[Amended 8-3-1999 by L.L. No. 2-1999; 7-15-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
[Amended 9-5-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
Before the construction or alteration of any plumbing or drainage system is commenced, a master plumber licensed pursuant to the Laws of Westchester County and the Rules and Regulations of the Westchester County Board of Plumbing Examiners shall obtain a written permit therefor from the Building Department. The licensed master plumber who obtains the written permit shall be personally responsible for the proper supervision and layout work for the proposed plumbing work. All workers engaged by the licensed master plumber must be on the licensed master plumber's payroll and covered by the licensed master plumber's own workers' compensation and disability insurance.
Generally. For the purpose of obtaining the permit required by this article, the applicant shall file an application for such permit with the Building Inspector including the specifications of the proposed system or alteration and working drawings and such other information as the Building Inspector may require.
Working drawings. On all new construction, the working drawings shall be drawn on a scale of not less than 1/4 inch to one foot, with all dimensions plainly indicated thereon, and they must consist of such floor plans and sections as may be necessary to show clearly all the plumbing work to be done. On alterations of existing systems, the Building Inspector may require working drawings if the work is extensive.
Name, location of work, etc. Every application for a permit required by this article shall contain, at a minimum, a verified statement giving the full name and residence of the owner and a description of the lot where the work is to be done, by section, sheet, block and lot number.
[Amended 9-5-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
No permit to perform any work under this chapter shall be issued until the applicant provides satisfactory compliance with the following requirements:
Certificates of compliance with the statutory requirements for workers' compensation and disability insurance in the State of New York.
Certificate that the applicant has comprehensive general liability insurance or comprehensive commercial liability insurance against personal injury and property damage arising out of any of the operations of the applicant and/or his/her or its employees pursuant to a permit issued by the Village, which certificate names the Village of Ossining as a co-insured or additional insured on the policy. Such insurance shall have the following coverage: $1,000,000 per occurrence for personal injury and property damage.
The plans and specifications upon which a permit required by this article has been issued may be amended at any time before the completion of the work for which the permit was sought, provided that the application for such amendment made upon appropriate forms shall have been filed with the Building Inspector and provided, further, that the application to amend shall be accompanied by the required additional fee where the proposed amendment contemplates the installation of additional plumbing fixtures. Such amendments, after approval, shall be deemed part of the application and included in the permit.
The proper administrative authority shall approve or reject any application for a permit required by this article, within a reasonable time and, if approved, shall promptly issue a permit therefor to the applicant, together with a certified copy of the approved specifications and drawings.
Where plumbing is done in conjunction with new building construction or in conjunction with alterations of an old building, no plumbing permit shall be granted until both the building and the plumbing specifications and plans have been filed and approved.
The work of construction or alteration of any plumbing or drainage shall be carried out in accordance with specifications and drawings for which the permit required by this article was issued.
A certified copy of the approved specifications and drawings, submitted as an application for the permit required by this article, shall be kept at all times on the premises from the commencement of the work to completion.
All work associated with a permit duly issued under this article must be completed within one year from its date of issuance or such permit shall expire and be void. A permit may be extended for an additional period not to exceed six months upon application to the Building Department. Permits remaining open for more than 18 months from the date of issuance are void and a new permit must be obtained before conducting the work. The Building Inspector may, by written notice, revoke any permit in case of false statement or any misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application for the permit; and thereupon all work shall be stopped and such work shall be deemed in violation of the requirements of this chapter and any other applicable provision of law, code or regulation.
Ordinary repairs to plumbing and drainage systems may be made without obtaining the permit required by this article, but ordinary repairs shall not be construed to include cases where new vertical lines or horizontal branches of soil, waste, vent or leader pipes are proposed to be used.