It shall be the duty of every undertaker in the Township of Saddle Brook and of all undertakers, whether or not their place of business is within or without the Township of Saddle Brook, having in charge the body of any person who shall have died from smallpox (including varioloid), cholera, diphtheria, membranous croup, measles, scarlet, typhus, yellow or ship fever, cerebrospinal meningitis, leprosy or from any other communicable disease as shown by the certificate of the physician, before placing the body in a coffin or casket, to have the body wrapped in a sheet saturated with an approved disinfecting solution, and the coffin or casket shall be immediately and permanently sealed and no other person or persons shall thereafter open the same. A public or church funeral shall not be held of any person who has died of any such communicable disease, but such funeral shall be private and it shall not be lawful to invite or permit any person at the funeral of one who has died of such communicable disease, except the immediate family in the house. No undertaker shall use or cause or allow to be used at any such funeral or in any room where the dead body of such person shall be any draperies, decorations, rugs or carpets belonging to or furnished by him or under his direction.
No public coach, hack, cab or carriage nor any upholstered vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers shall be used for the conveyance of the body of any person who has died from any communicable disease.
It shall be the duty of every undertaker having notice of the death of any person within the Township of Saddle Brook of smallpox (including varioloid), diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet, typhus or yellow fever, cholera, leprosy, measles or any other communicable disease dangerous to the general health of the community, or of the bringing of the dead body of any person who has died of any such disease into said Township of Saddle Brook, to give immediate notice thereof to the Division of Health.