Be it resolved by the Grand Junction Police Department, Grand Junction Fire Department, Palisade Police Department, Mesa County Sheriff’s Office, Fruita Police Department and Clifton Fire Protection District that this chapter is duly adopted and by its adoption the intergovernmental agreement in this chapter is adopted, ratified and confirmed with the benefits and obligations therein provided.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.010)
The purpose of this intergovernmental agreement is to provide a basic working document that describes the mission and responsibility of the Grand Junction Regional Communications Center (GJRCC).
The agreement describes the relationship that exists between the City of Grand Junction and other agencies that utilize the GJRCC (“users”) to provide both enhanced 9-1-1 service and telecommunications for police, fire and emergency medical services in Mesa County.
All users recognize that the GJRCC provides the best opportunity to provide the most efficient, professional and cost effective method for providing essential telecommunications to all police, fire and public emergency medical agencies.
It is in the best interest of all people who live in or travel through Mesa County that the GJRCC continues to function as a well-equipped, well-staffed and well-trained cooperative effort in providing this essential service.
Now therefore, in consideration of the following, the parties hereto, by their signatures do covenant, contract and agree as follows in this chapter.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.020)
All employees of the GJRCC are employees of the Grand Junction Police Department and, therefore, must comply with all City personnel provisions and requirements, e.g., City personnel policies. In addition, employees are regulated by the Grand Junction Police Department Policy and Procedures Manual and the GJRCC Operations Procedures Manual. If a conflict exists between these policies and manuals, the City’s personnel policies (Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual – PPM) will govern. The Manager of the GJRCC is a Grand Junction Police Department employee who is supervised by the Grand Junction Police Chief or his designee. All employment decisions concerning communications center employees, including hiring, firing, discipline, promotion, etc. are the responsibility of the Police Chief or his designee and are typically made following a recommendation from the Manager.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.030)
The City’s insurer provides coverage for most of the operations of the GJRCC. The GJRCC pays a proportionate share of the City’s policy premium. The present City policy provides coverage for employment-related lawsuits brought by or on behalf of any current or former GJRCC employee. The City will be responsible for its employees and agrees that any user in good standing should not be liable for any employment-related lawsuits brought against such user by or on behalf of any current or former GJRCC employee so long as such user has acted in accordance with law and the policies and procedures of the GJRCC; any such expenses/costs will be part of the GJRCC operating costs. The Police Department agrees to exercise reasonable management practices in order to minimize any such expenses and costs.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.040)
The GJRCC Policy and Procedure Manual, adopted by users on August 7, 1996, is the comprehensive manual that describes adopted policies, procedures and protocols for GJRCC operations. All users shall follow the policies, procedures and protocols contained therein. This manual may be amended periodically by the Board, as recommended by the Manager and “user group.”
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.050)
The GJRCC will maintain a “user group,” constituted and functioning in accordance with GJRCC Operations Procedure Manual Sections 1.14 and 1.15. The user group shall minimally include a representative from the GJPD, MCSO, FPD, PPD; a member designated by the fire districts to represent them; a GJRCC telecommunicator selected by the Grand Junction Police Chief, two GJRCC supervisors; and one at-large representative from the GJPD, MCSO, GJFD and the GJRCC. The at-large representative shall be nonsupervisory, line personnel. The purpose of the “user group” is to help the GJRCC consistently monitor the needs of all users and provide a mechanism to address concerns and modify telecommunications procedures and protocol in order to deliver the best possible service to all users.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.060)
All users will be represented by the GJRCC Board. The six-person Board will consist of: the Grand Junction Police Chief who will serve as its chairman; the Grand Junction Fire Chief, the Mesa County Sheriff, the Palisade Police Chief, the Fruita Police Chief, and one member chosen by and representing the following agencies: Lower Valley FPD, Palisade Rural FPD, East Orchard Mesa FPD, Central Orchard Mesa IFPD and Clifton FPD. For the purpose of conducting the business of the Board, each Board member has a vote or half vote as follows: Mesa County Sheriff – one vote; Grand Junction Police Chief – one vote; Grand Junction Fire Chief – one vote; Palisade Police Chief – one-half vote; Fruita Police Chief – one-half vote; a member chosen by the fire districts – one-half vote.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.070)
