These rules of procedure shall be supplemental
to the Peekskill City Charter. Any conflict between these rules of
procedure and the Peekskill City Charter shall be resolved in accordance
with the Peekskill City Charter.
Special meetings of the Common Council are all
those Council meetings other than regular meetings. A special meeting
may be called by the Mayor or any two Council members upon notice
to the entire Council. Notice shall be given by telephone, in person
or in writing so that it is received at least two days prior to the
date fixed for the meeting.
A quorum shall be required to conduct business.
A quorum of the seven members of the Council shall be four. In the
absence of a quorum, a lesser number may adjourn and compel the attendance
of the absent members.
Executive sessions shall be held in accordance
with the New York State Public Officers Law, § 105.
Pursuant to the General City Law, each member
of the Common Council shall have one vote. A majority of the totally
authorized voting power is necessary to pass a matter unless otherwise
specified by state law. A vote upon any question shall be taken by
ayes and nays, and the names of the members present and their votes
shall be entered in the minutes.
The Mayor shall preside at meetings. In the
Mayor's absence the Deputy Mayor shall preside. The presiding officer
may debate, move and take other action that may be taken by other
members of the Council.
[Amended 1-24-2000; 9-12-2011]
The Mayor or, in his or her absence, the Deputy Mayor or his
or her designee shall be the presiding officer of all meetings. The
presiding officer of each meeting shall have, to the fullest extent
provided by New York State law, the sole authority to regulate public
comment at any meeting as he or she, in his or her sole discretion,
shall see fit, including, but not limited to, the authority to set
priority for topics of comment, to recognize persons to make comment,
to extend or limit the time for any person to make comment and to
declare any person to be out of order for failure to follow his or
her directives in this regard. In governing the meeting and regulating
public comment the presiding officer shall consider, but shall not
be strictly bound by, the following guidelines:
A. The public shall be allowed to speak during the period of the meeting
designated as "Statements by Citizens Desiring to be Heard," or at
such other time as a majority of the Council shall allow, or at public
hearings on local laws, zoning laws and the City budget, or any other
time required by state law or City Charter. Speakers must stand and
come to the podium to speak. Speakers are requested to give their
name, address and organization, if any. Speakers must be recognized
by the presiding officer. During the segment of the meeting designated
"Statements by Citizens Desiring to be Heard," speakers are requested
to limit their remarks to three minutes and will be advised by the
City Clerk when three minutes have expired. Speakers are requested
to conclude their remarks at that time. "Statements by Citizens to
be Heard" is intended to afford persons an opportunity to express
opinions and to bring important matters to the attention of the Common
Council. Although they may, nothing herein shall require the Mayor
or the Council to answer questions or engage in debate at any Common
Council meeting.
[Amended 10-7-2013]
B. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. Speakers shall observe the rules of decorum set forth in Subsection
C of this §
20-12. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Council by written communications. Written communications shall be delivered to the Clerk or his or her designee.
C. Rules of decorum.
(1) Purposes of rules of decorum.
To ensure that meetings of the Common Council are conducted
in a way that allows the business of the City to be effectively undertaken.
To ensure that members of the public who attend meetings of
the Common Council can be heard in a fair, impartial manner.
To ensure that meetings of the Common Council are conducted
in a way which is open to all viewpoints and which is protective of
the content of each speaker's speech and expression, yet is free
from abusive, distracting or intimidating behavior.
To ensure that these rules of decorum are understood by persons
attending Common Council meetings.
To ban egregious, inappropriate, and obstructive behavior at
meetings of the Common Council.
(2) Sergeant at Arms. The Chief of Police or the Chief's designee
shall serve as Sergeant-at-Arms at meetings of the Common Council.
(3) Rules for the speaker.
The speaker shall conduct himself or herself in a professional
and respectful manner.
All remarks shall be directed to the Common Council, and not
to City staff or the public in attendance.
The speaker shall not defame, intimidate, make personal affronts,
make threats of violence, or use profanity.
(4) Rules for the public. Members of the public in the audience shall
not engage in any of the following activities during a Common Council
Shouting, unruly behavior, distracting side conversations, or
speaking out.
Clapping while another person is addressing the Common Council.
Defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, threats of violence,
or profanity.
Behavior that disrupts the orderly conduct of the meeting.
(5) Enforcement of rules of decorum.
The Mayor or presiding officer requests that a person who is
violating a rule cease the violation.
If the violation continues, the Mayor or presiding officer warns
the person that he/she may be required to leave the meeting room if
the violation continues.
If the person does not cease the violation and the Mayor or
presiding officer declares the person out of order, the Sergeant at
Arms takes steps to remove such person from the meeting room.
Meetings shall be adjourned by motion.
Any members of the public who violate the rules of procedure set forth in this chapter shall be subject to the penalties specified in §
C43a of the City Charter.
The foregoing procedures may be amended from
time to time by a majority vote of the Council.