[Added 10-20-1993 by Ord. No. 21-1993[1]]
Application. Any person who shall desire to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace any sidewalk or curb shall make application therefor to the borough's Department of Public Works. Such application shall be made upon forms provided by the borough and shall set forth the name of the applicant, the exact location of the proposed construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement and a plan of the proposed construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement showing the width, length and thickness of the proposed curb or sidewalk.
Time for application. Except in emergency situations, all applications for proposed construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of any sidewalk or curb shall be submitted to the borough's Department of Public Works at least two workdays prior to the proposed date of the commencement of the work.
Fees. Before any permit shall be issued to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace any curb or sidewalk, the applicant shall pay to the borough such fee as shall be required by a schedule of fees, which schedule shall be established and amended from time to time by Resolution of the Borough Council. The schedule of fees shall be kept on file at the Department of Public Works.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the repeal of former § 95-10, Laying of Sidewalks and Curbs not affected.
[Amended 12-13-1978 by Ord. No. 11-1978; 10-9-1986 by Ord. No. 9-1986; 10-20-1993 by Ord. No. 21-1993]
Construction requirements. All sidewalks hereafter constructed in the Borough of West Chester shall be constructed according to the following specifications:
Except in the Historic Overlay Zoning District as designated on the Borough of West Chester Zoning Map, a sidewalk shall be composed of not less than four inches of concrete, using a one-to-two-to-three mix, or high-early-strength concrete of 3,500 pounds per square inch, or shall be composed of brick, concrete paver or approved equivalent. In the Historic Overlay Zoning District as designated on the Borough of West Chester Zoning Map, all sidewalks that are constructed or rebuilt after the effective date of this Subsection A(1) shall be composed of clay-fired brick. All newly constructed sidewalks shall not be less than four feet in width. Reconstruction or repairs to existing sidewalks shall match the width of the existing sidewalk. Exceptions to the minimum width requirements may be granted by the Public Works Committee of the Borough in such cases in which previously existing conditions would merit or justify such an exception.
[Amended 3-20-2012 by Ord. No. 2-2012]
A concrete sidewalk shall be placed on a six-inch thoroughly compacted base of stone aggregate. A brick sidewalk shall be placed on a four-inch base of stone aggregate followed by a two-inch layer of sand, screenings or approved equivalent. No other base material will be acceptable.
Curb cut ramps shall be constructed at all street intersections in full compliance with all federal and state requirements.
All sidewalk construction or reconstruction shall provide for a two-foot minimum radius or a four-foot rectangular tree well, where applicable.
Maintenance requirements. The owner of property abutting a sidewalk in existence on the date of enactment of this section shall not remove a sidewalk without replacing such sidewalk in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and shall have the duty to thereafter continually maintain and keep the sidewalk in good repair. The use of such sidewalk for any purpose other than a sidewalk shall be prohibited.
All curbing hereafter shall be constructed as follows:
The concrete curb shall be five inches wide at the top and seven inches wide at the bottom, and the street side battered to make the seven inches. The distance from the top of the curb shall not be less than 18 inches to the bottom, measured vertically, or so modified to meet field conditions as approved by the Borough Director of Public Works. Extra depth may be required. The concrete mix shall be the same as for sidewalk construction.
[Amended 10-9-1986 by Ord. No. 9-1986]
Expansion joint material of a mastic composition will be required on long running pours of concrete sidewalks and curbs.
Curb cuts constructed for the purpose of driveway entrances or curb cut ramps shall comply with applicable plans and specifications, including but not limited to federal and state requirements.
[Added 10-20-1993 by Ord. No. 21-1993]
[Added 10-20-1993 by Ord. No. 21-1993[1]]
The borough's Director of Public Works shall have the right to refer any application for a curb cut permit to the Borough Council for its review when, in the judgment of the borough's Director of Public Works, such curb cut may have negative traffic, traffic safety, pedestrian safety, stormwater, zoning or other ancillary impact. The Borough Council may require engineering drawings, traffic impact studies, stormwater runoff studies and such other information as it deems necessary to consider the curb cut request. The applicant shall prepare such studies and documentation at the applicant's cost. Curb cut requests shall also be reviewed by the Borough Zoning Officer for conformance with the requirements of the borough's Subdivision and Land Development and Zoning Ordinances.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the repeal of former § 95-13, Approval of Director of Public Works required; fee; review.
[Amended 10-9-1986 by Ord. No. 9-1986]
Any sidewalk or curb laid by any person, firm or corporation contrary to the provisions of this article shall be removed and the proper sidewalk or curb substituted therefor by the property owner within 10 days after receipt of notice from the Borough Director of Public Works, setting forth that the sidewalk or curbing does not comply with these specifications, and if said sidewalk or curb is not constructed within said 10 days, then and in such case said sidewalk and curb shall be constructed by the borough, and the cost thereof plus 10% billed to the defaulting property owner, and if the cost is not paid within 10 days thereafter, the borough shall cause a lien to be entered against said premises and thereafter collected according to law.