Requests to the Borough for certified documentation or tax/assessment searches shall result in the following fee:
Certified Birth Certificate: $10.
Certified Death Certificate: $10.
Certified Marriage Certificate: $10.
Certified Property Owner List: $10.
Property Tax/Assessment Search: $10.
Requests for letter/legal size printed documentation shall be assessed a fee based on the size of the response (i.e. $0.05 per letter size page, and $0.07 per legal size page). Records supplied in another medium, such as CDs, DVDs, thumb drives, large maps and plans, and other materials shall be charged at the actual cost of duplication. Mantoloking flags and magnets may be purchased for actual cost, when available.
[Amended 7-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-28]
Requests for discovery shall be assessed a fee based on the size of the response (i.e. $0.05 per letter size page, and $0.07 per legal size page). When body-worn camera/police camera footage is requested, all videos shall be reviewed for possible redaction. Requests of body-worn/vehicle camera footage with run-times of less than one and one-half (1.5) hours shall be provided free of charge. Requests that exceed the aforementioned amount shall be assessed a fee of $52 per hour of review for redaction purposes. For every one (1) hour of camera footage requested, it shall be assumed that six (6) hours were required to review the footage for redaction purposes. Redactions shall be billed in 0.5 hour increments.
Police reports, including traffic accident reports, shall be assessed a fee based on the following rates:
First page to tenth page: $0.75 per page;
Eleventh page to twentieth page: $0.50 per page;
All pages over 20: $0.25 per page.
For police accident reports not requested in person and not part of Municipal Court discovery, an additional fee of $5 for the first three pages and $1 per page thereafter to cover the administrative costs of the report shall be assessed.
It is the purpose of this section to protect the safety of residents of the Borough of Mantoloking, to prevent fraud from being perpetrated upon them and to protect their privacy, while balancing such interests against the opportunity for commercial, political, religious, charitable, and nonprofit organizations to exercise their rights of free speech.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Shall mean a person or entity seeking to obtain a permit for solicitation from the Borough of Mantoloking.
Shall mean the Borough of Mantoloking, Ocean County, New Jersey.
Shall mean any individual or entity providing compensation, in any form whatsoever, to an individual engaged in solicitation within the Borough of Mantoloking.
Shall mean the person and/or entity engaged in the act of peddling.
Shall mean the act of vending merchandise or food while in a vehicle or on foot within the public right-of-way.
Shall mean a permit for solicitation issued by the Borough of Mantoloking pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Shall mean to go in or upon private property in the Borough without having been invited to do so by the owner or occupant, for the purpose of (1) advertising, promoting, or selling any product, goods, or service; or (2) conducting market research or a market or opinion survey regarding commercial products or services. By way of illustration and not of limitation, solicitors shall include peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants and transient vendors of goods or services. Solicitation shall also include the placement upon private property of handbills or other written material advertising goods or services for sale. Solicitation shall also include the sale of goods or services which the solicitor promises to donate or deliver to a charitable or other nonprofit institution on behalf of the purchaser. Solicitation shall not include the entry upon private property without prior invitation of the owner or occupant by any person representing an entity which (1) qualifies for tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code; (2) qualifies for exemption from property tax under N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6; (3) qualifies for exemption from sales tax under N.J.S.A. 54:32B-9; or (4) was created under or is otherwise subject to the provisions of Title 15A of the New Jersey Statutes.
No person or entity shall engage in solicitation or peddling within the Borough without first having obtained a permit pursuant to the provisions of this section. Failure to obtain a permit prior to solicitation shall constitute a violation of this section. Each day of solicitation or peddling without a valid permit shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
Door to door canvassing, solicitation, campaigning, advocacy, education, proselytizing, handbill distribution, or other entry upon private property by individuals representing any entity which (1) qualifies for tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code; (2) qualifies for exemption from property tax under N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6; (3) qualifies for exemption from sales tax under N.J.S.A. 54:32B-9; (4) was created under or is otherwise subject to the provisions of Title 15A of the New Jersey Statutes, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. Individuals selling fruits and farm products by him/herself without the help of others are also exempt from this section. Solicitation of donations by any such organizations shall not constitute solicitation as defined in this section. Individuals representing such organizations may request a copy of the Borough's "Do Not Solicit" list for their information, but no penalties shall be imposed if they enter in or upon a property identified on the "Do Not Solicit" list or a property which has posted a "No Solicitation" sign.
