All site plan and subdivision plats shall conform to design standards that will encourage good development patterns within the Borough. All site plan and subdivision plats shall conform to the Official Map and Master Plan adopted by the Borough. The streets, drainage rights-of-way, dune area and public walkways shown on the Master Plan and Official Map, if any, shall be considered in determining if approval should be granted to any site plan or subdivision plat.
When an applicant seeks to utilize design standards in addition to, or other than, those minimum requirements established herein, the applicant is advised to consult with the Planning Board prior to beginning a detailed design for review and approval of the proposed design standards. Standards utilized should generally be nationally recognized and in common use in this area. Design standards may not be utilized if they do not have the approval of the Planning Board.
C Standards set forth in this section shall be taken to be the minimum necessary to meet its purposes. The Planning Board shall see that these minimum standards are followed and, in those cases not covered by these standards, sufficient precautions are taken to assure that the eventual design is conducive to the implementation of the purposes of this chapter and the Borough's Master Plan.
Site plans and subdivisions shall be completed in substantial accordance with the application as submitted, subject however, to the provision that if deviations may be caused by a change of conditions beyond the control of the applicant subsequent to the date of final approval, and if the Planning Board finds that the deviation would not substantially alter the character of the site plan or subdivision or substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Master Plan or this chapter, the deviation may be permitted.
It is recognized that in certain instances preexisting conditions or the uniqueness of a particular proposal may require the waiver of some of the standards set forth in this chapter. The Planning Board may consider, and for cause shown may waive, strict conformity with such of these detailed design standards as it deems fit. Any applicant desiring such action shall present with his or her application for the site plan or subdivision a list of all such waivers desired, together with reasons supporting the requested waivers.
No site plan or subdivision shall be approved unless the Planning Board is satisfied that, as completed, there will be adequate potable water, drainage, shade trees, sewerage facilities and other utilities required to provide essential services to residents and occupants of the premises which are the subject of the application.
All site plans and subdivisions shall be conditioned upon conformity with § 30-35, Surface water management, of this chapter.
Any site plan or subdivision may be conditioned upon the requirement of adequate measures to protect and conserve soil from erosion by any agent.
All streets or roads which are designed to become part of the street or road system of the Borough of Mantoloking shall comply with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq.
All streets or roads which are designed to become part of the street or road system of the Borough of Mantoloking shall be conterminous with existing streets at the same or greater widths. Dead end streets shall be avoided whenever possible. If their use is unavoidable, turnarounds having a minimum radius of fifty (50) feet shall be provided at the street end.
The right-of-way width of any street shall be determined by its street classification according to the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq.
Site plans or subdivisions which adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to the width requirements of this chapter shall dedicate additional width along either one (1) or both sides of the existing street. If the site plan or subdivision adjoins or includes one (1) side of the existing street only, one-half (1/2) of the required extra width shall be dedicated.
Street grade shall be determined according to the RSIS, N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.19(a). Minimum street grade shall be one-half of one (0.5%) percent. Maximum street grade shall vary by street classification and may be increased if required by the terrain.
Street intersections shall be governed by the RSIS, N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.19(b). Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as possible and in no case shall be less than seventy-five (75º) degrees. New intersections along one side of an existing street shall, if possible, coincide with an existing intersection on the opposite of each street. Where provided, offsets shall be at least one hundred fifty (150) feet between right-of-way center lines. Sight triangles shall be in accordance with the RSIS.
No street or road shall be submitted to the Borough Council for acceptance into the Borough road system until:
The street or road is indicated as a public right-of-way on an approved and filed plan.
The roadway has been improved by the construction of a paved surface conforming to Chapter 17, Streets and Sidewalks, § 17-1, Excavation of Streets, and any amendments thereto.
Every roadway shall be curbed. The curb shall have a minimum top width of six (6) inches, a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches, a minimum bottom width of eight inches (8), and shall extend six (6) inches above the paved gutter; concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of four thousand (4,000) psi.
All roadway excavation and embankment shall be constructed in accordance with the standard specifications of the New Jersey State Department of Transportation.
