The industrial districts are intended to provide for a variety of modern manufacturing uses and employment opportunities for Springettsbury Township.
Business and Industrial Park (B-I): To provide an environment exclusively for and conducive to the development and protection of modern, large-scale specialized manufacturing, office development, research facilities and related uses.
General Industrial (G-I): To provide areas of the Township that are suitable for light industrial uses and also for a wide range of heavier manufacturing and processing activities.
Development in the B-I and G-I Districts shall be subject to provisions and requirements for land developments as delineated in the Springettsbury Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 289).
The full names, short names and map symbols of the industrial land use districts are listed below.
Full Name
Short Name/Map Symbol
Business and Industrial Park
General Industrial
Purpose. To provide an environment exclusively for and conducive to the development and protection of modern, large-scale specialized manufacturing and related uses and research facilities. Such permitted uses shall not cause objectionable noise, smoke, odor, dust, noxious gases, vibration, glare, heat, fire hazard or other hazardous or noxious wastes emanating from the property. The district is to provide for an aesthetically attractive working environment with park- or campus-like grounds, attractive buildings, ample employee parking and other amenities appropriate to an employee-oriented activity.
Permitted uses.
General offices.
Professional offices.
Laboratories and offices.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of electronic equipment, instruments and devices.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of optical equipment, instruments and devices.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of sporting goods; providing, however, that primary processing of organic materials such as tanning of leather or rough milling of lumber is specifically prohibited.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of textiles and clothing.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of musical instruments and toys.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of kitchen supplies.
Printing and publishing.
Financial institutions.
Retail sales occupying less than 10,000 square feet.
Hotels or motels.
Child day-care centers.
Public facilities.
Utility facilities with no equipment storage.
Pawn shops.
[Added 7-26-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-07]
Permitted accessory uses (see Article XXVII).
Bars as an accessory use to restaurants.
Living or residential quarters as an accessory use, including, but not limited to, security guard's quarters where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurability of the premises and other residential uses directly related to the operation of the primary permitted use.
Off-street parking and loading.
Energy conversion systems.
On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities.
Research and testing laboratory as accessory to general or professional office uses, subject to compliance with the requirements of § 325-142.1.
[Added 1-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
Uses by special exception (see Article XXIX).
Business and industrial parks.
Commercial AM/FM radio, television, microwave, transmission and relay towers and accessory equipment buildings.
Bus shelters.
Prohibited uses. Any use which is not a permitted use or use by special exception.
Property development regulations: see § 325-71.
Purpose. To provide areas of the Township that are suitable for a wide range of light and heavier manufacturing and processing activities. Open storage will be allowed in this district, conforming to defined architectural, landscape, and environmental design standards.
Permitted uses.
Offices for executive, administrative, and professional uses related to the sale, manufacture or service of industrial products.
Laboratories: research and development testing, medical, dental or photo.
Sales and service:
Agricultural implement sales.
Glass installation and sales.
Tool and equipment rental.
Sales of industrial hand tools, industrial supplies such as safety equipment and welding equipment, that are products primarily sold wholesale to other industrial firms or industrial workers.
Lumber and coal yards, building material storage yards, provided that not more than 20% of the developed portion of the site that is reasonably necessary for outside storage of equipment and material is devoted to such use. This are must have a screened buffer yard and landscaping or fencing as defined in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 289).
Retail automobile service stations and non-retail card lock stations.
Truck sales, service, and rental.
Marine craft sales, service and rental.
Outdoor advertising subject to the provisions of Article XXIV, Signs.
Manufactured dwelling sales and services.
New automobile dealerships when the lot is improved with an automobile display building having not less than 2,000 square feet devoted exclusively to the display of new automobiles. Automobile service and repair areas shall be permitted when incidental to an approved new automobile dealership. A minimum of fifteen-percent green area must be provided on the site.
Automobile service station. A minimum of fifteen-percent green area must be provided on the site.
Automobile accessory sales and auto parts retailing and wholesaling
Automobile body and/or paint shops.
Building and home improvement materials and supplies, wholesale sales, and warehousing.
Restaurants primarily designed to serve an industrial district.
Retail stores or outlets providing such use is subordinate or supplemental to a warehouse or manufacturing establishment.
