[1-15-2024 by Ord. No. 24-01-06-53]
Adoption of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, 2014, with Amendments. There is hereby adopted by the City of Le Roy for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for materials, construction, alteration and inspection of all plumbing placed in, or in connection with, any building or structure, a certain plumbing code known as the "Illinois State Plumbing Code," particularly the 2014 Edition thereof, with such amendments to said code as are published from time to time by the State of Illinois with specific additions, deletions, insertions, modifications and amendments as set forth in this chapter and referred to as the "Illinois State Plumbing Code" or "code." The provisions of said code are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length and the provisions thereof as added, deleted, inserted, modified and amended by this chapter shall be controlling in regard to all buildings and structures within the corporate limits of the City.
Amendments to the Illinois State Plumbing Code. The Illinois State Plumbing Code, 2014, is amended as follows:
Section 890.120 Definitions. Add to the existing definitions in its appropriate alphabetical location, the following:
"Authorities having jurisdiction." Within its corporate limits, the City of Le Roy shall be the "authorities having jurisdiction" as that term is used in this Code.
Section 890.120 Definitions - Building Classification. Add to the existing language thereof, the following:
"Building classification," as used in this Code, shall refer to building classifications set forth in the Building Code of the City of Le Roy, as amended.
Section 890.510 Grease Interceptor Requirements. Amend Section 890.510 by adding to the existing language thereof the following:
In all new construction and remodeling in which a grease interceptor is required, only a grease interceptor with a capacity of no less than 1,000 gallons placed outside of the building no closer than five feet from the wall of the building shall be approved. If physical limitations prohibit installation of a 1,000-gallon grease interceptor, then the Plumbing Inspector may permit a 250-gallon interceptor if the Plumbing Inspector believes that there are adequate safeguards in place to prevent grease from entering the sewer system. Grease interceptors may only be placed inside a building in the event of a remodel of a building for which there is no space available outside of the building for a grease interceptor, or where the expected use of the property is that of a restaurant that will not cook food, but serve only prepared foods that will produce so little grease as to not require an exterior grease interceptor as determined by the Plumbing Inspector. In the event that the use of the property becomes such that an exterior grease interceptor is needed, the Plumbing Inspector may order that an exterior grease interceptor be placed on the property. All interior grease traps shall be Plumbing Drainage Institute approved with a solid waste interceptor located before the grease trap.
Section 890.1200 Water Service Sizing. Delete from Section 890.1200 the following: "Water service pipe and fittings shall be at least 3/4 inch diameter."
Add in place thereof the following:
"Water service pipe and fittings shall be at least one inch in diameter, except that existing water service pipe and fittings may be repaired or replaced with pipe and fittings at least 3/4 inch in diameter."
Section 890. Appendix A - Plumbing Materials, Equipment, Use Restrictions and Applicable Standards. Amend Table A, Approved Materials for Water Service Pipe, by adding the following at the end thereof:
"When polyethylene (PE) tubing is used as water service pipe, it must meet ASTM D 2737 standards. Polyethylene (PE) pipe shall be installed only with compression fittings with insert and clamp-type fittings. All clamps shall be of corrosion-resistant material. The inside diameter (ID) of any insert fitting shall not be less than the minimum allowable size for water service as required by the City of Le Roy ordinances and State Plumbing Code. PE tubing water service shall be one continuous pipe from the curb stop or pig tail to the building water meter. Every plastic, polyethylene (PE) or other nonmetallic water service pipe shall have a solid 12 gauge blue sheathed coated, suited for direct burial, tracer wire connected to the coupling or curb stop secured to the service every six feet, unbroken, and accessible at the water meter."
Section 890. Appendix - Plumbing Materials, Equipment, Use Restrictions and Applicable Standards. Amend Table A, Approved Materials for Water Distribution Pipe, by adding at the end thereof:
"Every plastic, polyethylene (PE) or other nonmetallic water distribution pipe which is not inside a building shall have a solid 12 gauge, blue sheathed coated, suited for direct burial, tracer wire connected to the coupling or curb stop secured to the service pipe every six feet, and unbroken for the length of the pipe."
