There is hereby created and established in the Borough, a Police Force, which shall be known and designated as "The Police Department of the Borough of Mantoloking in the County of Ocean." The purposes, functions and priorities of the Police Department are to provide, in order of priority: safety, security, service and law enforcement within the Borough of Mantoloking. Members shall have such powers as are provided by law and which are consistent with the purposes and priorities of this section.
The Police Department shall consist of the following positions: Chief of Police, Lieutenant(s), Sergeant(s) of Police and such other officers and members as the Borough Council may hereafter appoint.
The Borough Council of the Borough of Mantoloking shall be the Appropriate Authority to promulgate and/or amend Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the Borough of Mantoloking and shall serve as Appropriate Authority with respect to the Police Department for any other purpose set forth in the New Jersey Statutes.
The following chain of command shall exist within the Police Department:
Chief of Police;
Lieutenant (one maximum);
Sergeant (two maximum);
Patrol Officer;
Part-Time officer (if any);
Special officer (if any).
The Mayor and Borough Council shall, in their discretion, determine the optimum number of officers and patrol officers to be appointed in the Mantoloking Police Department. A designation of a maximum number of Police Lieutenants, Police Sergeants and other police officers does not require the Mayor and Borough Council to appoint that number of Police Lieutenants, Police Sergeants and other police officers.
The Mayor and a member of the Borough Council appointed by the Mayor shall be the direct liaison between the members of the Department and the governing body. At each regular meeting of the Borough Council, a comprehensive report shall be submitted in such form as may be acceptable to the Council in order that it may be fully advised as to deployment of the force throughout the Borough. The Mayor and the member of the Borough Council appointed by the Mayor shall have access to all records maintained by the Police Department and shall be afforded every opportunity to examine, at any time, the operation of the Police Force or the performance of any officer or member thereof.
No person shall be appointed to the Police Department who is not qualified in accordance with the New Jersey Statutes and Regulations regarding police officers. At a minimum, all police officers seeking employment from the Mantoloking Police Department must:
Be a citizen of the United States;
Be a resident of the State of New Jersey;
Have a valid New Jersey driver’s license;
Possess an Associate’s degree or higher level of education;
Be sound in body and of good health sufficient to satisfy the board of trustees of the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System of New Jersey as to his eligibility for membership in the retirement system;
Be at least 18 years of age and not over 35 at the completion of the program;
Be fluent and able to read, write and speak the English language; and
Be of good moral character, and have not been convicted of any criminal offense, including those relating to moral turpitude.
Before any appointment is made, the Chief of Police shall ascertain the eligibility and qualification of the applicant and make a report thereon to the designated member of Council or, in their absence, the Mayor. Appointments to the regular Police Force shall be made for a probationary period of one (1) year. Probationary appointments may be revoked at any time during the probationary period by vote of a majority of the Borough Council.
The appropriate authority shall, from time to time as may be necessary, adopt and amend the rules and regulations for the government and discipline of the Police Department. All employees of the Police Department shall be subject to such rules and regulations and penalties.