Manufacturing, assembly and warehousing:
Contractor's office or shop, storage yard, provided that no more than 20% of the developed portion of the site that is reasonably necessary for outside storage of equipment and material is devoted to such use. This area must have a buffer yard and landscaping or fencing as defined in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 289).
Cold storage plants.
Wholesale storage and warehouse facilities for storage and sale of lumber, wood, feed, and similar products, but not scrap and salvage yards.
Mini storage facilities.
Motor freight or truck terminals; parking and/or storage of commercial trucks or commercial trailers.
[Amended 6-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
The following uses, when conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, except for off-street parking and loading, utility facilities, wireless communication facility, and outdoor storage of materials and products directly related to the permitted use:
Metal casting (small).
Assembly, packaging, processing and other treatment of dairy products, soft drinks and other such products.
Assembly of the following types of products:
Small electric generators.
Small electric motors.
Marine pleasure craft.
Sashes and doors.
Vending machines.
Laundry, dry cleaning, dyeing or rug cleaning plant (non-retail).
Machine shops, including automotive machine shop, of less than 7,500 gross square feet.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of electronic equipment, instruments and devices.
Manufacture and packaging of kitchen supplies.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of optical equipment, instruments and devices.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of sporting goods; providing, however, that primary processing of organic materials such as tanning of leather or rough milling of lumber is specifically prohibited.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of textiles and clothing.
Manufacture, assembling and packaging of musical instruments and toys.
Printing and publishing.
Manufacture of the following types of products:
Scientific, medical or dental laboratory measuring, analyzing and controlling equipment, and related tools and supplies.
Spinning or knitting of fibers.
Processing, assembly, packaging or other treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries.
Processing, assembly, packaging, and other treatment of such products as small hand tools, optical goods, hearing aids, and scientific. instruments or equipment.
Processing, assembly, packaging and other treatment of small products manufactured from the following previously prepared or semifinished materials: bone, hair, fur, leather, feathers, textiles, plastics, glass, wood, paper, cork, wire up to 1/4 inch in diameter, rubber and rubber compounds, precious or semiprecious stones, and similar small products composed of previously prepared or semifinished materials.
Assembly and packaging of small electrical and electronic appliances, such as radios, televisions, phonographs, audio, video and computer equipment, and office machines.
Manufacture of pottery and ceramics, using only previously pulverized clay.
Molding of small products from plastic.
Production of agricultural crops.
Warehousing related to the above uses and warehousing for merchandise or goods normally sold or owned in commercial or residential districts, but excluding direct retail sales to customers from such warehouse structure and excluding the storage of hazardous materials.
Storage of automobiles, boats, buses, trailers and recreational vehicles.
Assembly, packaging, processing and other treatment of beer, alcohol, coffee and canned goods.
Assembly of electrical appliances, such as refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers.
Chemical warehouse and distribution.
Concrete batch plants.
Manufacture of the following types of products:
Brick, tiles or terra cotta.
Electric generators.
Electric motors.
Electric transformers.
Engines, larger gasoline or diesel.
Heating and cooling equipment.
Industrial gases, excluding chlorine.
Manufactured dwellings.
Motor vehicles.
Pet food.
Prefabricated building or structural members for buildings.
Garden equipment including lawn mowers and rototillers.
Signs and display structures.
Metal casting (small to large size).
Metal fabrication.
Petroleum product distribution and storage.
Planing mills.
Processing, assembly, packaging and other treatment of small products manufactured from sheet metal, wire larger than 1/4 inch in diameter; or tobacco.
Sale of machinery, farm equipment and logging equipment, including service and rental.
Storage and retail sale of rock, gravel, sawdust, coal or topsoil.
Storage and sale of materials salvaged from demolished buildings.
Structural-mechanical testing laboratories.
Welding shops.
Public services/utilities:
Vocational schools.
Government facilities, including public utilities.
Private utility facilities.
Telephone exchanges or switching facilities.
Public works shops and storage yards.
Park and ride lots.
Energy conversion systems, subject to the provisions in Energy Conversion Systems, Article XXXIV of this chapter.
[Added 3-24-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-04]
Permitted accessory uses (see Article XXVII).
Child day-care centers, subject to the provisions of § 325-135.
Living or residential quarters as an accessory use, including, but not limited to, security guards' quarters where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurability of the premises and other residential uses directly related to the operation of the primary permitted use.
