[Adopted 5-6-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003]
The Putnam County Legislature is acutely aware of the necessity of preserving and protecting the character and integrity of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park for the benefit of all residents of Putnam County, as well as to provide proper recognition to the veterans of our country for their sacrifice to our nation.
The Putnam County Legislature recognizes the need for an advisory board to work in conjunction with the Legislature and various other departments of the Putnam County government in an effort to protect and preserve this valuable park and recreation area.
The Legislature is also desirous of creating the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board by amending Chapter 25 of the Putnam County Code to include Article IV, §§ 25-26, 25-27, 25-28, 25-29, 25-30 and 25-31.
There is hereby created the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board which shall direct its efforts towards the following:
Providing the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive with advice and counsel as to the use, maintenance and daily operation of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park; and
Giving guidance to the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive with respect to the approval of uses of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park; and
Making recommendations to the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive as to the types of functions to take place at the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park; and
Giving guidance to the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive as to the manner in which the permanent structures and buildings which are currently located at the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park are to be utilized; and
Making recommendations to the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive with respect to the types of groups to be granted access to the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park, as well as the types of activities to be engaged in by said group; and
Making recommendations to the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive as to the types of permanent structures; and
Making recommendations and providing advise to the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive with respect to the lease, sale or any other type of conveyance affecting any and all portions of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park; and
Reviewing issues and problems surrounding applications for group use of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park and providing the Putnam County Legislature and County Executive with advice and recommendations as to the manner in which said applications should be approved or denied;
Providing assistance and suggestions to the Putnam County Parks Superintendent with respect to the amendment and updating of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Parks rules and regulations; and
Coordinating with the office of the Putnam County Parks Superintendent and providing advice and guidance to him or her with respect to the issuance of special permits in connection with applications for group use of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park; and
Providing assistance to the Putnam County Parks Superintendent as to the scheduling of events at the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park.
[Amended 7-3-2012 by L.L. No. 8-2012]
The Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board shall consist of nine members who reside in the County of Putnam, of whom three members shall be people of experience and knowledge in the area of parks and open space maintenance and operation and/or recreational planning and operation, three members shall be veterans of the Armed Services of the United States of America two of which must be an active member of the Joint Veterans Council, one member shall be the Putnam County Parks Superintendent, one member shall be the Director of Veterans Services and one member shall not need be a veteran nor need have experience and knowledge in the area of parks and open space.
Members shall be appointed by the Putnam County Executive, subject to confirmation by a simple majority of the Legislature.
Members of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board shall be appointed for a three-year term. Members holding office on the effective date of this section shall continue to serve until the end of their existing term.
A Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board member shall serve until his or her successor has been appointed.
The Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board shall elect a Chairperson from its members.
The Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board shall review its actions and efforts on an annual basis and shall prepare and submit an annual report of its findings to the County Executive and the County Legislature, no later than February 1 of each year, covering the preceding calendar year. This report shall include an account of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board's activities and accomplishments, which shall be based upon accurate records of its meetings, financial transactions and other works.
From time to time, the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board shall submit such other reports and recommendations as are necessary to fulfill the purposes of this article, or are as requested by the County Executive or County Legislature.
The members of the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board shall receive no compensation for their services.
The County Legislature may appropriate funds for the expenses incurred by the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board, including, but not limited to, expense for clerical assistance and printing and distribution of publications and educational and community awareness programs. The Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park Advisory Board should prepare and submit an annual budget in the manner prescribed by the County Executive.