Each owner or occupant shall place refuse for collection by the City in an approved container at ground level of the street and within two feet of the traveled portion of the right-of-way from which collection is made.
Additional service by the City to a customer may be provided on a cost basis determined by the City Manager based on the frequency, volume, weight, loading out difficulty and nature of material to be disposed of.
Where the collection of refuse from other than ground level of the right-of-way and not within two feet of the traveled portion of the right-of-way is accepted by the City Manager, the fee shall be as established by resolution of the City Council and on file in the City Clerk’s office, plus a fee set by the City Manager to cover the cost of the extra service rendered.
(Ord. 2988, 3-5-97. Code 1994 § 30-61; Code 1965 §§ 14-10(a), 14-10(b))
Each producer, owner, occupant of a property has a duty to pay such fees and charges as established in or by this article at the rates established by resolution of the City Council and on file in the City Clerk’s office. Amounts shall be billed monthly. A City customer is delinquent if such customer has not paid in full within 10 days after the due date on the bill. If the customer has not paid the bill in full within that time, the service may be discontinued and other City services including water and sewer may be shut off. Refuse services shall resume when all amounts owed to the City are paid in full, plus a fee or interest as established by resolution of the City Council and on file in the City Clerk’s office, on the delinquent amount for each month, or portion of a month, that the account was delinquent. In addition, water and sewer service may be discontinued to enforce collection of delinquent refuse accounts. The City may proceed to collect all amounts due in the manner provided by law for the collection of a municipal claim. Any and all amounts unpaid pursuant to this article shall be a personal debt of the owner of the lands benefitted or served and in addition shall constitute a lien upon each lot, land, building and premises served or benefitted. If such amounts are not timely paid when due, the City Manager may, in addition to other remedies, certify to the County Treasurer a lien to be by him placed upon the tax list for the current year to be collected in the manner other taxes are collected, plus a 10 percent administrative charge to defray the cost of collection. All laws of the State for the assessment and collection of general taxes, including the laws for the sale of property for taxes and redemption of the same shall apply.
(Code 1994 § 30-62; Code 1965 § 14-10(c))
The owner of the premises, as well as the occupant or occupants thereof, shall be subject to the terms of this article, shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of all charges authorized by this chapter, and the failure to timely pay all charges authorized by this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor violation of this chapter.
The owner of the premises and each adult occupant thereof shall be jointly and severally responsible to, within 30 days of any change of use or structure, notify the utility accounting department of such change of building structure and/or use to ensure correct monthly charges. The City shall have no obligation to credit or refund any account unless such timely and proper notice is given.
(Code 1994 § 30-63; Code 1965 § 14-11)