Any person seeking to engage in solicitation within the Borough shall apply to the Borough Police Department for a solicitation permit.
An applicant for a solicitation permit shall be required to provide the following information in writing:
The name of each individual who will engage in solicitation within the Borough;
The present address of each individual who will engage in solicitation within the Borough;
As to each such individual, whether the individual has ever been convicted of a crime, and if so, the nature of the conviction, where convicted, the date of conviction, and the penalty imposed;
The employer or organization for which solicitation will be made;
The address of the employer or organization;
The telephone number of the employer or organization;
The name of a contact person at the offices of the employer or organization;
The type of goods or services to be sold, or the type of survey or research to be conducted;
As to any vehicle to be used by the applicant, the make, model, year, color and license plate information of the vehicle; and
The expected dates of solicitation within the Borough.
An applicant for a solicitation permit shall also be required to produce photo identification, which the Borough Police will photocopy and attach to the application form.
The application form shall be signed by the applicant, under penalty of perjury.
Application forms, including photographic identification, shall be retained by the Borough Police Department.
There shall be no fee for a solicitation permit.
Misrepresentation, false statements, or failure to disclose information on the solicitation permit application form shall constitute a violation of this section.
Any person or entity seeking to engage in peddling shall apply to the Police Department for issuance of a peddler-peddling permit. The information to be provided by the applicant shall be as set forth above. Each individual applicant shall pay the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars as a nonrefundable application fee.
The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the officer in charge of the Police Department shall issue a permit upon completion of solicitation permit application form. A permit shall be issued to any and all applicants who complete the application form and provide photo identification. A separate permit shall be issued to each individual who engages in solicitation within the Borough. The permit shall be signed by the Chief of Police or, in his absence, the officer in charge of the Police Department. The permit shall state the name of the individual, the business or organization for which solicitation is made, and the date the permit was issued.
The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the officer in charge, shall issue a permit upon presentation of a complete application, the application fee and a satisfactory criminal background investigation concerning each applicant a record of conviction of crimes of moral turpitude shall constitute grounds for refusal of issuance of a permit. Any applicant may appeal such denial by application to the Governing Body within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of denial.
Each individual engaging in solicitation within the Borough shall carry the permit issued to him upon his person at all times while soliciting within the Borough, and shall produce the permit if requested to do so by the Police or any resident. Failure to carry the permit during solicitation shall constitute a violation of this section.
Each permitted peddler shall carry the permit while engaged in the Borough and shall display the same upon request of any officer or resident.
A solicitation permit shall be effective for three (3) months after the date it is issued, except for any permit issued pursuant to § 4-2, which shall only be valid for two (2) consecutive days. Solicitation without a valid permit in effect shall constitute a violation of this section.
Solicitation shall take place within the Borough only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. except for religious and educational organizations. Solicitors are encouraged to wear reflective clothing and/or to carry flashlights if soliciting after dark.
All peddling permits shall expire on November 30th of each year. The day of issuance is the start date for the permit.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other subsection of this section, any person or entity owning property within the Borough may register such property on a "Do Not Solicit" list.
Registration for the "Do Not Solicit" list shall be made as follows:
The "Do Not Solicit" list shall be maintained by the Borough Police Department.
It shall consist solely of property addresses, and shall include no further identifying information concerning the ownership of each property.
The Borough Tax Assessor shall notify the Police Department of any change in ownership of property within the Borough. The Police Department shall remove from the "Do Not Solicit" list any property which has changed ownership.
The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the Officer in charge of the Department, shall provide a copy of the "Do Not Solicit" list to each and every applicant to whom a permit is issued pursuant to this section. Upon request, the Chief of Police or his or her alternate shall also make available a copy of the "Do Not Solicit" list to any individual or entity otherwise exempt from the provisions of this section which intends to engage in door to door canvassing, solicitation, campaigning, advocacy, education, proselytizing, or handbill distribution.
Solicitation at any address identified on the "Do Not Solicit" list shall constitute a violation of this section. Each and every solicitation at an address identified on the "Do Not Solicit" list shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
In addition to registration of private property on the Borough's "Do Not Solicit" list, any person or entity owning property within the Borough may place on such property a sign indicating that the owners or occupants do not wish to be disturbed by solicitation.
A "No Solicitation" sign shall not exceed two and one half (2.5) square feet in area.
A resident shall be permitted to post a "No Solicitation" sign in addition to the number and types of signs permitted under the Borough's Land Use Ordinance.