Streets shall be named only by resolution of the Borough Council.
Block length and width or acreage within bounding streets shall be such as to accommodate the size of lot required in the area by this chapter, and to provide for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of the street traffic.
Lot dimensions and area shall not be less than the requirements of this chapter and shall in all respects comply with this chapter.
All applicants for site plan and subdivision approval shall be required to furnish proof of acceptance and approval from the Borough, County and State of an adequate sanitary sewerage collection system as governed by applicable law or regulations including, but not limited to, the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq, especially N.J.A.C. 5:21-6.1 et seq.
All applicants shall be required to certify in writing that they have located the existing sewer lateral cleanouts prior to any construction or land disturbance on the site.
All applicants shall be advised that the Borough will make the connection to the sewer main in the street and extend the lateral to a cleanout located on or at the property line, and all such costs for this work shall be paid by the applicant.
For all site plans, subdivisions and new construction, the applicant shall arrange with the applicable utility companies for underground installation of the utilities (including but not limited to electric, telephone and cable service), distribution supply lines and service connections. No aboveground utility installation shall be permitted. Any generator installed outdoors shall be located within the building envelope, with any utility platform not more than six (6) inches from the principal structure, and shall not be considered an accessory structure. A generator located outdoors shall be screened with lattice, open board fence, shrubbery or plantings which allow the circulation of air and dispersal of fumes. All generators shall be equipped with sound attenuation devices to reduce the sound produced by the generator. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Mantoloking to the contrary, for the purposes of this section a generator shall be able to be operated to a maximum of sixty-five (65) decibels (dBA) based upon the manufacturers specifications. See N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.12 (underground wiring) and N.J.A.C. 5:21-5.1 et seq. (water supply system).
In all site plans and subdivisions, the Planning Board may require that the applicant install concrete sidewalks with a minimum compressive strength of four thousand (4,000) psi, along both sides of all new streets, as well as along all State, County and municipal streets, roads and highways where they form a boundary of the site plan or subdivision.
All sidewalks referred to herein shall be located two (2) feet from the street, road or highway right-of-way line and within the right-of-way limits, thereby creating a two (2) foot wide strip of land between the sidewalk and the property line.
Sidewalks shall be four (4) feet wide by four (4) inches deep. Sidewalks in driveway areas shall be six (6) inches deep and reinforced with six by six (6 x 6) inch welded wire mesh. All sidewalk construction shall otherwise be in accordance with the standard specifications of the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq., especially N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.18, and of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
All concrete for sidewalks shall have a strength of four thousand (4,000) psi.
In all site plans and subdivisions all lots shall be covered with a suitable stabilizing ground cover as approved by the Borough Engineer. Suitable ground cover includes both topsoil and seeding as well as the use of indigenous sand and indigenous plantings. This requirement shall not apply to critical areas. No lawn, vegetative ground cover or densely planted shrubbery shall be permitted within ten (10) feet of any bulkhead or of the mean high water line.
Each applicant shall present with the site plan or subdivision map a written and signed statement of the number and kind of trees to be planted in order to provide adequate shade.
Trees shall be of nursery stock quality of an approved species grown under the same climatic conditions as to the location of the development. They shall be of symmetrical growth, free of insect pests and disease, suitable for street use and durable under the maintenance contemplated.
The average trunk diameter measured at a height of three (3) feet above the finished grade level shall be a minimum of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches, depending on good nursery practice with reference to the particular species to be planted.
Trees shall be planted at maximum intervals of sixty (60) feet along both sides of the street and not nearer than five (5) feet from any sidewalk, curb, gutter or other right-of-way improvement as provided for in this chapter.
All planting shall be done in conformity with good nursery and landscape practice.
The species and location of trees shall be such that they will not interfere with utility facilities.
No site plan approval, zoning variance, building permit, subdivision approval or approval for any on-site activity involving the alteration of ground cover or the alteration in the natural (or existing) runoff patterns, including but not limited to: siting and construction of structures, construction of impervious surfaces, driveway paving, swimming pool construction, construction of roof areas, earth moving resulting in changes in existing contours, or removal of significant areas of vegetative cover, shall be granted without a condition that the development shall also be subject to the approval by the Borough Engineer of a Surface Water Management Plan before the permitted on-site activity (development) shall commence.
