[Added 10-11-1990 by Ord. No. 1016]
All parking lots, or wherever parking is provided, shall provide at least the number of handicapped accessible parking spaces as shown in Subsection B below. Where there are multiple lots, the handicapped accessible parking spaces shall be proportionately divided among those lots which are within 200 feet of an accessible entrance.
Accessible parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:
Total Parking Spaces in Lot
Required Number of Accessible Spaces
Up to 50
51 to 200
Over 200
2, plus 1% of the number of spaces over 200, rounded to the next higher whole number
Parking lots or parking garages servicing a hospital shall have 2% of the parking spaces, but not fewer than two handicapped accessible spaces.
In parking lots or parking garages servicing a special purpose hospital that treats conditions that affect mobility, 20% of the parking spaces, but not fewer than two, shall be handicapped accessible.
Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be located as close as possible to elevators, ramps, walkways and the accessible entrance they serve. They shall be as level as possible with paved surface slopes not exceeding 1:48 ( 1/4 inch per foot) in any direction. Such spaces, when possible, shall be located so that persons in wheelchairs or using braces or crutches are not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars, and, where applicable, curb ramps shall be provided to permit handicapped persons access from the parking area to the sidewalk.
Each parking space shall be identified with a sign displaying the international symbol of accessibility and appropriate wordage, to include "Disabled persons with valid ID only."
Each sign shall be a minimum of 12 inches by 18 inches and shall be mounted with its bottom edge approximately 60 inches above the parking lot surface.
Handicapped accessible parking spaces shall be a minimum of 240 square feet, with a minimum width of 12 feet or a minimum length of 18 feet.