Solicitation at any address at which a "No Solicitation" sign is posted shall constitute a violation of this section. Each and every solicitation at a property at which a "No Solicitation" sign is posted by anyone not exempt shall constitute a separate violation of the section.
The Borough Council of the Borough of Mantoloking hereby approves the solicitation of contributions by the approved charitable organizations in the right-of-way of State Highway 35 subject to the organization's application for and receipt of a Charitable Solicitation Permit from the State Department of Transportation.
The Police Department of the Borough of Mantoloking will be responsible for supervision of the solicitation and enforcement of the terms of any Charitable Solicitation Permit which may be issued.
All approved charitable solicitations shall be conducted in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:4-60 and the regulations promulgated thereunder (presently codified at N.J.A.C. 16:40-1.1 et seq.) and including the following:
Solicitation shall be subject to the specific terms and conditions of each permit granted. Such permit shall be in possession of the solicitor during all times of solicitation and shall be available for inspection by the Police Department and/or other officials upon request.
No person shall solicit charitable contributions on a state highway or intersection thereof without approval from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), via the issuance of a charitable solicitation permit. Such permit shall be in the possession of the solicitor during all times of solicitation and be available for inspection by local, county and state police enforcement personnel.
Solicitation shall not stop traffic or impede the flow of traffic. Traffic shall already be stopped before solicitation may occur and shall cease while traffic is moving. Use of flagman shall be prohibited.
The solicitor shall not install any traffic control devices.
Signage shall be in accordance with NJDOT regulations.
All solicitors shall wear safety vests that are in accordance with NJDOT standards.
Each person soliciting charitable contributions on behalf of the charitable organization shall be at least 18 years of age.
Solicitors shall not drink alcoholic beverages, use drugs or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when soliciting. Solicitors shall not harass the public.
Solicitation shall be permitted in the right-of-way, but encouraged to be off the traveled way.
The charitable organization shall be responsible for cleaning up any debris resulting from the solicitation activity, including trash or debris in the right-of-way.
The Police Department shall be responsible for supervising solicitation activity and enforcing the terms of the solicitation permits. The Police Department may suspend solicitation operations at any time if the permit is violated or if, in the police officer’s sole discretion, traffic is being impeded or delayed or the public safety is at risk.
The Borough shall not be liable in any civil action for damages for property damage or personal injury resulting from any accident arising out of or in the course of solicitations.
No more than two permits per calendar year shall be issued to a charitable organization for solicitation under this chapter, limited to no more than one permit per calendar month shall be issued to any charitable organization for solicitation under this chapter.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Shall mean the taking of still or motion pictures either on film, videotape or similar recording medium, for commercial or educational purposes intended for viewing on television, in theaters or for institutional uses or advertising purposes. Filming includes all rehearsals, preparations, assembly and dismantling of all equipment and structures, including but not limited to scaffolding, lights, backdrops, tools and food, and the loading and unloading of vehicles containing the equipment, structures and food.
Shall mean the reporting or summarizing of information concerning something that has either recently taken place or of current events of general interest and includes such features commonly known as newscasts, news bulletins and news anthology programs.
Shall mean any charitable, religious or other organization qualifying pursuant to Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or its successor.
Shall mean any and every public street, highway, sidewalk, square, public park, beach or playground or any other public place within the Borough which is within the jurisdiction and control of the Borough of Mantoloking.
No person or organization shall film or permit filming on public or private land within the Borough of Mantoloking without first having obtained a permit from the office of the Borough Clerk, which permit shall set forth the approved location of such filming and the approved duration of such filming by specific reference to day or dates. No permit shall authorize filming for more than three (3) consecutive days in any one (1) location and in no event shall filming at one (1) location within the Borough exceed a total of six (6) days in any one (1) calendar year, regardless of the number of permits utilized in reaching this six (6) day maximum. Said permit must be readily available for inspection by Borough officials at all times at the site of the filming. A separate permit and applicable fees are required for each location.
All permits shall be applied for and obtained from the Office of the Borough Clerk during normal business hours. Applications for such permits shall be in a form approved by the Borough Clerk and be accompanied by a permit fee and all other pertinent fees in the amounts established by this section in Subsection 14-5.11 herein.
A permit shall be sufficient to authorize outdoor or indoor filming within the defined period of time only. If a permit is issued and, due to inclement weather or other good cause, filming does not in fact take place on the dates specified, the Borough Clerk may, at the request of the applicant, issue a new permit for filming on other dates subject to full compliance with all other provisions of this section. No additional fee shall be paid for this permit.
