No person shall install, use or maintain any newsrack which projects onto, into or over any part of the roadway of any public street or which rests wholly or in part upon, along or over any portion of a roadway.
No person shall install, use or maintain any newsrack which, in whole or in part, rests upon, in or over any sidewalk or parkway, when:
Such installation, use or maintenance endangers the safety of persons or property;
Such site or location is used for public utility purposes, public transportation purposes or governmental use;
Such newsrack unreasonably interferes with/or impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the ingress or egress from any residence, place of business or any legally parked or stopped vehicle or the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes or other objects permitted at or near said location; or
Such news rack interferes with the cleaning of any sidewalk by the use of mechanical sidewalk cleaning machinery.
Any newsrack which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any sidewalk or parkway shall comply with the following standards:
No newsrack shall exceed four feet in height, 30 inches in width or two feet in depth.
Newsracks shall only be placed near a curb or adjacent to the wall of a building. Newsracks placed near the curb shall be placed no less than 18 inches nor more than 24 inches from the edge of a curb. Newsracks placed adjacent to the wall of a building shall be placed parallel to such wall and not more than six inches from the wall. No newsrack shall be placed or maintained on a sidewalk or parkway opposite a newsstand or another newsrack.
No newsrack shall be chained, bolted or permanently attached to any Village owned or maintained property.
Newsracks may be attached to one another; however, not more than three newsracks may be joined together in this manner, and a space of no less than 18 inches shall separate each group of three newsracks so attached.
No newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained:
Within 15 feet of the curb return of any crosswalk.
Within three feet of any fire hydrant, fire call box, police call box or other emergency facility.
Within 15 feet of any driveway.
At any location whereby the clear space for the passageway of pedestrians is reduced to less than two feet.
Every person who places or maintains a newsrack on the streets of the Village shall have his or her name, address and telephone number affixed thereto in a place where such information may be easily seen (and shall provide the Village Clerk with a list of his or her newsrack's locations).