[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon 3-25-1982 by L.L. No. 1-1982 (Ch. 202 of the 1981 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Architectural review — See Ch. 84.
Garage sale signs — See Ch. 187.
Handbills — See Ch. 220.
Zoning — See Ch. 365.
It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to regulate signs within the Village of Babylon in order to accomplish the goals of:
[Added 2-14-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
Avoiding an unsightly proliferation of unnecessary signs.
Providing for adequate signs for the business community to communicate its availability to the public.
Encouraging appropriate use of land use consistent with the needs of the Village.
Protecting the public, both pedestrian and motorist, from improperly located or distracting signs which create a hazard to said public by virtue of construction, location and/or illumination.
Maintaining the essential residential character of the community.
Enhancing the aesthetic environment of the Village by encouraging excellence in sign design.
Preventing depreciation of property values in residential and commercial areas.
The term "sign," as used in this chapter, is intended to mean and include, without being limited by the enumeration thereof, any sign, billboard, showboard, banner, poster, symbol or other device, any pennant, banner, streamer, string or series of clear or colored lights or other display. The term "sign" shall not include any such signs which are erected and maintained by any state, county, town or Village governmental agency in the discharge of any function, duty or power. Signs are for identification purposes only and are therefore not meant to announce, declare, demonstrate or in any manner advertise or attract attention by means of letters, figures or colors displayed indoors but directed outdoors or displayed out of doors, whether affixed to windows, glass or freestanding and whether illuminated, nonilluminated or reflective, except as may be permitted elsewhere in this chapter.
No sign or other advertising matter shall be painted, posted or displayed on any structure or part thereof or over, upon or across any street or public place or in any manner whatsoever, except as provided in this chapter.
No existing sign or sign structure shall be enlarged, rebuilt, structurally altered or relocated, except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. This requirement shall not apply to the relettering of signs, except where it requires a change in sign or method of erection and installation.
[Amended 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
The applicant must furnish the Building Inspector, within 15 days after the completion of the electrical hookups for external lighting, all necessary safety requirements, including but not limited to a Board of Underwriters' temporary certificate showing that the lighting has been properly installed, insofar as it applies to all wiring connections and other electrical requirements. In the event that said Underwriters' certificate is not filed with the Building Inspector within 15 days after the completion and installation of the external lighting, the sign permit therefor shall be deemed null and void. The permanent Underwriters' certificate shall be filed within 60 days from date of permit, and if not so filed in the office of the Building Inspector the permit shall be null and void.
No banner, display, string or series of clear or colored lights or other devices shall be erected and maintained on any lot, on the outside of any building or attached to the outside of any building in any manner wherein a business is conducted unless a license therefor shall have been obtained from the Board of Trustees. The application for such license must include the following information: size, shape, duration, intensity of light and any other information necessary to support such a request.
[Amended 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any sign in existence at the date of adoption of this chapter which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter shall be discontinued and removed on or before January 1, 2005, and the failure to discontinue or remove such nonconforming sign on or before the aforesaid date shall constitute a violation of the provisions of this chapter. All nonconforming signs in the Village of Babylon at the time of the adoption of this chapter may be maintained until January 1, 2005, but if any major change, modification, structural repair or replacement thereof is hereafter made, such sign shall thereafter conform to the provisions of this chapter, provided that a legal nonconforming sign may not be replaced by another nonconforming sign.
No sign shall be so located as to detract from or obstruct historic buildings from public view.
Any freestanding or resting temporary sign, such as a sandwich board, easel, lean-to or similar type, shall not in any way impede the safety of the pedestrian traffic and must in all other respects conform to this chapter and all other chapters of the Village Code.
[Added 2-14-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
Temporary or permanent signs resting on or attached to vehicles shall not be used as a means to circumvent the provisions of this chapter.
No sign, whether independently used or as an accessory use to a business or industry conducted in any building or structure in a business or industrial district, shall be maintained, altered, constructed, erected, placed or relettered hereafter on any building or structure, except on a wall fronting on a street or public highway.
The following signs shall be permitted in residential districts:
One sign, not exceeding 1 1/2 square feet in total area, displaying the street number or the name of the occupant of the premises, or both.
One real estate sign, not larger than two feet by three feet, on one lot advertising the sale or letting of only the premises on which it is maintained and set back not less than 15 feet from the street line and not less than 10 feet from each side line. The maximum total height from the ground shall not exceed four feet.
One sign, not exceeding 1 1/2 square feet in total area, displaying the name and occupation (words only) of the person conducting such home occupation or profession as is permitted by the applicable subsections of Chapter 365, Zoning, of the Code of the Village of Babylon, including, however, a real estate broker.
One sign, not exceeding four square feet in total area, displaying the name of such building contractor or subcontractor actually building or making repairs on the premises on which the sign is erected. Such sign shall be maintained only during the time the contractor or subcontractor is actually performing work or repairs on the premises. The location and requirements of setback of such sign shall be the same as set forth in Subsection A(2) of this section.
