The company is committed to the principle of stimulating, cultivating and strengthening the participation and representation of persons of color, women and members of other underrepresented groups within the company and in the local business community. The company believes that increased participation and representation of underrepresented groups will lead to mutual and sustainable benefits for the local economy. The company is also committed to the principle that the success and economic well-being of the company is closely tied to the economic strength and vitality of the diverse communities and people it serves. The company believes that contributing to the development of a viable and sustainable economic base among all company customers is in the best interests of the company and its shareholders.
The company is committed to undertaking programs that identify, consider and develop persons of color, women and members of other under-represented groups for positions at all skill and management levels within the company.
The company recognizes that the City and the business community in the City, including women and minority owned businesses, provide a valuable resource in assisting the company to develop programs to promote persons of color, women and members of underrepresented communities into management positions, and agrees to keep the City regularly advised of the company’s progress by providing the City a copy of the company’s annual affirmative action report upon the City’s written request.
In order to enhance the diversity of the employees of the company, the company is committed to recruiting diverse employees by strategies such as partnering with colleges, universities and technical schools with diverse student populations, utilizing diversity specific media to advertise employment opportunities, internships, and engaging recruiting firms with diversity specific expertise.
The company is committed to developing a world-class workforce through the advancement of its employees, including persons of color, women and members of underrepresented groups. In order to enhance opportunities for advancement, the company will offer training and development opportunities for its employees. Such programs may include mentoring programs, training programs, classroom training, and leadership programs.
The company is committed to a workplace free of discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical or mental disability or any other protected status in accordance with all federal, state or local laws. The company shall not, solely because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or ancestry or handicap, refuse to hire, discharge, promote, demote or discriminate in matters of compensation, against any person otherwise qualified, and further agrees to insert the foregoing provision or its equivalent in all agreements the company enters into in connection with this franchise.
The company shall identify and consider women, persons of color and other underrepresented groups to recommend for its Board of Directors, consistent with the responsibility of boards to represent the interests of the shareholders, customers and employees of the company.
It is the company’s policy to make available to minority and women owned business enterprises and other small and/or disadvantaged business enterprises the maximum practical opportunity to compete with other service providers, contractors, vendors and suppliers in the marketplace. The company is committed to increasing the proportion of company contracts awarded to minority and women owned business enterprises and other small and/or disadvantaged business enterprises for services, construction, equipment and supplies to the maximum extent consistent with the efficient and economical operation of the company.
The company agrees to maintain and continuously develop contracting and community outreach programs calculated to enhance opportunity and increase the participation of minority and women owned business enterprises and other small and/or disadvantaged business enterprises to encourage economic vitality. The company agrees to keep the City regularly advised of the company’s programs.
The company shall maintain and support partnerships with local chambers of commerce and business organizations, including those representing predominately minority owned, women owned and disadvantaged businesses, to preserve and strengthen open communication channels and enhance opportunities for minority owned, women owned and disadvantaged businesses to contract with the company.
City agencies provide collaborative leadership and mutual opportunities or programs relating to City based initiatives on economic development, employment and contracting opportunity. The company agrees to review company programs and mutual opportunities responsive to this article with these agencies, upon their request, and to collaborate on best practices regarding such programs and coordinate and cooperate with the agencies in program implementation.