The International Fuel Gas Code, 2018 Edition, as promulgated by the International Code Council, Inc., together with amendments set forth below (hereafter “IFGC” or “International Fuel Gas Code”) is hereby adopted to regulate the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use and maintenance of fuel gas systems.
The following chapters of the Appendix of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2018 Edition, are adopted:
Chapter A, Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping;
Chapter B, Sizing of Vent Systems;
Chapter C, Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Venting Systems.
No other chapters of the Appendix are adopted.
(Ord. 4829, 1-16-19; Ord. 4499, 2-13-12; Ord. 4013, 1-3-07; Ord. 3318, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 8-58)
The fuel gas code adopted in GJMC § 15.28.010 is hereby amended as follows:
Section 106: 106.6.2, Fee schedule, is amended by deleting as written and replacing with the following:
A fee for each permit shall be as determined by City Council and set forth in a Resolution.
Section 106: 106.6.3, Fee refunds, is deleted as written and replaced with the following:
Building permit fees may be refunded at the rate of 85% of the building permit fee provided the project for which the permit was issued has not commenced and/or inspections have not been conducted. No refunds will be made after work has commenced or after 180 days of issuance.
Section 108: 108.4, Violations, is deleted as written and replaced with the following:
Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof shall be subject to penalties as prescribed in GJMC § 15.08.050.
Section 109: 109, Means of appeal, is amended by deletion thereof and replaced with the following:
The Board of Appeals established in GJMC § 15.08.010 shall serve as the Board of Appeals.
(Ord. 4829, 1-16-19; Ord. 4499, 2-13-12; Ord. 4013, 1-3-07; Ord. 3318, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 8-59)