The Borough Engineer may waive the requirement of a Surface Water Management Plan based upon the Engineer's finding that there is no appreciable increase anticipated in rate or velocity of runoff from the site, based upon the Engineer's site inspection and review of plans submitted by the applicant.
Construction involving the repair or replacement of existing structures in kind shall not be exempt from the requirements of this section.
The Surface Water Management Plan shall address the management of flood waters with potential velocity impacts in the areas indicated as a "V" zone under the Borough's adopted Flood Insurance Rate Map as issued by FEMA, inclusive of associated impacts of adjacent properties from diversion of flood waters around structures and potential debris from proposed structures on the site.
General standards.
The stormwater management provisions of the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-7.1 et seq., shall supersede the provisions of this chapter, where the RSIS is applicable. The provisions of this chapter shall govern where they do not conflict with the RSIS.
The rate and velocity of runoff from the site following completion of the disturbance, alteration in the ground cover, building modification, or alteration in the natural (or existing) runoff patterns shall not exceed that which would result under total coverage in a brush/weed/grass mixture in good hydrologic condition, as defined by USDA Soil Conservation Service Standards, TR-55 or latest technology. The rate and velocity of runoff resulting from existing cover can be used to compare the rate and velocity of runoff from the site following completion of the proposed activity, only if it can be demonstrated that existing cover does not cause excessive runoff onto adjacent properties which results in damage or degradation of the adjacent properties.
Maximum use shall be made of presently existing and natural surface water runoff control devices or areas such as existing storm sewer systems, vegetative cover, favorable grading, as well as any proposed retention structures.
To the greatest possible extent, the Surface Water Management Plan shall avoid the concentration of surface water flow and shall provide for dissipation of velocities.
The Borough recognizes that, in certain cases, fill is placed at the perimeter of structures elevated above existing grade. In no case shall fill be placed at slopes exceeding three to one (3:1) (horizontal to vertical). The applicant must also demonstrate that there is sufficient buffer area between the base of the fill and any adjacent property to mitigate the increased rate and velocity of the runoff from the slopes of the embankment; or surface water runoff shall be otherwise controlled to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer.
Design standards. For engineering review by the Borough Engineer, the following standards shall apply:
For calculating runoff and controls, the USDA Soil Conservation Service Methods, TR-55 or latest technology, shall be used. The site shall be evaluated, at a minimum, based upon a two (2) year twenty-four (24) hour storm. See the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-7.2.
In lieu of computing the differences in existing and proposed surface water runoff, the applicant may propose a surface water retention structure which will provide 0.25 CF of storage volume per square foot of total impervious surfaces. This simplified method of computation will not necessarily be acceptable to demonstrate that the proposed activity does not result in damage or degradation of adjacent properties. For example, in the case where vegetated areas are altered in addition to the construction of impervious surfaces, the applicant must demonstrate that the alteration of vegetated area does not cause an increase in the rate and velocity of surface water runoff, or the applicant must provide additional retention volume.
Existing drainage ways or storm sewers shall not be overloaded with increased runoff, sediment, or other pollution resulting from the proposed activity. The Surface Water Management Plan shall include calculations which demonstrate that any affected drainage way or storm sewer has sufficient capacity for runoff resulting from a two (2) year twenty-four (24) hour storm. The Rational Method shall be acceptable, however the Rational and Modified Rational Method shall not be utilized for design detention facilities for areas larger than one acre.
Innovative surface water runoff control and/or recharge devices may be proposed, such as rooftop storage, dry wells, or roof drain infiltration trenches, provided they are accompanied by detailed engineering plans and calculations.
Connections to existing storm sewer systems within public rights-of-way or easements are prohibited.
The Surface Water Management Plan shall be designed such that the proposed activity does not unduly degrade the quality of surface waters. For example, vegetated areas with indigenous species shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible and/or vegetated areas shall be planted, preferably, with indigenous species.
