[Adopted 2-6-1996 by L.L. No. 3-1996; amended in its entirety 12-20-2011 by L.L. No. 6-2011]
Pursuant to § 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, which authorizes local governments to adopt local laws in relation to the government, protection, order, conduct, safety, health and well-being of the persons and property therein which are not inconsistent with the Constitution or any general laws, there is hereby established the position of part-time Civil Enforcement Officer of the Village of Ossining, and the Board of Trustees is authorized to appoint as many part-time Civil Enforcement Officers of the Village of Ossining as it may, from time to time, deem necessary.
Part-time Civil Enforcement Officers of the Village of Ossining shall, in civil matters, in accordance with the provisions of § 110, Subdivision (a), of the Uniform Justice Court Act, perform the same duties as are performed by sheriffs in courts of record and shall have, within their territorial jurisdiction and subject to any limitations imposed by law or by the rules, such power to serve and execute the processes and mandates of the court as a sheriff has with regard to the processes and mandates of the Supreme Court. Civil enforcement officers shall not be peace officers.
All part-time Civil Enforcement Officers of the Village of Ossining shall be entitled to receive for their services as Civil Enforcement Officers the same fees and expenses that the Sheriff of Westchester County shall be entitled to receive for the same or similar services pursuant to §§ 8011, 8012, 8013 and 8014 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, as amended from time to time, and such other fees and expenses as may be specifically allowed to Civil Enforcement Officers pursuant to any other applicable provision of law.
All applicants for the position of part-time Civil Enforcement Officer of the Village of Ossining shall submit to a background investigation to be conducted by the Chief of Police of the Village of Ossining, and no appointment to the position of part-time Civil Enforcement Officer shall be made until such background investigation shall be completed and a report thereof made to the Board of Trustees.
A part-time Civil Enforcement Officer shall be appointed for a term of two years commencing from January 1 of the year of appointment.