No permits will be issued by the Borough Clerk unless applied for not less than fourteen (14) days before the requested shooting date; provided, however, that the Borough Clerk may waive the fourteen (14) day period if, in his judgment, the applicant has complied with all the requirements of this section.
No permit shall be issued for filming upon public lands unless the applicant shall provide the Borough Clerk with satisfactory proof of the following:
Proof of insurance coverage as follows:
For bodily injury to any one (1) person in the amount of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars and any occurrence in the aggregate amount of two million ($2,000,000.00) dollars.
For property damage of not less than five hundred thousand ($500,000.00) dollars per incident and in the aggregate amount of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars.
An agreement, in writing, whereby the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Borough of Mantoloking from any and all liability, expense, claim or damages resulting from the use of public lands.
Agrees in writing to reimburse the Borough of Mantoloking for any lost revenue, such as parking meter revenue, repairs to public property and other revenue the Borough was prevented from earning because of the filming.
The posting of cash of five hundred ($500.00) dollars or a maintenance bond of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars in favor of the Borough for protecting and insuring that the location utilized will be left after filming in a satisfactory condition (free of debris, rubbish and equipment) and that all Borough ordinances, laws and regulations will be followed. Within seven (7) days of the completion of the filming, the Borough will return the bond if there has been no damage to public property or public expense caused by the filming.
Proof of the hiring by the applicant of a Mantoloking Police Officer for the times indicated on the permit if required by the Borough Clerk upon recommendation from the Police Chief.
Written consent of all title owners and occupants (if different than title owners) of any private property upon which filming is proposed.
Agrees in writing to comply with all lawful directives issued by the Borough of Mantoloking Police Department, Fire Department, or Code Enforcement Department and to reimburse the Borough for any Police, Fire or other Borough personnel.
Provide notice to property owners of properties located, and occupants residing (if different than the property owners), within two hundred (200) feet of the property lines of the premises for which a permit is requested as measured along public streets. Such notice shall be in writing and shall advise the property owners and occupants of the date or dates upon which filming is proposed to take place and the location of the premises where the filming is to take place. Such notice shall either be personally served or serviced via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested upon the property owners and occupants entitled to receive notice at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of filming. Service by Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested shall be deemed complete upon the receipt of such mail by the property owners and occupants. Upon written request by the applicant the Borough shall, within seventy-two (72) hours, make and certify a list from the current tax duplicates of the addresses of the property located within the Borough of Mantoloking within two hundred (200) feet of the property lines of the premises for which a permit is requested together with the names and addresses of the record owners thereof. Notice to owners and occupants of properties in adjoining municipalities shall be given by personal service or by Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested to the Clerk of such adjoining municipality. Prior to commencing filming the applicant shall file with the Borough Clerk an affidavit of proof of service in accordance herewith or the Borough Clerk shall be authorized to revoke the permit until compliance is made.
The holder of the permit shall take all reasonable steps to minimize interference with the free passage of pedestrians and traffic over public lands and shall comply with all lawful directives issued by the Mantoloking Police Department with respect thereto.
The holder of a permit shall conduct filming in such a manner as to minimize the inconvenience or discomfort to adjoining property owners attributable to such filming and shall, to the extent practicable, abate noise and park vehicles associated with such filming off the public streets.
The holder shall avoid any interference with previously scheduled activities upon public lands and limit, to the extent possible, any interference with normal public activity on such public lands.
The holder of a permit shall take all reasonable steps to minimize the creation and spread of debris and rubbish during filming and shall be responsible for removing all equipment, debris and other rubbish from the filming location upon the completion of filming or the expiration of the permit, whichever comes first.
The holder of a permit shall not conduct filming in such a manner as to preclude or impede access to adjoining properties from a public street or to encroach upon adjoining property without the express written consent from the owner and occupant (if different than the owner) thereof.
The holder of a permit shall not permit any lights used in connection with the filming to shine directly into any windows upon any other property nor permit any noise, in excess of the limitation specified in the Borough's Noise Ordinance, to extend across property lines. In the event of a violation hereof the Borough may abate the violation and charge the cost thereof and penalty therefor to the applicant who shall reimburse the Borough for same.
