[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Georgetown 6-1-1992;
amended in its entirety 4-29-1996. Subsequent amendments
noted where applicable.]
Curb cut permits — See Ch.
A. The hardened surface shall not be disturbed except for
a small opening over the main for tapping purposes. The service shall be driven
or jacked under the hardened surface. An open cut for the above opening will
be allowed under the following conditions: in the surfaced area all trenches
shall be cut in straight lines using a concrete saw or other accepted methods
equipped to cut the full-depth surfacing. The excavation shall only be between
those lines. The cutting operation shall not be done with a backhoe, gradall
or any type of ripping equipment. The backfill shall be made in six-inch layers
and mechanically compacted to the elevation of the adjoining subgrade, then
gravel shall be placed and compacted to within 11/2 inches of the finished
grade. The last 11/2 inches shall be made with bituminous concrete to form
a temporary patch. The temporary patch shall remain in place for at least
60 days unless directed otherwise by the Highway Surveyor. For the permanent
patch, the material shall be excavated to a depth of four inches of finished
grade. The last four inches shall be surfaced with bituminous concrete Type
1, compacted on two lifts, consisting of 21/2 inches of binder and 11/2 inches
of top to meet the existing pavement surface. These standards are subject
to increase if pavement thickness warrants.
B. Compaction, shall be to ninety-five-percent relative
density. Compaction testing may be required.
C. Appropriate warning tape shall be placed in backfill
for trenches.
D. If necessary, and directed by the Highway Surveyor, the
surface of the patch will be sealed by use of approved infrared treatment
and addition or removal of bituminous concrete to make the patch conform to
the surrounding area.
E. If it becomes necessary to open the roadway surface,
then the grantee shall apply for an additional permit to cover this project.
F. The grantee shall then pave five feet full width each
side of the trench with 11/2 Type 1 Mix.
A. In the shoulder, grass and sidewalk area, the backfill
shall be made in six-inch layers and mechanically compacted. The shoulder,
grass and sidewalk area shall be restored to its original condition in appearance,
grade, etc., and all work shall be done to department standards and specifications.
This shall include loaming and seeding the grass area to a depth of four inches.
B. The grantee shall replace the sidewalk area full width
from the edge of the curb to the existing edge, or driveway apron.
C. It shall be the responsibility of the grantee to replace
all pavement markings which have been disturbed by this permit. These pavement
markings shall be restored within 10 days after this work is performed or
as deemed necessary by the Highway Surveyor and Police Chief.
If it becomes necessary to remove and reset any highway bounds, then
the grantee shall hire a registered professional land surveyor to perform
this work. It shall be the responsibility of this land surveyor to submit
to this office a statement in writing and a plan containing his stamp and
signature showing that said work has been performed.
A. At no time will any blasting be allowed under the terms
of this permit.
B. If it becomes necessary to blast, then the grantee shall
apply for an additional permit to cover this project. Said permits are issued
by the Fire Chief.
A ____________ inch ____________ tree at location _______________ will
need to be removed in relation to the project. The grantee shall furnish proof
of a paid order with an established nursery before removing authorized trees.
Said order shall be for replacement trees not to exceed $75 per tree in place.
Further, the removal and or trimming of any public shade tree which may be
necessary as part of this permit, are subject to the provisions and compliance
to MGL c. 87, § 3, which shall be addressed before any work on the
project is commenced.
A. The location of the tree replacement(s), shall be designated
by the Tree Warden.
B. All material of appropriate size on said trees shall
be converted to wood chips and shall be stockpiled or broadcasted as directed
by the Tree Warden.
C. All work shall be by competent tree men.
D. In the area of trees, the grantee shall hand dig the
trench for a distance of 25 feet on either side of the trunk. If roots are
to be left exposed overnight, they will be protected by either wet hay or
wet canvas. The grantee shall place fertilizer at locations designated by
the Tree Warden, if deemed necessary.
E. Puddling of the trench will be required for a distance
of 75 feet on either side of the tree trunk.
All utility companies whose services are located within or adjacent
to the proposed installation areas, shall be notified in writing of the proposed
installation and or project at least 48 hours prior to the start of any excavation.