Add at the end of the Plumbing Code: Section 1A Local Administration, Section 2A Cross-Connection Program and Section 3A Water Conservation:
Section 1A Local Administration.
Section 1A.1. Nothing in this Local Administration Portion is intended to modify the obligations of persons performing plumbing work in the City of Le Roy as required by the State Plumbing Code. Rather, this section is intended to provide the means of obtaining compliance with the State Plumbing Code.
Section 1A.1 State License Required. Except as specifically otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to do or perform any plumbing, as that term is defined in the Illinois State Plumbing Code as adopted and modified hereby, within the corporate limits of the City of Le Roy without being appropriately licensed under the provisions of the Illinois State Plumbing License Law.[1] Notwithstanding the foregoing, all materials attached to water supply mains, including water piping up to the outlet valve of a backflow preventative device, must be installed by a licensed plumber. All fire hydrants and water pipes downstream of the backflow prevention device used exclusively for fire protection shall be installed by a licensed plumber or a sprinkler fitter. EXCEPTION: The owner-occupant of a single-family residence where he/she resides may, with the assistance of any member of his/her family, personally carry on such house work governed by this chapter without a plumbing license, provided that such owner shall obtain a permit for any such work, shall call for inspections as provided in this chapter and the State Plumbing Code as adopted and modified hereby, and shall install all plumbing to meet or exceed the standards provided in this chapter and in the manner depicted on the approved plans, specifications and drawings, if any. Such ownership and occupancy shall be retained for at least one year from the date of final inspection and approval of such work.
Editor's Note: See 225 ILCS 320/0.01 et seq.
Section 1A.4 Permits Required. Except as specifically otherwise provided in the chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to do or perform "plumbing" as that term is defined in the Illinois State Plumbing Code as adopted and modified hereby without first obtaining a permit in the manner provided in the Municipal Code of the City of Le Roy, 2003, as amended.
Transferability. Permits shall not be transferable, and if after issuance, another person, firm or corporation desires to complete work initiated under a permit, it shall be necessary to obtain a new permit authorizing such completion.
Expiration. If plumbing work is not commenced under a permit within six months after the date of issuance, the permit shall be considered expired.
Section 1A.5 Fees. The fee for permits for work regulated by this Plumbing Code adopted by reference into the City of Le Roy Municipal Code shall be as provided in Section 9-1-3, Subsection B3 of the City of Le Roy Municipal Code, 2003, as amended.
Doing Work Without a Permit. If any person initiates construction, erection or alteration of plumbing in any structure without first taking out a permit, or installs an irrigations system, such person shall pay, in addition to the regular fees prescribed for permits, an additional amount equal to 100% of the fee required. Any such individual may be subject to the penal provisions of this chapter for violation of the Plumbing Code. No change or modifications of plans or specifications shall be made after a permit has been issued unless said changes have first been approved by the Code Official.
Section 1A.6 Inspections.
Inspections required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conceal or utilize any plumbing work, appurtenance, appliance, fixture, system or portion thereof without at each appropriate stage in the installation, alteration or repair, calling for a plumbing inspection in a manner provided in Article XIV of the Illinois State Plumbing Code as adopted and modified hereby.
Procedure. The Code Compliance Officer shall be notified by the person performing the plumbing work when it or any portion of it is ready for inspection at least 24 hours prior to the requested inspection time. All work shall be left uncovered and convenient for inspection until inspected and approved. The Inspector shall endeavor to examine the work within one working day after notified that it is ready for inspection. All plumbing work when placed in position may be required to be tested by appropriate tests in the presence of the Inspector and any and all defects corrected. On satisfactory completion of the plumbing work and approval by the Inspector, the premises, installation or portion thereof obtaining approval, shall be so posted.
Inspection Upon Complaint. Upon complaint, in writing, of any citizen of this City alleging the existence of an unsafe condition in any part of any such plumbing system within the City, it shall be the duty of such Plumbing Inspector to inspect such part complained of, and if he finds that such complaint is well grounded, or if he otherwise finds any defect, to require the owner of the property on which the defective condition is located to put such part in proper condition, and it shall then be the duty of such owner to put such defective part in proper condition.