The Surface Water Management Plan shall be designed to address impacts of diverted velocity flood water from the site to eliminate or minimize the introduction of structural debris into the flood stream and potential impacts to neighboring properties, according to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Chapter 44 and associated FEMA guidelines.
Data required.
The applicant shall submit a plan for Surface Water Management, along with any Site Plan Application, Subdivision Application, or Building Permit Application.
The Surface Water Management plan shall contain sufficient information to evaluate the effects of the proposed activity on adjacent properties including, but not limited to:
Lot and block numbers of the site as shown on the current Tax Map of the Borough.
Name and address of the owner of the land.
Site topography. All topography shall use the NGVD 1988 or the appropriate conversion must be noted on the plan. (Minimum one [1] foot contours).
Topography (minimum one [1] foot contours) of adjacent properties or rights-of-way sufficient to evaluate the effects of the proposed activity, or, at a minimum, a ten (10) foot width around the perimeter of the property.
Location, description, and quantification of significant natural and as-built features on, and surrounding, the site.
Location, description, and quantification of proposed changes to the site.
Proposed measures for Surface Water Management including detailed computations and narrative.
Flow diagram of diverted flood waters on and through the site and adjacent properties.
Review and approval.
Five (5) copies of the Surface Water Management Plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer.
Surface Water Management Plans shall be approved by the Borough Engineer. The Borough Engineer's consideration of applications shall be guided by, but not limited to, the following factors:
The suitability of the applicant's proposed surface water management measures, devices and planning techniques, whether involving on-site or off-site measures or some combination thereof in respect to the total surface water runoff, velocities and rates of discharge which the applicant's proposed construction or land disturbance may generate;
Existing topography, present vegetation and hydrologic and hydraulic factors;
The design storm;
Natural drainage flow;
Land uses in the immediate vicinity of the site;
Any other applicable or relevant environmental and resource protection ordinances, statutes and regulations;
Water quality considerations; and
The Surface Water Management Plan shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New Jersey.
The installation of an approved Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) shall be inspected by the Borough Engineer, or his/her authorized representative, at two (2) distinct times during construction, namely: (1) upon excavation of the trench and placement of the filter fabric; and (2) prior to surface restoration above the trench.
Applicant shall, in addition to the application fee, pay an inspection fee as set forth in Appendix C.
Approval of a SWMP will not be issued until the inspection fee has been paid.
In the residential and business zones, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following requirements:
Each parking space shall measure nine (9) feet in width by eighteen (18) feet in length. Parking spaces for people with disabilities shall be in accordance with the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23) or the Americans with Disabilities Act, as applicable. See N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.15.B.
All required parking spaces, opened or closed, shall be located on the same lot as the use to which such spaces are accessory.
Every parcel of land hereinafter used as a public or private parking area for four (4) or more cars, including a commercial parking lot, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
Off-street parking areas shall be oriented to, and within a reasonable walking distance of, the buildings they are designed to serve.
Access to parking lots shall be designed so as not to induce queues on travel ways and to provide adequate pedestrian circulation and safety. There shall be adequate provision for ingress to and egress from all parking spaces to ensure ease of mobility, ample clearance, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians. The width of all aisles providing direct access to individual parking stalls shall be in accordance with the requirements specified below. Only one (1) way traffic shall be permitted in aisles serving single-row parking spaces places at an angle other than 90º.
Parking angle.
Parking angle (in degrees)
Aisle width (in feet)
Where sidewalks occur in parking areas, parked vehicles shall not overhang or extend over the sidewalk unless an additional two (2) feet of sidewalk width are provided to accommodate such overhang.
Screening and landscaping of off-street parking areas for four (4) or more vehicles shall include screening on the side or sides which adjoin residential lots. This provision applies to the parking of four (4) or more vehicles "side to side." For the purpose of off-street parking, screening shall be no less than five (5) feet in width and at least eight (8) feet in height. The Zoning Officer shall encourage the use of native species of vegetation which require less fertilization and watering than non-native species.
No off-street parking or part thereof for four (4) or more vehicles shall be closer than ten (10) feet to any dwelling located on the adjoining lot, and no closer than five (5) feet to any side yard lot line.