This includes the Town of Georgetown Drainage System.
No tracked vehicles will be allowed on the highway surface without a
protective mat; no exceptions.
A. At any time during the operation of this project it becomes
necessary for the grantee to detour traffic, it shall be his/her responsibility
to notify the Highway Surveyor in writing 72 hours in advance of said detour.
B. Further, the grantee shall supply the Highway Surveyor
with a plan showing the intended route of this detour, along with the appropriate
signage and method of traffic control (police, flag persons, etc.).
C. The grantee shall also state the length of time said
detour will be in existence and shall have concurrence from the Chief of Police
regarding this detour.
D. All detours are subject to review and concurrence by
the Police and Fire Chiefs.
E. If said detour is approved it shall be the responsibility
of the grantee to notify the local Fire Department, ambulance services, and
to place ads in local papers as deemed necessary.
F. It shall be the responsibility of the grantee to maintain
all detour signs and to cover these signs with burlap when not in use.
It shall be the responsibility of the grantee to contact the Highway
Surveyor regarding the field location of any underground traffic control devices
on this project.
All fiber-optic cable shall be encased in concrete, if less than three
feet from grade.
Except in the case of emergency, no street opening shall be allowed
between November 15 and April 15.
Except in the case of an emergency, no equipment, trucks, etc., shall
occupy any part of the traveled way expect between the hours of 8:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekend work is not permitted under the
terms of this permit. Also, no work shall be allowed on the day before or
after a long weekend which involves a holiday without the permission of the
Highway Surveyor.
No trench shall be left open overnight. If it becomes necessary for
said trench to be left overnight, then it shall be covered with steel plates.
The grantee shall cover all catch basins with steel plates during the entire
time of this operation.
The grantee shall be responsible for the hiring of police officers during
the entire time that work is being done within the town highway layout. Traffic
shall be maintained at all times during this project.
Upon completion of the work herein contemplated, all rubbish and debris
shall be removed and the roadway and roadsides shall be left neat and presentable
and satisfactory to the Highway Surveyor.
The grantee shall indemnify and save harmless the Town of Georgetown
and its Highway Department against all suits, clams of liability of every
name and nature arising at any time out of or in consequences of the acts
of the grantee in the performance of the work covered by this permit, whether
by itself or its employment of subcontractors.
All work shall be done at the direction of and to the satisfaction of
the Highway Surveyor and at the grantee's expense. If it becomes necessary,
the Department shall place an inspector on this project and said inspector
shall be paid for under a reimbursable by the grantee. The job site will be
subject to inspection at any time.
It shall be the responsibility of the grantee to notify this office,
telephone: 352-5704, 48 hours in advance of starting work on this project.
The grantee shall also notify the Highway Surveyor when he has completed this
The grantee shall place signs, cones and lighted barriers to the satisfaction
of this Department, for the protection of the workers and the motoring public
in accordance with the approved Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices,
and the Work Zone Traffic Control Standards and Guidelines- USDOT-FHWA- April
1988 Edition.
The grantee shall be responsible for any and all permits needed from
the Conservation Commission and the Georgetown Board of Health.
The grantee may be required to present a plan or drawing of proposed
work, as deemed necessary.
The grantee shall be responsible for all damage to the Town of Georgetown's
drainage system, and shall be made to repair, at his expense, any culvert,
catch basin or manhole that is damaged or disturbed in the excavation or compaction
process of this project.
All roads shall be swept and cleaned nightly. Calcium
chloride shall be used on the roadway if dust is prevailing. If roadways are
not cleaned as directed above, the town may sweep said roadway at the applicant's
expense. All sweeping performed by the town or its subcontractors will be
charged out at $90 per hour, with a four-hour minimum. should weather conditions
deteriorate, such as heavy rain as to cause extreme mud or soupy conditions,
the applicant is to shut the job down until conditions dry out. Further it
may be required that hay bales be placed anywhere on site of the project for
both the control of silt and erosion, as deemed necessary by the Surveyor
of Highways.
Town departments will be excluded from the permit application requirement.
However, proper notification and work completion requirements shall be done
to specifications contained herein and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor
of Highways.