Condemnation of Plumbing Work or Equipment: Right of Appeal. The Plumbing Inspector or Code Compliance Officer shall have the authority, upon inspection or reinspection, either pursuant to permit, on complaint or on his own initiative, to condemn any and all plumbing work installed or being installed that may be done without permit; that may be done contrary to approved plans, specifications and drawings; that may be done in violation of the State Plumbing Code; or that may be done by any person, firm, association, partnership or corporation not entitled to do plumbing within the City of Le Roy; or that is in a condition which may be considered unsafe or hazardous to life or property. Upon condemnation of such work, he shall serve a written notice upon the person owning, using or installing the same, or the person, firm or corporation owning the property on which such plumbing is located, requiring such person to place the work in a secure and safe condition and one which is in all respects in compliance with the provisions herein contained. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to utilize condemned plumbing work.
Section 1A.7 Violations, Penalties and Appeals.
Violations. In case of a violation of any provision of this code, the Plumbing Inspector may cause to be instituted the appropriate proceeding at law or in equity or with the City's administrative process to obtain penalties or to restrain, correct or abate such violation, or to require the removal or termination of an unlawful occupancy of the structure. The City may take action to abate any violation, and any costs incurred in abating such violations may be charged against the real estate upon which such abatement occurs and shall be a lien upon such property.
Penalties. Any person found guilty of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting or refusing to comply with, or resisting or opposing the investigation or enforcement of, any of the provisions of this chapter, or any of the codes adopted and modified hereby, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $200 for the first offense and not less than $50 nor more than $500 for the second and each subsequent offense in any 180-day period. A separate and distinct offense shall be regarded as committed each day upon which said person shall continue such violation, or permit any such violation to exist after notification or knowledge of the existence thereof.
Appeals. All appeals of rulings or determinations of the Plumbing Inspector shall be to the Zoning Board of Appeals. However, no appeal shall be taken after the City has initiated legal or administrative proceedings seeking fines for violation of this Code or compliance with this Code.
Section 2A.1 Cross-Connection Control.
Purpose. The purpose of these rules and regulations is:
To protect the public water supply system from contamination or pollution by isolating within the customer's water system contaminants or pollutants which could backflow through the service connection into the public water supply system.
To promote the elimination of control of existing cross-connections, actual or potential, between the public customer's potable water system and nonpotable water systems, plumbing fixtures and sources of systems containing substances of unknown or questionable safety.
To provide for the maintenance of a continuing program of cross-connection control which will prevent contamination or pollution of the public and customer's potable water systems.
Nothing in these rules and regulations is intended to abrogate any provision of the State Plumbing Code. Rather, these rules are intended to obtain compliance with State Environmental Regulations. To the extent any provision conflicts with the State Plumbing Code, the stricter regulation shall apply.
Application. These rules and regulations shall apply to all premises served by the public potable water supply system of the City of Le Roy.
Owner's Obligation. The owner of property shall be responsible for protection of the public water supply system from contamination due to backflow or back siphonage or contaminants through the customer's water service connection. If in the judgment of the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector or his authorized representative an approved backflow prevention device is necessary for the safety of the public water supply system, the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector shall give notice to the owner to install such approved backflow prevention device at each service connection where such device is needed. The owner shall immediately install such approved device or devices at his own expense. Failure, refusal or inability on the part of the owner to install such device or devices immediately shall constitute grounds for discontinuing water service to the premises until such device or devices have been installed. Failure, refusal or inability on the part of the owner to install such device or devices immediately shall be unlawful and the City is authorized to seek immediate injunctive and equitable relief in court as well as seeking fines and penalties as provided herein. The owner shall retain records of installation, maintenance, testing and repair below for a period of at least five years. All cross-connection inspections shall be conducted by a Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector certified by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
Section 2A.2 Definitions for Cross Control Regulations.
