The City of Grand Junction recognizes our employees, contractors and vendors can make a positive influence in our environment. Environmental factors should be a subject of competition among vendors seeking City contracts. By including environmental considerations in our procurement decisions, along with our traditional concerns of price, performance and availability, we will remain fiscally responsible while promoting practices that improve public health and safety, conserve natural resources, support recycling ethics and minimize harmful impacts on our environment. It is understood that employees shall use their professional judgment and common sense in applying this policy.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.1), 1-16-12)
Environmentally preferable products have a lesser impact on human health and the environment.
Recycling will reduce landfill waste and provide a process to reuse materials.
Waste prevention eliminates or reduces the amount or toxicity of materials before they enter the solid waste stream.
Energy conservation includes fuel use and electrical use, such as lighting, heating and cooling.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.2), 1-16-12)
The objective is to purchase products that have reduced environmental impact because of the way they are made, used, transported, stored, packaged and disposed of. These products do not harm human health, are less polluting and minimize waste, maximize use of biobased or recycled materials, conserve energy and water, and reduce the consumption or disposal of hazardous materials. When determining whether a product is environmentally preferable, the following standards should be considered:
Biobased – made from renewable materials;
Biodegradable – compostable;
Carcinogen-free – low toxicity;
Bioaccumulative toxic (PBT)-free – free of organic compounds resistant to environmental degradation;
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-free – non-ozone depleting substances;
Heavy metal free – no lead, mercury, cadmium;
Low volatile organic compound (VOC) content – energy-, resource- and water-efficient;
Energy Star and energy-efficient products.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.3), 1-16-12)
Recycled items are or can be made with recovered materials. The intent of this policy is to purchase items containing the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable.
Printing and writing papers including all copy paper shall contain a minimum of 30 percent post-consumer recycled content. Imprinted letterhead paper, envelopes, and business cards will also be printed on recycled paper as long as the look and image of professionalism is maintained.
Paper products including janitorial supplies, shop towels, hand towels, facial tissue, toilet paper, seat covers, corrugated boxes, file boxes, hanging file folders and other products composed largely of paper shall be made from recycled materials whenever practical.
Toner cartridges will be purchased from manufacturers that include a program for used cartridges.
Re-refined antifreeze including on-site antifreeze recycling shall be utilized.
Used lubricating and hydraulic oils shall be sent to a recycle center.
Recycled plastic outdoor wood substitutes, including plastic lumber, benches, fencing, signs and posts, will be used whenever practical.
Recycled content construction, building and maintenance products including plastic, lumber, carpet, tiles and insulation shall be used whenever practical.
Re-crushed cement, concrete aggregates and asphalt will be used whenever practical. All used concrete and asphalt will be recycled.
Cement and asphalt containing tire rubber, glass cullet, recycled fiber, plastics, fly-ash or other alternative products will be used whenever practical.
Retreaded tires shall be used on trash trucks and dump trucks on drive axles only. Steer axles will not utilize retreaded tires nor will light pickups, cars or emergency vehicles.
Products made from recycled tire rubber including rubberized asphalt playground surfaces and fatigue mats will be utilized whenever practical.
Compost, mulch and other organics including recycled bio-solid products will be used whenever practical.
Electronic items shall be recycled as needed.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.4), 1-16-12)
Wherever practicable and cost-effective, departments are responsible to institute practices that reduce waste and result in the purchase of fewer products without reducing safety or workplace quality.
Consider durability and repair ability of products prior to purchase.
Conduct routine maintenance on products/equipment to increase the useful life.
Use duplex features on laser printers and copiers. Specify duplex on all print jobs. The City will also engage in the practice of two-sided copies whenever practical.
Create electronic letterhead for use by all agencies, departments or divisions.
Send and store information electronically when possible. This includes e-mail, web site and electronic fax.
Review record retention policies and implement document imaging systems.
Use recycle containers for all discarded paper in office areas.
Use recycle bins for aluminum cans, glass and plastic in all areas.
Purchase compact fluorescent lights (CFL).
Purchase rechargeable electronics, such as radios, PDAs, cameras, etc.
Properly dispose of batteries and compact fluorescent lights (CFL).
Employ other waste prevention practices that further the goals of this policy.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.5), 1-16-12)
Develop and maintain information about environmentally preferable products and recycled content products containing the maximum practicable amount of recycled materials to be purchased by agencies, departments and divisions.
Develop and implement a monitoring and tracking system as a tool to confirm compliance with this policy.
Inform other agencies, departments and divisions of their responsibilities under this policy and provide them with information about recycled products and environmental procurement opportunities.
Develop and implement an ongoing promotional program to educate and inspire City employees to implement this policy.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.6), 1-16-12)
Inform vendors of our Green Procurement Policy.
Establish contracts for recycled-content, environmentally preferable, biobased, energy- and water-efficient products (office supplies, lubricating oils, and janitorial supplies) whenever possible and practical. This also includes fuel-efficient and alternate fuel vehicles, products using renewable energy and alternatives to hazardous or toxic chemicals.
Inventory fleet to match vehicle type to department needs.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.7), 1-16-12)
Practice waste prevention.
Continue to utilize recycling programs and expand where possible.
Procure products in compliance with the Green Procurement Policy.
Evaluate each designated product to determine the extent to which agencies, departments and divisions may practicably use it.
Ensure the procurement documents issued require environmentally preferred purchasing.
Reduce miles traveled whenever possible (sharing vehicles) and follow the no idling policy.
Investigate where policies and practices could be modified to encourage or require waste reduction, recycling and environmentally preferable purchasing.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.8), 1-16-12)
Nothing in this policy shall be construed as requiring the purchase of products that do not perform adequately, products that are not available within a reasonable period of time, or are not available at a reasonable price.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.9), 1-16-12)
The City will pursue the development of a Green Building Policy for use in all new construction, remodeling and repair projects.
The City will investigate the feasibility of modifying the Building Code to require new construction projects to accommodate recycling activities in building design.
The City will consider other products and practices that conserve energy, water and other resources.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 21.10), 1-16-12)