The Board will meet a minimum of three times per year. A meeting will be called in June of each year to discuss cost allocation methods, formulas and to discuss any changes to the same. A meeting will be called each September to review the GJRCC’s proposed budget for the following year and a meeting will be called in January to conduct miscellaneous business. The chairman may call a meeting on his own or at the request of any Board members at any time. All Board meetings will be conducted according to the Open Meetings Law. Meeting agendas and meeting minutes will be maintained and distributed to all members. A quorum of three and one-half votes is needed to vote on and pass any motion. The Board may act on budgets or budgetary items without a quorum being present if the Board is unable to produce enough members to constitute three and one-half votes after two meetings have been called, with proper notification provided to members and a deadline for Board action of October 1st has passed.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.080)
Cost allocation to all users currently is and remains a fee based on “calls for service.” That cost allocation method and all factors involving costs and expenses being passed on to users, pro rata, will be reviewed at each June meeting. Any changes in cost allocation methods or factors must be finalized by December 31st of the year proposed and will not take effect until January 1st of the year after the year finalized. Should a new public safety agency approach the GJRCC and request inclusion as a “user,” the chairman will call a meeting of the Board, and after the Board’s approval of the request, the Board will establish a “buy in” cost/assessment that the new user must pay to the GJRCC before service is provided.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.090)
On alternating years and in conjunction with the City of Grand Junction’s budgeting process, the chairman will distribute a two-year GJRCC budget to the Board and schedule a GJRCC meeting date during September, to be held no sooner than one week after distribution. The Manager and chairman will present said budget and respond to questions regarding line items. The Board will adopt a budget which will require three and one-half votes for passage. Should the budget not be adopted by October 1st of the budget year, the chairman shall take one of the following actions:
Amend the budget to the extent necessary to obtain a minimum of three and one-half votes for passage;
Notify the Grand Junction City Manager that the GJRCC Board is at a budget impasse. Upon notification the Manager will take the necessary steps to attempt to obtain the support from the governmental bodies (either elected or appointed) that represent at least three and one-half Board member votes. If such support is received, the Grand Junction City Manager will advise the chairman that the submitted budget, or a budget amended by the involved governmental bodies is to be implemented for the GJRCC for the next two-year budget cycle; or
Should a GJRCC budget not be passed by December 1st by either the GJRCC Board or implemented by the governmental bodies as described in subsection (b) of this section, the chairman shall amend the GJRCC budget to equal a “bottom line” operating number equal to the last year’s approved budget plus an amount not to exceed three percent. Such a budget shall be considered final and all users will pay their associated costs based on the current cost allocation (calls for service) method.
The GJRCC budget shall contain a contingency fund, set at a level determined by the Board. Exigent circumstances can occur which impact the GJRCC budget between budget preparation cycles that exhaust contingency funding. Such circumstances are predicted to be major equipment failure or personnel shortages that require unforeseen overtime costs. Upon determining that exigent circumstances have or will occur, the chairman shall notify the Board and schedule an emergency meeting. At that meeting the chairman shall recommend an amended budget to address the exigency. The Board shall pass this amended budget following the same procedures identified to pass the regular two-year operating budget. Cost allocation to user agencies to meet exigent circumstances shall be at the same level and using the same methodology as used to determine basic user fees for the current year.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.100)
The Grand Junction Emergency Telephone Safety Authority Board (GJETSAB) continues to operate under all statutory provisions and continues to meet and operate in accordance with law and past practice.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.110)
This agreement may be executed in counterpart copies provided all members of the Board sign causing this agreement to take effect. This agreement shall be in full force and effect as if all members signed the same copy, if counterpart copies are used.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.120)
This agreement shall be and remain binding and in effect until it is amended or terminated by three and one-half affirmative votes of the Board.
(Res. 16-98, 2-18-98. Formerly 42.04.130)