Backflow. The term "backflow" shall mean water, wastes or other contaminants entering a public water supply system due to a reversal of flow.
Connection. The term "connection" shall mean any arrangement of piping or appurtenances attached to a public water supply system.
Cross-Connection. The term "cross-connection" shall mean a connection or arrangement of piping or appurtenances through which a backflow could occur.
Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector (CCCDI). The term "Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector" shall mean any person certified by the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to perform cross-connection device inspections.
Owner. The term "owner" shall include the record titleholder of property, a water customer served by the City of Le Roy's water system, and any person, corporation, firm or other entity actually in control of property.
Water System. The term "water system" shall have the following meaning:
The water system shall be considered as made up of two parts: the public water supply system and the customer's water system.
The public water supply system shall consist of the source facilities and the distribution system, and shall include all those facilities of the potable water system under the control of the Water Plant Superintendent up to the point where the customer's water systems begins.
The source shall include all components of the facilities utilized in production, treatment, storage and delivery of water to the public water supply distribution system.
The public water supply distribution system shall include the network of conduits or water mains used to deliver water from the source to the owner's water system.
The owner's water system shall include all parts of the facilities beyond the water service connection used to convey water from the public water supply distribution system to points of use.
Section 2A.3 Cross-Connections Prohibited.
Connections between the public water supply system and other systems or equipment containing water or other substances are prohibited except when and where approved cross-connection control devices or methods are installed, tested and maintained to insure proper operation on a continuing basis. Fire protection systems and irrigation systems which contain installed piping connected to the public water supply system are prohibited except when and where approved backflow preventers are installed, tested and maintained to insure proper operation on a continuing basis.
No physical connection shall be permitted between the potable portion of a supply and any other water supply of equal or better bacteriological and chemical quality as determined by inspection and analysis by the Agency.
There shall be no arrangement or connection by which an unsafe substance may enter a water supply.
It shall be unlawful for any owner to have on his or her property any connection in violation of this section.
Section 2A.4 Survey and Investigations.
An owner's premises shall be open at all reasonable times to the approved Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector for the inspection of the presence or absence of cross-connection within the owner's premises, and testing, repair and maintenance of cross-connection control devices within the owner's premises.
On request of the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector, the Water Plant Superintendent or their authorized designee, the owner shall furnish information regarding the piping system or systems or water use within the owner's premises. The premises shall be open at all reasonable times to the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector, or his authorized representative, for the verification of information submitted by the inspection customer to the Water Plant Superintendent regarding cross-connection inspection results.
Every owner of nonresidential property receiving water from public water supply shall cause his property to be surveyed by the Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector (CCCDI) for the use practices on his premises to determine whether there are actual or potential cross-connections to his water system through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow into his or the public potable water system. Every owner of residential property receiving water from the public water supply which has a fire suppression system or irrigation system connected to the public water supply shall cause the property to be surveyed by a Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector for the water use practices on his premises to determine whether there are actual or potential cross-connections to his water system through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow into his or the public potable water system. The survey must be done every other year and recorded with the City of Le Roy on a form issued by the City's Plumbing Inspector. All cross-connection control inspections must be conducted by a Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector in accordance with 225 ILCS 320/3.
It is the responsibility of the owner to prevent backflow into the public water system by ensuring that:
All cross-connections are removed; or approved cross-connection control devices are install for control of back flow and back siphonage.
Cross-connection control devices shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Cross-connection control devices shall be inspected at the time of installation and at least annually by a person approved by the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as a Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector (CCCDI). The inspection of mechanical devices shall include physical testing in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A record of the inspection shall be filed with the City of Le Roy Water Plant Superintendent.
Testing and Records.
Each device shall be tested at the time of installation and at least annually or more frequently if recommended by the manufacturer.
Records submitted to the community public water supply shall be available for inspection.
Each device shall have a tag attached listing the date of most recent test, name of CCCDI, and type and date of repairs.
Every owner shall maintain for a period of five years a maintenance log for each cross-connection device which shall include:
Date of each test;
Name and approval number of person performing the test;
Test results;
Repairs or servicing required;
Repairs and date completed; and
Service performed and dates completed.