Filming in residential zones shall be permitted Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. or sundown, whichever is earlier, except as set forth in Subsection 14-5.13. The setup, production and breakdown required for all filming shall be included in the hours as set forth herein. Automobiles, trucks and all other vehicles owned, leased or used by the applicant for filming in either public or private property in the Borough of Mantoloking shall be parked, if at all possible, off the public streets, and in any event shall not be parked on more than one (1) side of the street as directed by the Police Chief or his designee and shall be parked in such a manner as to permit the unimpeded flow of public traffic. Vehicles parked in violation hereof may be towed by the Borough of Mantoloking and the cost thereof shall be reimbursed to the Borough by the applicant.
The Borough Clerk may refuse to issue a permit whenever he determines, on the basis of objective facts and after a review of the application and a report thereon by the Police Department and by other Borough agencies involved with the proposed filming site, that filming at the location and/or the time set forth in the application would violate any law or ordinance or would unreasonably interfere with the public's use of public lands, unreasonably impede the free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or otherwise endanger the public's health, safety or welfare.
Further, the Borough reserves the right to require one (1) or more on-site Police Officers in situations where the proposed production may impede the proper flow of traffic, the cost of said Police Officers to be borne by the applicant as a cost of production. Where existing electrical power lines are to be utilized by the production, an on-site licensed electrician may be similarly required if the production company does not have a licensed electrician on staff.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Borough Clerk denying or revoking a permit or a person requesting relief pursuant to Subsection 14-5.8 may appeal to the Borough Council. A written notice of appeal setting forth the reasons for the appeal shall be filed with the Borough Clerk.
An appeal from the decision of the Borough Clerk shall be filed within ten (10) days of the Clerk's decision. The Borough Council shall set the matter down for a hearing within thirty (30) days of the day on which the notice of appeal was filed. The decision of the Borough Council shall be in the form of a resolution supporting the decision of the Borough Clerk at the first regularly scheduled public meeting of the Borough Council after the hearing on the appeal, unless the appellant agrees in writing to a later date for the decision. If such a resolution is not adopted within the time required, the decision of the Borough Clerk shall be deemed to be reversed, and a permit shall be issued in conformity with the application or the relief pursuant to Subsection 14-5.8 shall be deemed denied.
The Borough Clerk may authorize filming other than during the hours herein described. In determining whether to allow an extension of hours under this section, the Clerk shall consider the following factors: Traffic congestion at the location caused by vehicles to be parked on the public street.
Applicant's ability to remove film-related vehicles off the public streets.
When the applicant is requesting restrictions on the use of public streets or public parking during the course of the filming.
Nature of the film shoot itself; e.g. indoor or outdoors; day or night; on public or private lands.
Prior experience of the film company/applicant with the Borough, if any.
Whether a permit may be issued without endangering the public's health, safety and welfare.
Copies of the approved permit will be sent to the Borough of Mantoloking Police and Fire Departments before filming takes place. The applicant shall notify the Borough of Mantoloking Fire Chief and Police Chief no later than seventy-two (72) hours before filming takes place and shall permit the Fire and/or Police Chiefs or their designees to inspect the site and the equipment to be used and to take such other measures as may be necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare. The applicant, and all its employees, subcontractors, agents, etc. shall comply with all fire safety instructions by the Fire Chief or his designee. The applicant, and all its employees, subcontractors, agents, etc. shall comply with all safety instructions by the Police Chief or his designee.
In addition to any other fees or costs mentioned in this section, the applicant shall reimburse the Borough for any lost revenue, such as parking meter revenue, repairs to public property or other revenues that the Borough was prevented from earning because of filming.
The schedule of fees for the issuance of permits authorized by this section are as follows:
Basic Filming Permit: three hundred ($300.00) dollars.
Where an applicant requests a waiver of the provision of Subsection 14-5.3A requiring expedited processing of the permit application, the basic filming permit fee shall be five hundred ($500.00) dollars.
A permit fee of seven hundred fifty ($750.00) dollars for filming on public land within the Borough of Mantoloking.
Daily filming fee for each day of filming pursuant to any permit issued: seven hundred fifty ($750.00) dollars per day (which shall be waived for nonprofit applicants filming for educational, documentary or an activity sponsored by a not-for-profit purposes). Student filmmakers who are able to provide a valid student ID shall be exempt from daily filming fees.
Where the owner of the premises is not the applicant for a permit required by this Chapter, both the owner and the applicant shall each be liable for violations hereof. Any person violating this section or these rules and regulations, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars per day or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
The provisions of this section regarding requirement for and issuance of a permit shall not apply to the filming or reporting of news stories within the Borough of Mantoloking, however such filming shall nevertheless comply with the following restrictions:
Filming in residential zones shall be permitted Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. or sundown, whichever is earlier.