Signage for a bank as is permitted by the applicable subsections of Chapter 290, Zoning, of the Code of the Village of Babylon, provided such signage is also approved by the Architectural Review Board in accordance with Chapter 84.
[Added 8-8-2006 by L.L. No. 4-2006]
Except as hereinabove provided, no other sign shall be permitted at any time in a residential district.
The following signs shall be permitted in business and industrial districts:
A sign painted on any collapsible or roller awning over a show window facing upon a public highway or street, advertising any business conducted therein on the premises; provided, however, that the lettering of such sign or other device displayed thereon shall not exceed 12 inches in height.
Signs upon the marquees of theaters or hotels may be permitted, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
One sign not exceeding 24 square feet in total area and not attached to a building may be erected on the ground of the plot on which the business or industry is conducted, provided that such sign is not more then 10 feet in height above the ground or grade; there is an open space of not less than two feet between the lowest edge of the sign and the ground level; such sign is constructed and erected on one or more posts and standards sunk at least three feet below the natural grade of the ground, properly braced, if necessary, by timber or metal; such sign is approved as to structure and safety by the Building Inspector in accordance with recognized engineering standards; and such sign or any part thereof shall not overhang or encroach upon any public street or place or be erected or maintained so as to obstruct the clear view of any street, intersection or public place in any direction. Such sign may be used for displaying the name of the occupant, the name of any business, profession or occupation conducted in such building or to advertise the sale or rental of the premises.
One sign displayed or painted on or attached to a wall or facade of a building or of a storefront projecting not more than 10 inches from such wall or facade, when used for advertising the name or any business conducted in such building; provided, however, that no such sign shall be constructed or attached to any wall or building so as to obstruct any window, door or other opening of the same. In any case, such sign shall not cause any window or door or exit of a building to be blocked in any manner. The maximum overall dimensions of such sign shall not exceed a maximum vertical measurement of three feet and a horizontal measurement not to extend beyond the frontage of the wall on which it is displayed.
No sign shall be erected or maintained on any roof or setback of a building.
One sign, not exceeding four square feet in total area, displaying the name of such building contractor or subcontractor actually building or making repairs on the premises on which the sign is erected. Such sign shall be maintained only during the time the contractor or subcontractor is actually performing work or repairs on the premises.
No sign shall be permitted unless it conforms to the following requirements:
It shall be distant not less than 10 feet from the street line when not attached to a building, but in no case shall the sign be nearer the street line than the overall height of said sign.
It shall be distant not less than 30 feet from a street intersection when not attached to a building.
It shall be distant not less than 100 feet in any direction from a curve or bend in a street when not attached to a building.
Signs shall be fixed and shall not rotate or oscillate. Proof that such sign complies with the standards and requirements of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters and any other governing, regulating or approving body or agency having jurisdiction or cognizance of electrical requirements and safety for external lighting of signs shall be submitted with the application for such sign and upon the completion of the erection or installation of such sign.
[Amended 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Pylon or pole signs shall be permitted only at gasoline or service stations located in business or industrial districts and shall not exceed 30 square feet, and the top of the same shall not exceed 20 feet in height above ground level.
Directional signs for aviation purposes only, painted on flat roofs, are permitted in business and industrial districts.
[1] No directional sign shall be erected or maintained at any time within the territorial limits of the Village, and for the purpose of this subsection, "directional sign" shall mean and include any sign device or display advertising and directing the public, by symbol or otherwise, to any business, commercial enterprise, housing development, social or other organizational activity, exhibition, show, sporting event, fair, bazaar, place of entertainment or amusement conducted or maintained either within or without the territorial limits of the Village.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, regarding exemptions for charitable organizations, service clubs and membership corporations, was repealed 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003. This local law also provided for the redesignation of former Subsections C through E as Subsections B through D, respectively.
The Board of Trustees may, upon proper application, grant a license to erect, locate and maintain signs of a different size, character or type than provided in this chapter. Such license may be granted upon condition that the sign shall be erected and maintained for a period of 30 days or less or upon such other terms and specifications as the Board of Trustees may direct.
Permits shall be issued without payment of a fee for temporary signs for public benefit, educational, religious and charitable uses, provided that such temporary signs shall not exceed an area of 15% of the total window area available to the merchant fronting on a street or public accessway and shall not be used or maintained for a period exceeding 15 days. Permits for small temporary and directional signs may be issued by the Board of Trustees upon application by letter in writing therefor, indicating the nature of the sign and the quantity proposed to be erected.
[Amended 2-14-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
The following signs are prohibited in any district:
Overhanging signs shall not be permitted in the Village of Babylon.
Any sign attached to any tree, fence or utility pole, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
The outlining by direct illumination of all or part of a building, such as a gable, roof, wall, side or corner is prohibited, except during the Christmas season.