Section 2A.5 Where Protection Is Required.
An approved backflow device shall be installed on all connections to the public water supply as described in the Plumbing Code, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 890 and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's regulations, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 681. In addition, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each water service line to an owner's water system serving premises, where in the judgment of the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector, actual or potential hazards to the public water supply system exist.
An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each water service line to an owner's water system serving premises where the following conditions exist:
Premises having an auxiliary water supply, unless such auxiliary supply is accepted as an additional source by the Water Plant Superintendent and the source is approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
Premises on which any substance is handled which creates an actual or potential hazard to the public water supply system. This shall include premises having sources or systems containing process fluids or waters originating from the public water supply system which are no longer under the control of the Water Plant Superintendent or the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector.
Premises having internal cross-connections that, in the judgment of the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector and/or the Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector, are not correctable or which have an intricate plumbing arrangement which makes it impractical to determine whether or not cross-connections exist.
Premises where, because of security requirements or other prohibitions or restrictions, it is impossible or impractical to make a complete cross-connection survey.
Premises having a repeated history of cross-connections being established or reestablished.
An approved backflow device shall be installed on all connections to the public water supply as described in the Plumbing Code, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 890, and the Agency's regulations, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653. In addition, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each service line to a customer's water system serving, when the potential of a high hazard cross-connection to the public water system exists as determined by the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector.
All yard hydrants, wall hydrants, hose bibs and boiler drains used to supply domestic water shall have an integral, nonremovable, backflow device. Vacuum breakers that are not factory installed and can be removed are not permissible.
All boilers shall have a reduced pressure principle backflow device (RPZ), and approved break tank, or approved air gap device located on the water supply piping to the boiler. All other backflow devices are prohibited. The backflow devices shall be installed by a licensed plumber and certified annually by a licensed Cross-Connection Control Device Inspector.
Section 2A.6 Type of Protection Required.
The type of protection required under Section 2A.5(B)(1), (2) and (3) of these regulations shall depend on the degree on the hazard which exists as follows:
An approved fixed proper air gap separation shall be installed where the public water supply system may be contaminated with substances that could cause a severe health hazard.
An approved fixed proper air gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed where the public water supply system may be contaminated with a substance that could cause a system health hazard.
An approved fixed proper air gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly or a double check valve assembly shall be installed where the public water supply may be polluted with substances that could cause pollution hazard not dangerous to health.
The type of protection required under Section 2A.5(B)(4)and(5) of these regulations shall be an approved fixed air gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device.
Where a public water supply or an auxiliary water supply is used for a fire protection system, reduced pressure principle backflow preventers shall be installed on fire safety systems connected to the public water supply when:
The fire safety system contains antifreeze, fire retardant or other chemicals; or
Water is pumped into the system from another source; or
Water flows by gravity from a nonpotable source, water can be pumped into the fire safety system from any other; or
There is a connection whereby another source can be introduced into the fire safety system; or
A private water service supplying potable water to a fire hydrant on private property.
All fire protection systems which have a supply line greater than two inches shall have a reduced pressure principle detector assembly (RFDA).
All other fire safety systems connected to the potable water supply shall be protected by a double check valve assembly on metered service lines and a double detector check valve assembly on unmetered service lines.
Section 2A.7 Backflow Prevention Devices.
All backflow prevention devices or methods required by these rules and regulations shall be approved by the Research Foundations for Cross-Connection Control of the University of Southern California, American Water Works Association, American Society of Sanitary Engineering, Canadian Standards Foundation, or American National Standards Institute or certified by the National Sanitation Foundation to be in compliance with applicable industry specifications.
Installation of approved devices shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer of the device shall be performed. Manufacturer's maintenance manual shall be available on-site.
Section 2A.8 Inspection and Maintenance.
It shall be the duty of the owner at any premises on which backflow prevention devices required by these regulations are installed to have inspections, tests, maintenance and repairs made in accordance with the following schedule or more often where inspections indicate a need or are specified in manufacturer's instructions.
