[Adopted 11-26-1956 by Ord. No. 426]
Any employee who is at least 65 years of age or has been employed by the Township of Saddle Brook for at least 40 years or has been determined to be permanently and totally disabled shall be retired on pension, to be computed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
[Amended 12-26-1956 by Ord. No. 428]
No employee shall be eligible for pension benefits based upon disability hereunder unless he shall have at least 10 years of employment continually or in the aggregate, with the Township of Saddle Brook, and unless said disability arises out of the course of said employment.
No employee shall be eligible for pension benefits other than when based upon disability hereunder unless he shall have at least 15 years of employment, continuously or in the aggregate, with the Township of Saddle Brook.
The amount of pension is hereby fixed as follows:
In the case of an employee who has been employed by the Township of Saddle Brook for less than 20 years, 30% of his final average salary, but in no event shall such amount when added to the social security old-age insurance benefit for which said employee is or could be eligible produce a total retirement allowance in excess of said 30%.
In the case of an employee who has been employed by the Township of Saddle Brook for 20 years or more, 50% of his final average salary, but in no event shall such amount when added to the social security old-age insurance benefit for which the employee is or could be eligible produce a total retirement allowance in excess of said 50%.
The amount of any pension, once established, shall not thereafter be reduced because of an increase in the amount of the employee's social security benefit.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person who holds office, position or employment in the Township of Saddle Brook, a municipal corporation of the State of New Jersey.
The average base compensation paid by the Township of Saddle Brook to the employee for the five years of his employment preceding his retirement.
An employee is deemed to be permanently and totally disabled when it appears not only that he is physically or otherwise incapacitated for service but that such incapacity will, in all reasonable probability, continue permanently. If an employee claims that such disability exists, the Township Council of the Township of Saddle Brook shall appoint a physician of skill and repute in his profession and resident of the State of New Jersey, who shall examine the employee. The physician shall make a report of the employee's physical condition or other disability and, if a disability exists, whether in all reasonable probability it will continue permanently and does and will continue to prevent the employee from giving service to the Township of Saddle Brook in the performance of his duties. Any person who is retired by reason of permanent and total disability hereunder and who is under the age of 65 years shall undergo an annual medical examination by a physician or physicians designated by the Township Council. If upon examination it is determined that such disability no longer exists, the benefits payable hereunder for disability shall cease. If a person receiving pension benefits based upon disability refuses to submit to examination, such benefits shall be discontinued until such person submits to a physical examination.