[1-15-2024 by Ord. No. 24-01-08-53]
Adoption of the International Fire Code, 2021 with Amendments. There is hereby adopted by the City of Le Roy for the purpose of establishing rules, standards, regulations and procedures for the location, construction, maintenance alterations use and occupancy of buildings, property and structures with regard to fire safety and material and equipments located within such buildings or structures on properties, a fire code known as the "International Fire Code," 2021 Edition, published by the International Code Council, as amended thereto with specific additions, deletions, modifications, and amendments, as set forth in this chapter which said code, as so amended, is hereinafter referred to as "IFC." The provisions of said code are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length and the provisions thereof as added, deleted, modified and amended shall be controlling in regard to all buildings, materials, equipment, property and structures within the corporate limits of the City. Whenever provisions of this International Fire Code conflict or are different from any other code adopted by the City of Le Roy, the stricter code section shall apply.
Delete Chapter 1 except for Section 105 and substitute for the deleted the following: "Chapter 1 of the International Building Code as adopted and amended by the City of Le Roy. All provisions of the International Fire Code shall be enforced in the manner provided in the International Building Code, including penalties for violation. Whenever in the International Fire Code reference is made to the Fire Official the term Building Official as used in the International Building Code shall be substituted."
Delete Appendix A, Board of Appeals, Appendix C, Fire Hydrant Locations and Distributions and Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Access Roads.
Adopt as part of the International Fire Code Appendix B, Fire-Flow Requirements and Buildings, Appendix E, Hazard Categories, Appendix F, Hazard Ranking, and Appendix G, Cryogenic Fluids — Weight and Volume Equivalents.
Adopt as part of the International Fire Code, Chapter 99 of the National Fire Code, also known as "NFPA," for the installation of all medical gas systems.