Fixed proper air gap separations shall be inspected to document that a proper vertical distance is maintained between the discharge point of the service line and the flood level rim of the receptacle at the time of installation and at least annually thereafter. Correction to improper or bypassed air gap shall be made within 24 hours.
Double check valve assemblies shall be inspected and tested at time of installation and at least annually thereafter and required service performed within five days.
Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested at the time of installation and at least annually or more frequently if recommended by the manufacturer and required service performed within five days.
Testing shall be performed by a person who has been approved be the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as competent to service the device. Proof of approval shall be in writing.
Each device shall have a tag attached listing the date of most recent test or visual inspection, name of tester, and type and date of repairs.
A maintenance log shall be maintained and include:
Date of each test or visual inspection;
Name and approval number of person performing the test or visual inspection;
Test results;
Repairs or servicing required;
Repairs and date completed; and
Servicing performed and date completed.
Whenever backflow prevention devices required by these regulations are found to be defective, they shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the owner without delay as required by this section.
Backflow prevention devices shall not be bypassed, made inoperative, removed or otherwise made ineffective without specific authorization by the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector.
Section 2A.9 Booster Pumps.
Where a booster pump has been installed on the water service line to or within any premises, such pump shall be equipped with a low-pressure cutoff device designed to shutoff the booster pump when the pressure in the water service line on the suction side of the pump drops to 20 psi or less.
It shall be the duty of the owner to maintain the low-pressure cutoff device in proper working order and to certify to the City Water Plant Superintendent, at least once a year, that the device is operable.
Section 2A.10 Fees.
There are no fees for filing the cross-connection survey.
There are no fees for filing the annual certification of cross-connection control devices.
Section 2A.11 Violations.
The Water Plant Superintendent of the City of Le Roy is authorized and may discontinue, after reasonable notice to the owner thereof, the water service to any property which fails to provide any survey, inspection report, or fee required by this Division chapter. The Water Plant Superintendent shall deny or discontinue, after reasonable notice to the occupants thereof, the water service to any premises wherein any backflow prevention device required by these regulations is not installed, tested, maintained and repaired in a manner acceptable to the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector, or if it is bypassed, or if an unprotected cross-connection exists on the premises, or if a low-pressure cutoff required by these regulations is not installed and maintained in working order.
Water service to such premises shall not be restored until the owner has corrected or eliminated such conditions or defects in conformance with these regulations and to the satisfaction of the City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector, and the required reconnection fee is paid.
Neither the City of Le Roy, the Water Plant Superintendent, City of Le Roy Plumbing Inspector or its agents or assigns shall not be liable for any injury, damages or lost revenues which may result from termination of said water supply in accordance with the terms of this chapter, whether or not said termination of the water supply was with or without notice.
An owner is responsible for back-siphoned material or contamination through backflow, if contamination of the public water supply system occurs through an illegal cross-connection or an improperly installed, maintained or repaired device, or a device which has been bypassed. The owner must bear the cost of cleanup of the potable water supply system.
Any person found to be violating any provisions of this chapter may be served with written notice stating the notice of violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall become liable to the City of Le Roy for any expense, loss or damage occasioned by the City of Le Roy by reason of such violation, whether the same was caused before or after notice.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, in addition to any other penalties or equitable relief provided, be subject to penalties as set forth in this code.
Section 3A Water Conservation Requirements.
Section 3A1. Nothing in this water conservation section shall abrogate the requirements of the State Plumbing Code. These provisions are intended to preserve the quantity of fresh water available to the citizens of Le Roy.
Section 3A2. All new and replacement plumbing fixtures hereafter installed within the City of Le Roy shall meet or exceed the following conservation requirements:
All landscape irrigation systems shall be designed and installed to use no more than 6.0 gallons per minute. All landscape irrigation systems shall also be equipped with a timer on the main control valve to shut off automatically after one hour.
All water used for cooling of equipment and machinery shall be recirculated.
All car washes must be designed and built to recirculate wash and rinse water.
Installation of water-cooled ice machines is prohibited.