Any sign or external lighting fixture designed to oscillate, rotate or flash in any manner or in any animated manner.
[Amended 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Any internally lit electrical sign (signs are allowed to be lit by external lighting only), as well as any electrical window sign, neon tubing and the like.
[Added 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Phone numbers on signs are prohibited.
[Added 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Every sign and sign structure for which a license shall have been issued under this chapter shall be inspected every two years by or under the direction of the Building Inspector.
Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted shall be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure, property or premises upon which such sign may be found within 30 days after written demand for removal by the Building Department. Upon failure to comply with such demand within the time specified, the Building Department is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign, and any and all expenses incidental thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building, structure, property or premises to which such sign is attached.
Any sign requiring a sign permit which does not have such a permit, or which does not have a sign permit number displayed on its face, or which has had its permit revoked shall be deemed to be an illegal sign under the provisions of this chapter. The Building Inspector shall cause a notice of such violation to be served on the owner of the building, structure or lot where said sign is located or the lessee or tenant of the part of or of the entire building, structure or lot where said sign is located, requiring such owner or lessee or tenant to remove such illegal sign within seven days. Such notice may be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Upon failure of such owner or lessee or tenant to remove said sign within seven days of receipt of notice, the Building Inspector is authorized to enter upon such property and remove any such illegal sign. No liability shall attach to the Village of Babylon, nor to any officers, employees or agents of the Village of Babylon, except acts of affirmative negligence, in connection with the removal of any such illegal sign.
Should any sign or sign structure be or become insecure or in danger of falling or become in any way unsafe in the opinion of the Building Inspector, the owner thereof or the person maintaining the same shall, upon notice from the Building Inspector, forthwith in the case of immediate danger, and in any case within five days after such notice, remove such unsafe sign or secure the same under the supervision and in the manner approved by the Building Inspector and in conformity with this chapter.
If such sign is not removed or made safe within five days after such notice has been served upon the permittee or owner, the Building Inspector may enter upon the property, in the name of public safety, and cause such sign to be removed summarily and without further notice. The costs for removal are to be assessed to the property owner.
Signs shall be maintained to preserve their physical appearance and structural integrity to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector.
[Added 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
No sign shall be erected, maintained or altered without first obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector and paying the required fee set forth in this chapter. Any person, including, without limitation, the owner, tenant or occupant of the property whereon the sign is erected, his employees or agents, the manufacturer, fabricator or painter of such sign, who shall erect or cause to have erected any sign prior to the time a license therefor shall be granted shall be deemed to have violated this chapter and shall be subject to the penalties set forth in this chapter. The number of the license for such sign shall at all times be affixed to or painted on the lower right corner of the sign, and failure to so affix and maintain such number shall constitute cause for immediate revocation of the license, in addition to any other penalties prescribed by this chapter.
Application for a license shall be made to and filed with the Building Inspector on a special form prepared for that purpose.
The application shall contain plans and specifications of the proposed sign, including a description thereof, its size, material, location, illumination or pictorial matter, method of erection and such other information as may be necessary to determine whether the sign will conform to the provisions of this chapter. All plans and specifications submitted to the Building Inspector in connection with an application for a sign permit, except paper, cardboard or similar temporary signs, must have affixed thereto a seal of approval from the Architectural Review Board. No sign permit requiring submission of plans and specifications therefor under this chapter shall be issued by the Building Inspector unless such plans and specifications contain a seal of approval from the Architectural Review Board.
[Amended 2-27-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990]
The application shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant that, in consideration of the granting of such license by the Building Inspector, said applicant shall save and keep harmless the Village of Babylon, its officers, agents and employees from any liability for or by reason of any injury to any person or property as a result of his negligence or otherwise in connection with said sign.
In consideration of the granting of such permit by the Building Inspector, the applicant will provide the Building Inspector with certification of an insurance policy in effect at the time insuring both the applicant and the Village against any and all claims for personal injury or property damage that in any manner results from said sign. Also, this certification shall not be canceled or in any way amended without providing the Building Inspector with 10 days' written notice.
All applications for a license shall be accompanied by a fee based upon the following schedule:
[Amended 1-28-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
No sign permit shall be issued prior to payment of a fee of $20 for a sign 60 square feet or less.
A fee of $50 shall be paid for a permit for any sign in excess of 60 square feet.
No exception shall be made to this fee schedule. The Board of Trustees shall from time to time, by resolution, establish the fees to be charged for sign permits.
[Amended 4-23-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
The Board of Trustees shall from time to time, by resolution, establish the fees to be charged for sign permits.
[Added 4-23-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Any person committing an offense against any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation pursuant to the Penal Law of the State of New York, punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The continuation of an offense against the provisions of this chapter shall constitute, for each day the offense is continued, a separate and distinct offense hereunder.
In addition or as an alternative to the above-provided penalties, the Board of Trustees may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the Village in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation of this chapter.