;
Appendix Q, Tiny Homes.
No other chapters of the Appendix are adopted.
(Ord. 4829, 1-16-19; Ord. 4499, 2-13-12; Ord. 4013, 1-3-07; Ord. 3318, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 8-62)
The residential code adopted in GJMC § 15.36.010 is hereby amended as follows:
Section R101: R101.2, Scope, is amended by moving “Owner-occupied lodging houses with five or fewer guestrooms” from exception to scope. In addition, the following is added:
Child Care Facilities as permitted under Title 12, Article 2509-8 C.C.R. but not to exceed 12 Children.
Section R102: R102.7, Existing structures, is amended by deleting “International Property Maintenance Code.”
Section R105: R105.2, Work exempt from permit.
Building Item 1 is amended to read:
One-story detached accessory structures, provided that the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet and is not designed or used as a garage.
Building Item 5 is amended to read:
Sidewalks, driveways and platforms not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade and not over any basement or story below.
Building Item 10 is amended to read as follows:
Decks that are not more than 30 inches above grade at any point.
Section R105: R105.2, Work exempt from permit, is amended by addition of the following new subsections:
Building Item 11. Re-siding of buildings regulated by this code.
Building Item 12. Re-roofing of buildings regulated by this code that do not exceed the limits of Sections R908.3.1 and 908.3.1.1.
Building Item 13. Plastic covered crop production shelters where access to the public is prohibited.
Section R105: R105.3.1.1, Buildings in flood hazard areas, is deleted in its entirety.
Section R106: R106.3.1, Construction documents, is amended by deleting the second sentence of the first paragraph.
Section R106: R106.5, Retention of construction documents, is deleted in its entirety.
Section R108: R108.2, Schedule of permit fees, is deleted and replaced with the following:
Fees shall be as determined by City Council and set forth in a Resolution.
Section R112: R112, Board of appeals, is deleted as written and replaced with the following:
The Board of Appeals established in GJMC § 15.08.010 shall serve as the Board of Appeals.
Section R113: R113.4, Violation penalties, is amended by deleting as written and replacing with the following:
Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof shall be subject to penalties as prescribed in GJMC § 15.08.050.
Section R116: R116, Unsafe structures and equipment, is added to read:
Section 116 of the 2018 International Building Code as amended is applicable to those structures and equipment covered in the IRC.
Table R302.1: Table R302.1(1), Exterior Walls, is amended by changing the following:
Walls (not fire resistance rated) Minimum Fire Separation Distance = 3 feet
Projections (not fire resistance rated) Minimum Fire Separation Distance = 2 feet
Openings (unlimited) Minimum Fire Separation Distance = 3 feet
Openings (deleted 25%) Maximum Wall Area/0 Hours/3 feet
Penetrations (all) Minimum Fire Separation Distance < 3 feet, compliance with Section R302.4 and at 3 feet or greater, no requirements.
Section R302: R302.2, Townhouses, is amended to include the following:
For the purpose of this section, “townhouse” shall include two (2) or more attached units as defined in Section R202.
Section R303: R303.1, Habitable rooms, Exception 3, is deleted as written and replaced with the following:
Use of sunroom additions and patio covers, as defined in Section R202, shall be permitted for natural ventilation provided the space has adequate openings to the outside.
Section R309: R309.1, Garages and carports, is amended by deletion of the second paragraph.
Section R309: R309.5, Fire sprinklers, is deleted in its entirety.
Section R310: R310.1, Emergency escape and rescue openings required, first sentence is amended to read:
Basements, floors above grade plane, habitable attics, and every sleeping room shall have not less than one operable emergency escape and rescue opening.
Section R313: R313.1, Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler system, and R313.2, One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire sprinkler systems, is amended by the deletion of “shall be installed” and replaced with “may be installed.”
Section R315: R315.2.2, Alterations, repairs, and additions, Exception 2, is amended to read:
Installation, alteration, or repair of non-fuel fired plumbing or mechanical systems.
Section R326: R326.1, Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs, is deleted in its entirety.
Section R328: Section R328, Wildfire Hazard Areas, is added to read:
R328.1 Wildfire Hazards defined. Areas that have a wildfire hazard rating of medium or above (as shown on the Mesa County Wildfire Hazard Map).
R328.2 Roof Covering. Roof coverings for new buildings or structures or additions thereto or roof covering utilized for re-roofing, shall be Class A or B, tested in accordance with ASME E108 or UL790 or an approved noncombustible roof covering. For roof coverings where the profile allows a space between the roof covering and roof decking, the space at the eave ends shall be fire stopped to preclude entry of flames or embers or have one layer of 72-pound (32.4 kg) mineral-surfaced, non-perforated cap sheet complying with ASTM D3909 installed over the combustible decking.
R328.3 Roof Valleys. Roof valleys where provided, valley flashings shall be not less than 0.019-inch (0.44 mm) (No. 26 galvanized sheet gage) corrosion-resistant metal installed over a minimum 36-inch-wide (914 mm) underlayment consisting of one layer of 72-pound (32.4 kg) mineral-surfaced, non-perforated cap sheet complying with ASTM D3909 running the full length of the valley.
R328.4 Attic. Ventilation openings are not permitted within ten feet of finished grade.
R328.5 Reserved.
R328.6 Moved Buildings. Any building or structure moved within or into any Wildfire Hazard Area shall be made to comply with all the requirements for new buildings in the Wildfire Area.
R328.7 Replacement or repairs to buildings or structures in existence prior to the adoption of this code that are replaced or have 25 percent or more replaced in a 12-month period shall meet the requirements of this section for new construction.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11, Energy efficiency, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
See 2018 International Energy Conservation Code as adopted for energy code requirements.
(Ord. 5111, 12-7-22; Ord. 4829, 1-16-19; Ord. 4499, 2-13-12; Ord. 4013, 1-3-07; Ord. 3318, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 8-63)