For the purposes of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire, explosion, and chemical release, the International Fire Code (hereinafter “International Code” or “International Fire Code” or “IFC”), promulgated by the International Code Council, including Appendices Chapters B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and N, 2018 Edition, except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended by GJMC § 15.44.040, are hereby adopted. Not less than one copy of the International Fire Code is filed in the office of the City Clerk. From the date on which this chapter shall take effect, the provisions of the International Code shall be controlling within the limits of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4500 § 1, 2-13-12; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00; Ord. 3141, 5-5-99; Ord. 2811, 2-15-95. Code 1994 § 18-56; Code 1965 § 12-21)
The International Code shall be enforced by the Division of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of Grand Junction which has been previously established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of said Fire Department.
The Fire Marshal in charge of the Division of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of Grand Junction shall be appointed by the Chief of the Fire Department.
The Chief of the Fire Department may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as he shall from time to time deem necessary. The Chief of the Fire Department shall recommend to the City Manager the employment of technical inspectors as necessary.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-57)
Wherever the word “jurisdiction” is used in the International Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the City of Grand Junction, Colorado.
Wherever the term “corporation counsel” is used in the International Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the City Attorney for the City.
Wherever the term “City Manager” is used, it shall mean the City Manager or any employee of the City designated by the City Manager, such as but not limited to the Fire Chief, the Fire Marshal or the Finance Director of the City.
Wherever an officer of the City, such as “City Manager” or “Fire Chief,” is mentioned or designated herein, such officer may delegate, informally or in writing, the duties and responsibilities to a designee who shall have the full power and authority of the named or designated officer.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00; Ord. 3141, 5-5-99; Ord. 2811, 2-15-95. Code 1994 § 18-58; Code 1965 § 12-23)
The International Fire Code is amended and changed in the following respects.[1]
(Ord. 5147, 5-17-23; Ord. 4906, 2-19-20; Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4733 §§ 1 – 4, 1-18-17; Ord. 4500 § 1, 2-13-12; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00; Ord. 2811, 2-15-95. Code 1994 § 18-59; Code 1965 § 12-29)
The Fire Chief and the Fire Marshal shall determine and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or occupancies for which permits are required in addition to those now enumerated in the International Fire Code. The Fire Marshal shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office, and distribute copies thereof to interested persons.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-60; Code 1965 § 12-28)
Section 5704 of the International Fire Code limits the storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks. Storage of flammable or combustible liquids is permitted as follows:
On lands within the City that are zoned in the categories of C-2 (heavy commercial), I-1 (light industrial) and I-2 (heavy industrial). The Fire Chief may permit storage of flammable or combustible liquids in aboveground tanks on lands within the jurisdiction which are zoned C-1 (light commercial) when it can be demonstrated to the Fire Chief or his designee that such use may be safely undertaken in the particular location.
Section 5706.4 of the International Fire Code limits the siting of bulk plants for flammable or combustible liquids. New bulk plants or terminals for flammable or combustible liquids are permitted as follows:
On lands within the City that are zoned in the categories of C-2 (heavy commercial), I-1 (light industrial) and I-2 (heavy industrial). The Fire Chief may permit such use in C-1 (light commercial) when it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief or his designee that such use may be safely undertaken in the particular location.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4500 § 1, 2-13-12; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-62; Code 1965 § 12-24. Formerly 15.44.070)
Section 6104 of the International Fire Code restricts the storage of liquefied petroleum gas. Liquefied petroleum gas may be stored as follows:
On lands within the City that are zoned in the categories of C-2 (heavy commercial), I-1 (light industrial) and I-2 (heavy industrial). The Fire Chief may permit such use in C-1 (light commercial) when it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief or his designee that such use may be safely undertaken in the particular location.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4500 § 1, 2-13-12; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-63; Code 1965 § 12-25. Formerly 15.44.080)
Storage of explosives and blasting agents, within the limits of the City, is prohibited. This restriction shall not prohibit such use where the storage is made by an individual or company under proper safeguards as may be prescribed by the Fire Chief or his designee.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-64; Code 1965 § 12-26. Formerly 15.44.090)
Whenever the Fire Chief disapproves an application or refuses to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the International Fire Code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the International Fire Code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Fire Chief to the Board of Appeals created by Section 109 of the International Fire Code, by filing with the Fire Chief a written appeal along with a fee as established by resolution of the City Council and on file in the City Clerk’s office, within 30 days from the date of the decision appealed.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-65; Code 1965 § 12-27. Formerly 15.44.100)
GJMC § 1.04.090 shall apply as though fully set forth in each code and provision adopted in this chapter.
(Ord. 4830, 1-16-19; Ord. 4012, 1-3-07; Ord. 3319, 12-6-00. Code 1994 § 18-67. Formerly 15.44.110)