All off-street parking shall be graded and drained in accordance with the provisions of § 30-35, Surface water management, of this chapter.
Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking shall be arranged in accordance with a lighting plan to be submitted for review to the Borough Engineer and designed so as to reflect the light away from adjoining streets and abutting improved property.
Parking spaces shall be located at least seven (7) feet from the edge of pavement or three (3) feet from the edge of a sidewalk, whichever is greater.
Driveways shall be no closer than twenty-five (25) feet from any roadway intersection, measured from the point where the two (2) edges of pavement or curb intersect.
Minimum required off-street parking spaces shall be as follows:
Dwellings in residential zones: one and one-half (1.5) spaces for each single-family dwelling with no more than two (2) bedrooms; two (2) spaces for each single-family dwelling with up to three (3) bedrooms, two and one-half (2.5) spaces for each four (4) bedroom single-family dwelling; and three (3) spaces for each dwelling of five (5) bedrooms or more.
In the business zone, one (1) space for each unit in two (2) family dwellings.
All other uses in business zones shall provide one (1) space for each two hundred (200 S.F.) square feet of gross floor area (or land area under use.)
At the intersection of two (2) streets, there shall not be erected or caused to be maintained any hedge, fence, foliage or wall higher than thirty (30) inches above the higher crown of the two (2) roads on any lot within the area formed by two (2) right-of-way lines bounding the lot or the projection of such lines and by a line connecting the point on each street line twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of the street lines. In the case of development or redevelopment of any corner lot subsequent to the adoption of this chapter, the issuance of a Zoning Permit shall be conditioned upon the grant of a site triangle easement from the owner to the Borough. Sight triangle easements shall include the area on each street corner that is bounded by the line which connects the sight or connecting points located on each of the right-of-way lines of the intersecting street twenty-five (25) feet from the point of intersection of the street lines. The planting of trees or other plantings, or the location of structures exceeding thirty (30) inches in height that would obstruct the clear sight across the area of the easements, shall be prohibited, and a public right-of-entry shall be reserved for the purpose of removing any object, material or otherwise, that obstructs the clear sight.
Prior to the construction of any building or any structure in the business zone other than a single-family residence, or a business use in a residential zone, there shall be planted, and thereafter maintained, a dense screen, not less than fifteen (15) feet in width and not less than eight (8) feet in height, along all property lines adjoining lands which are zoned residential.
Screening of off-street parking areas shall be not less than five (5) feet in width and not less than eight (8) feet in height.
Screening shall be properly installed and maintained in good condition under the supervision of the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer shall encourage the use of native species of vegetation which require less fertilization and watering than non-native species. If upon inspection it is determined that the screening material is not being maintained in a satisfactory condition, the owner shall be notified in writing and ordered to correct the negligent or improper maintenance within thirty (30) days. In the event that any plantings required by this chapter fail to live or be maintained at a height of at least eight (8) feet, they shall be replaced by the owner at the owner's sole expense. Any failure on the part of the owner to comply with such a notice shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the penalties of this chapter.
No light source generated or initiated upon or from any lot within the Borough shall be placed or maintained so as to allow the glare or illumination thereof to constitute a nuisance to persons upon any other lot or any public area within the Borough.
The emission of light with a measured level of strength or illumination greater than 0.5 maintained foot candles measured at any point along the lot boundary line at grade, or at any higher elevation, shall be conclusive proof that the light source or sources in question constitute a nuisance in violation of this chapter.
The level of illumination shall be ascertained by the methodology and/or devices generally accepted and/or employed by the Illumination Engineering Society of North America.
The strict enforcement of this section may, by resolution of the Governing Body of the Borough of Mantoloking, be suspended to accommodate seasonal (holiday) lighting upon such terms, conditions and for such durations as may be deemed appropriate by the Borough Council.
The provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq., particularly N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.11
Permits shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer for temporary placement of dumpsters, construction trailers, storage trailers, modular temporary storage units and sanitary waste facilities on any lot within the municipality.