Such filming shall be conducted in such a manner as to minimize the inconvenience or discomfort to adjoining property owners or the interference with previously scheduled activities or the normal public activities upon public lands.
Such filming shall be conducted so as to minimize the creation and spread of debris and rubbish during filming and, upon the completion of the filming, those conducting the filming shall remove all equipment, debris and other rubbish from the filming location.
To the extent practical, advance notification of such filming shall be furnished to the Borough Clerk.
Such filming shall be conducted in such a manner as not to preclude access to adjoining properties from the public street or to encroach upon adjoining property without the express written consent from the owner and occupant thereof.
Such filming shall comply with all lawful directives issued by the Borough of Mantoloking Police, Fire or Code Enforcement Officers and officials.
Automobiles, trucks and all other vehicles owned, leased or used by the applicant for filming in either public or private property in the Borough of Mantoloking shall not be parked on more than one (1) side of the street as directed by the Police Chief or his designee and shall be parked in such a manner as to permit the unimpeded flow of public traffic. Vehicles parked in violation hereof may be towed by the Borough of Mantoloking and the cost thereof shall be reimbursed to the Borough by the applicant.
Lights used in connection with the filming shall not shine directly into any windows upon any other property nor shall any noise, in excess of the limitation specified in the Borough's Noise Ordinance, extend across property lines.
[Added 7-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-28]
Policy and purpose. Members of the Police Department shall be permitted to accept employment as safety or security personnel for private businesses, contractors, other public entities and quasi-public sector organizations during off-duty hours, and at such times, will not interfere with the efficient performance of regularly scheduled or emergency duty for the Borough. The Borough's needs for said police officers shall always take priority over scheduled off-duty work for a private employer.
Authorization to employ off-duty police officers. Any person or entity wishing to employ off-duty police officers shall first obtain the approval of the Chief of Police or her/his designee. The Chief of Police or designee shall withhold approval if the off-duty services to be performed are inconsistent with the efficient operation and professionalism of the Police Department and/or unreasonably endanger or threaten the safety of the officer or officers who perform the work. Upon approval of the off-duty services, the person or entity shall execute a written agreement with the Borough, which agreement is acceptable to the Borough Committee, which shall include all of the terms and costs of utilizing the Borough Police, including but not limited to, administrative costs, reimbursement for fuel, and other such costs. Such agreement shall be executed prior to the commencement of service by any member of the Police Department.
Request for services. All requests to the Borough for the services of off-duty police officers shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police or her/his designee for posting as soon as possible before such services are required. Such request shall include an estimate of hours required for the project, as well as an estimate of the number of officers needed. Any police officer, when so employed by the Borough, shall be treated as an employee of the Borough; provided, however, that wages earned for outside employment shall not be applied toward the pension benefits of police officers so employed, nor shall hours worked for outside employment be considered in any way compensable as overtime.
Escrow account. Once the written agreement is signed, the Clerk and/or Chief shall notify the Chief Financial Officer ("CFO"). The CFO will then establish an escrow account in the name of the private, public or quasi-public entity requesting off-duty services. Said entity shall then be responsible to immediately deposit an amount sufficient to underwrite the Borough's off-duty services as stated within the written agreement.
Advance payment prior to work; reimbursement to officers. No member of the Police Department will perform any off-duty work prior to the payment of the full amount of compensation to the Borough of Mantoloking by a private business, contractor, or public or other quasi-public entity employer, as stated within the written agreement between the parties. The Borough shall remit to the member of the Police Department performing their respective portion of the hourly rate worked on any off-duty project in a timely fashion.
[Added 7-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-28]
Purpose. Telephone directories are distributed to individual homeowners by the incumbent local exchange carrier, pursuant to regulations adopted by the Board of Public Utilities. Many of the residents of the Borough of Mantoloking are not full-time residents and are unable to receive their directory when it is delivered, leaving the directories vulnerable to the elements creating a rubbish and safety hazard. This section requires the carrier to deposit all of the directories for the customers in Mantoloking at a protected central location, so that residents may retrieve intact directories, and the directories are not destroyed by the elements before they can be received by the homeowners.
Telephone directories that are required to be published and distributed to all customers within a service area pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:10-1A.4 shall not be delivered door-to-door, but shall be delivered in bulk to the Borough Hall for retrieval by the individual homeowners.