The first open house provided the team with insight on the public priority goals and expectations for the project (see open house notes). The team proceeded with preparation of three alternative plans.
Common features carried through the alternative plans:
Senior housing.
Residential multifamily.
Big box retail.
The unique features within each alternative include:
Student district.
Entertainment district.
Residential apartments.
Regional retail.
Neighborhood retail.
Lifestyle center.
Light industrial.
Following are three alternatives presented illustrating the proposed districts and their connections to the surrounding neighborhood. These boards depict potential uses (commercial, residential, office, etc.) in three alternative layouts along with character images to depict that portrayed potential building mass and architectural character style.
(Res. 174-07 (Exh. A), 12-3-07)
The predominant elements of this alternative are:
An entertainment district in proximity to the students at Mesa College.
A public civic open space in correlation with senior housing, grocer and a hotel to create a focus at the intersection of 28 Road.
A high concentration of office acts as a transition to the regional retail uses.
The regional retail would be a focus for the intersection of 29 Road serving as a retail gateway for higher intensity big box retailer on the north and a light industrial park to the south.
(Res. 174-07 (Exh. A), 12-3-07)
The predominant elements of alternative two are:
A neighborhood retail use in proximity to the students at Mesa College mixed with residential as it continues to the east.
The 28 Road intersection focuses on combining senior housing with retail and grocer along with a civic component.
Office and residential transition the neighborhood services to the primary focus of office and hotel with some lighter retail uses along the 29 Road intersection.
The far eastern edge of the corridor places residential uses to continue from the neighborhood on the north side and a big box retailer to take advantage of the southern large property area.
(Res. 174-07 (Exh. A), 12-3-07)
The predominant elements of alternative three are:
A residential district near the Mesa College to transition to neighborhood retail uses.
The neighborhood retail uses would then be combined with senior housing, a grocer and hotel and minimal office at the 29 Road intersection.
A residential district would include a greater regional lifestyle center component transitioning to retail and civic uses to establish the 29 Road intersection.
From the 29 Road intersection eastward a large big box district would transition to the bypass connection.
(Res. 174-07 (Exh. A), 12-3-07)