Prior to the placement of any temporary construction facility within the Borough, an application, and a plan identifying the proposed location of the temporary facilities and the proposed duration of use, shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer for approval.
Such facilities shall be placed within the building envelope whenever possible. In no event may any such facility be placed on sidewalks or other public property or within ten (10) feet of any property line of the lot.
It shall be the applicant's responsibility to maintain such facilities in a neat and sanitary condition at all times and so as not to become a nuisance to abutting or nearby property owners. The Zoning Officer may revoke the permit, after notice to the permit holder, if the facility is deemed to be a nuisance.
Only one such facility of each type shall be permitted on the premises at any one time, in addition to a portable sanitary facility.
All permits for temporary facilities shall be revocable by the Zoning Officer upon cessation of continuous construction activity or such other approved use, subject to terms and conditions of the approved permit.
No temporary facility shall be utilized for habitation and shall not include plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical equipment or devices of any nature.
Any temporary structure which, in the opinion of the Construction Official or the Chief of Police, shall constitute a hazard to the safety of persons or property, shall be removed immediately, at the expense of the permit holder.
Applicants for a temporary facility permit shall complete the application form and submit it to the Zoning Officer with their permit/application fee, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. Fees are not refundable.
No temporary facility may be used to mount a sign for any advertising purpose. A temporary facility may include identification information which shall not exceed two and one-half (2.5) square feet in size.
No Certificate of Compliance shall be issued until all temporary facilities have been removed from the site.
Applicants shall obtain a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (SESC) Certification from the Ocean County Soil Conservation District Office, when required, and shall submit a copy of the certification and certified plan to the Borough Zoning Officer prior to the disturbance of any land.
Residential zones. Such signs as may be customarily utilized to identify the owner or occupant of the premises shall be permitted. In addition to an identifying sign, a residence may display not more than one (1) sign notifying that the premises are protected by electronic alarms, and not more than one (1) sign advertising the premises for sale or lease. No sale or lease sign shall exceed a total of two and one half (2.5 S.F.) square feet in area. No alarm sign shall exceed one (1 S.F.) square foot in area. In the case of lot frontage on more than one (1) street, multiple signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Borough's Zoning Officer.
Garage sale signs. A sign advertising a garage sale is permitted provided the following requirements have been satisfied:
A garage sale permit application has been filed, including an owner affidavit stating that no property other than that of the owner shall be for sale;
The garage sale permit fee has been paid (See Appendix C of this chapter);
The Zoning Officer has granted a Garage Sale Permit;
Signs do not exceed two and one half (2.5 S.F.) square feet in area;
Signs are posted and removed within two (2) days from posting; and
A maximum of two (2) garage sales per property, per year shall be permitted. No sales shall be permitted on Memorial Day weekend or on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, from June 15th to September 15th.
Personal property sale signs. Personal property "For Sale" signs may be permitted provided the personal property being sold is owned by the real property owner. No more than two (2) personal property sale signs per lot shall be permitted at the same time. Each sign shall not exceed two and one half (2.5 S.F.) square feet in area. Personal property sales shall be occasional and incidental.
Business zone. Signs not exceeding four (4 S.F.) square feet are permitted. Such signs in the business zone shall be entirely supported from the building structure and shall not be illuminated directly or indirectly. There shall be only one (1) sign for each commercial establishment in the business zone, whether for purpose of advertising the business or for advertising sale or lease of the premises.
Snipe signs. Snipe signs shall not be permitted.
Wireless telecommunications facilities shall be permitted only in the Public Use zone on Lot 4, Block 34.
Wireless telecommunications facilities shall be limited to a monopole construction.
Wireless antenna arrays shall be flush mounted to the monopole.
A wireless telecommunications facility shall not exceed sixty (60) feet in height above existing grade.
All bulk regulations applicable to accessory structures shall apply to wireless telecommunications facilities. Installation of a wireless telecommunications facility shall be subject to such further conditions for the public health, safety and welfare as may be required by the Zoning Officer. Such conditions may include, for example, fencing, screening, lighting, parking, requirements to minimize the visual impact of the monopole, liability insurance, and compliance with FCC rules.