No person or persons, firm or corporation shall
wash or cause to be washed, clean or cause to be cleaned or beat or
cause to be beaten any automobiles, rugs, curtains, furniture, tapestry,
clothing or other like articles upon any public street, highway or
public place within the Incorporated Village of Bellerose, under a
penalty of a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $25 for each
offense. A violation of this section shall constitute disorderly conduct,
and the person so violating shall be a disorderly person and be prosecuted
as and declared to be a disorderly person.
[Amended 4-1-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
A. Permits.
(1) Every application for a permit hereunder shall be accompanied by a cash deposit of $1,500 to cover the cost of restoring or repaving such street, highway or public place, which deposit shall also protect against related damages to Village sidewalks, street malls, paintings, brickwork, curbs, driveway aprons and trees, except as may be provided for under Subsection
C(1) herein. In addition thereto, every such application shall be accompanied by a fee as set under Subsection
D hereof;
(2) Permits shall be valid for six months, subject to a six-month extension
upon payment of a new permit fee at 1 1/2 times the permit cost;
(3) If work is commenced without a permit, the cost of obtaining said
permit shall be three times the permit fee, except in an emergency
as determined by the Building Inspector or the Village Engineer.
B. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall
render each offender liable to a fine of not less than $500 nor more
than $2,500 or to be prosecuted as and declared to be a disorderly
person, or to both, for each offense. Each day on which such violation
shall continue shall constitute and be considered as a separate and
distinct violation of the provisions of this section.
C. Performance
bond or cash assurance.
(1) In the case of substantial road disturbance, trenching or extensive
road work upon an entire Village block, the Building Inspector or
the Village Engineer shall require a suitable cash or performance
bond, covering the repair and restoration to roads, paved areas, drainage,
outdoor lighting, curbing, sidewalks, brickwork, landscaping, tree
damage, sprinklers and screening, including plantings that affect
public property. Work shall not commence until such guaranty is filed
and approved. The guaranty of the improvements shall be for 150% of
the cost of such improvements and disturbance of Village property.
Return of the cash or performance bond shall be conditioned on the
permittee completing the work as set forth in the permit application
in a manner satisfactory to the Village Engineer or Village Building
Inspector, and upon the proper functioning of the repair or restoration
for a period of 18 months from their completion.
(2) In case of default, the guaranty shall be forfeited. The Village,
in its sole discretion, shall use the amount to complete any incomplete
or defective portion of the said work, to make sure repairs are undertaken
as are necessary to assure the proper functioning of the improvements,
or to restore the site in whole or in part. If any amount of money
remains after the Village has completed the work, any excess funds
will be returned to the surety or the person placing the required
guaranty. The forfeit of the Bond or guaranty shall not hinder the
Village from enforcing any breach seeking damages at law or equity.
The installation of all improvements shall be under the direct supervision
of a New York State registered or licensed professional.
D. Permit fee. The Board of Trustees shall establish street, road, sidewalk,
parking lot or mall opening fees from time to time by duly adopted
E. Restoration or replacement of surface after opening. The failure to comply with any of the requirements of this section shall be a violation hereof, subject to penalties as provided in Subsection
B hereof and in BVC §
184-6B, as well as the full costs to correct defective or incomplete work or materials including engineering fees, labor, materials and other related expenses necessary to correct and restore such openings, excavations and surface area.
F. Protected street.
(1) A protected street is a street that has been resurfaced or reconstructed
within five years prior to the date of application for a permit. No
street opening activity shall be allowed, except for emergency work
or as authorized by the Building Inspector or Village Engineer, in
a protected street for a period of five years from the completion
of the street improvement;
(2) Permit issuance. No permit to use or open any street, except for
emergency work, shall be issued to any person within the five-year
period after the completion of the construction of a capital project
relating to such street requiring resurfacing or reconstruction, unless
such person demonstrates that the need for such work could not have
reasonably been anticipated prior to or during such construction.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the Building Inspector or
Village Engineer may issue a permit within such five-year period upon
a finding of necessity therefore; and
(3) If a significant portion of an entire street is trenched or disturbed
so as to materially limit the useful life of a recently repaired or
reconstructed street, then such permittee shall resurface the entire
street at the permittee's cost.
G. Construction specifications. The permittee conducting the excavation,
alteration or disturbance shall backfill or cause to be backfilled
the excavation, alteration or disturbance and shall place thereon
such temporary pavement as shall be approved by the Village Engineer
or Building Inspector, which pavement shall be maintained by the permittee
until such time that said official shall determine that proper settlement
has taken place to allow the laying of a permanent pavement; such
time, however, not to exceed six months. The Village shall be notified
of all stages of the work for purposes of inspection. As a minimum,
compliance with the Nassau County Rules and Regulations Pertaining
to Permits for Work on and within County Roads shall be acceptable
for the performance of said work. The excavation, alteration or disturbance
shall be deemed complete when all affected streets, highways, sidewalks,
curbs, driveway aprons, gutters, malls, catch basins, landscaping
or other works within a street, highway or other public place have
been restored, repaved or reconstructed to the satisfaction of the
Village Engineer or Building Inspector, and s/he shall so certify,
in writing, to the Village Clerk.