Off-street parking and loading.
Energy conversion systems.
On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities.
Research and testing laboratory, as accessory to general or professional office uses subject to compliance with the requirements of § 325-142.1.
[Added 1-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
Uses by special exception (see Article XXIX).
Expansions of existing uses within 100 feet of a residential district boundary.
Building heights exceeding 50 feet.
Business and industrial parks.
Salvage yard or junkyard by special exception.
Solid waste landfill.
Animal shelters.
Natural production uses.
Commercial AM/FM radio, television, microwave, transmission and relay towers and accessory equipment buildings.
Bus shelters.
Prohibited uses. Any use which is not a permitted use or use by special exception.
Property development regulations: see § 325-71.
Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size allowed in each district is stated in the chart below.
Lot width. Minimum of 100 feet at the street right-of-way line and the setback line.
Height. The maximum height allowed for all structures is 50 feet or three stories, except buildings taller than 50 feet can be considered by special exception. The following are exceptions to the maximum height:
Projections allowed: Chimneys, flagpoles, satellite receiving dishes and other similar items with a width, depth or diameter of three feet or less may extend above the height limit, as long as they do not exceed five feet above the top of the highest point of the roof. If they are greater than three feet in width, depth or diameter, they are subject to the height limit.
Radio and television antennas, utility poles and public safety facilities are exempt from the height limit.
Setbacks. The required setbacks for buildings are stated in the chart below. The following are exceptions to the setback requirements:
Setbacks when abutting residential districts or uses: No use allowed within an industrial district, excepting building setbacks and areas for parking, circulation and landscaping, shall be located closer than 100 feet to any residential district boundary or residential use. When new buildings, expansions or additions to existing employment uses are proposed, such existing or new uses shall be subject to special exception and comply with the following rules:
New buildings, expansions or additions closer to a residential district or use than existing buildings on the site shall be permitted only for office uses related to on-site operations.
Except for office uses related to on-site operations, the following rules shall apply:
Where site location and dimensions permit, all portions of any new building, expansion or addition must be located a minimum of 100 feet from any residential district or use.
Where site location and dimensions do not permit new buildings, expansions or additions to be located a minimum of 100 feet from any residential district or use, new buildings, expansions or additions must be located on the opposite side of existing structures from a residential district or use.
Where site location and dimensions do not permit new buildings, expansions or additions to be located on the opposite side of existing structures from residential district or use, no portion of a new building, expansion or addition shall be located closer to the residential district or use than existing buildings on the site.
New development is subject to the landscaping and buffering requirements set for employment uses adjacent to residential districts or uses in Article XV.
Lot coverage: 85% of the site for building and parking, and adequate space must be provided for required buffering and landscaping. The principal and accessory buildings, storage yards, off-street parking lots, loading and unloading docks shall not project into the required yard spaces as set forth below. All open space, other than the parking and loading spaces and access drives, shall be covered with a vegetative material.
Off-street parking and loading zones. Adequate off-street parking and loading zones shall be provided on the lot for all employees and visitors in accordance with Article XXV of this chapter.
Landscaping and buffer yards. Landscaping and buffer yards shall be provided in accordance with the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 289). Such buffer yards may be coterminous with any required yard in this district and, in case of conflict, the larger yard requirements shall apply.
Location. The site shall adjoin at least one of the arterial or collector streets shown on the Springettsbury Township Roadway Classification Map or be reasonably near so that the access drive or drives can be satisfactorily arranged to avoid traffic on local residential streets.
Lot area, lot width and coverage shall not apply to commercial AM/FM radio, television, microwave, transmission and relay towers and accessory equipment buildings.
Development Standards in Industrial Land Use Districts
Minimum lot size
40,000 square feet
40,000 square feet
Maximum building height
50 feet1
50 feet1
Minimum setbacks2
Front building setback
30 feet
30 feet
Side building setback
30 feet
30 feet
Rear building setback
30 feet
30 feet
Side or rear setbacks for development adjacent to a residential district or use per § 325-71D(1)
100 feet
100 feet
Maximum lot coverage
85% for building and parking
85% for building and parking
Buildings taller than 50 feet shall be subject to a special exception.
Each yard that abuts a street on a corner lot shall be considered a front yard.