[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Saddle Brook as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-10-1993 by Ord. No. 1065]
The purpose of this chapter is to comply with the intent of the legislature as expressed in N.J.S.A. 40:67-23.1 et seq., as amended and supplemented, to reimburse a qualified private community for certain specified services set forth in the legislation pursuant to the terms of this legislation which provide for a twenty-percent reimbursement to the qualified private community based upon the total costs of the services incurred by the municipality in the year 1993; a forty-percent reimbursement in 1994; a sixty-percent reimbursement in 1995; an eighty-percent reimbursement in 1996; and a one-hundred-percent cost of reimbursement in 1997 in accordance with the formula hereinafter set forth as has been established by the governing body of the Township of Saddle Brook.
Incorporated into this chapter shall be not only the terms, conditions and provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:67-23.1 et seq., but also the sponsor's statement which was attached to the bill setting forth the intent of the sponsor and the legislation when it was adopted by the legislature.
[Amended 11-26-1996 by Ord. No. 1135]
The municipality will issue a check to each private community condominium association between November 15 of a particular year and January 1 of the next year based upon costs incurred by the municipality for providing those services the preceding calendar year, and further provided that all taxes and other municipal charges are paid, no matter how described to the municipality, and is current with respect to all obligations to the municipality. The amount of the reimbursement check shall be calculated in accordance with the formula hereinafter established.
The formula adopted by the Township Council as hereinafter set forth is based upon actual costs incurred by the municipality from the prior calendar year for the specific services set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:67-23.1 for qualified private owners. The initial year is based upon actual 1992 municipal expenses since the first payment will be made in the year 1993. The formula is as follows:
Garbage collection
Unit cost per home
Number of 1- and 2-family homes
Tipping fees
Unit cost per home
Number of 1- and 2-family homes
Unit cost per home
Number of 1- and 2-family homes
Leaf and grass collection
Unit cost per home
Number of 1- and 2-family homes
Per luminary
Municipal cost per streetlight
Per mile
Miles of municipal and county streets
In order to receive reimbursement, a unit owner must submit in certified form a statement that the particular unit seeking reimbursement has been owner-occupied from January 1 to November 1 of the year for which reimbursement is sought. Failure to submit a certified statement or the submission of an incorrect or improper certified statement shall constitute disqualification for reimbursement for the year for which reimbursement has been sought and for any subsequent year until the unit owner has complied with the provisions of this section of this chapter.
Actual refund, which shall be permitted by this chapter, cannot exceed 100% of the taxes appropriated for municipal purposes.