[Adopted 12-5-2000 by L.L. No. 15-2000]
The Putnam County Legislature hereby determines that those persons sentenced a period of probation upon conviction of any offense should be required to pay a fee to offset the administrative costs of the probation.
The Putnam County Probation Department is hereby authorized to charge an administrative fee of $30 per month to individuals currently serving or who shall be sentenced to a period of probation upon conviction of any offense.
The Department shall waive all or part of such fee where, because of the indigence of the offender, the payment of said surcharge would work an unreasonable hardship on probationer, his or her immediate family or any other person who is dependent on such person for financial support.
Monies collected pursuant to this article shall be utilized for probation services for the local Probation Department but shall not be used to replace federal funds otherwise utilized for probation services.