In the layout, development and improvement of a subdivision, the developer shall comply with all standards, specifications, codes and ordinances of the Town, and, in addition, he shall meet, as minimums, the standards of design and principles of land subdivision set forth in this article. If the Planning Board finds that, because of unusual features or conditions of the area to be subdivided or its immediate environs, the minimum standards set forth herein are insufficient to effectuate the purposes and requirements of § 164-3, the Board may impose such higher standards as will satisfy the purposes of § 164-3.
The Town of DeWitt Public Facilities Design Standards and Improvements and Town of DeWitt Minimum Standards for Residential/Industrial Street Construction[1] are incorporated by reference herein and shall be relied upon to supplement and expand the design standards and improvements described hereafter. The Town of DeWitt Public Facilities Design Standards and Improvements may be modified by the Town Board by resolution following review and recommendation of the Planning Board.
Editor's Note: See Part 2 of this chapter.
Land subject to flooding, sensitive or protected land and/or land deemed by the Planning Board to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy nor for such other uses as may involve danger to health, life or property or aggravate the flood hazard; but such land within the area of the plan shall be set aside for such uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation.
Street system.
The development plan shall conform to such plan or plans for the Town as shall have been prepared and adopted by the Planning Board.
Local streets in a new development shall be so laid out as to discourage through traffic, but provision for the extension and continuation of major streets into and from adjoining areas is required. If the subdivision abuts a present or proposed arterial street, marginal access streets running parallel to the thoroughfare should be provided.
At all times, the street layout should be logically related to the topography of the land.
Where the center lines of local streets opening into opposite sides of a collector street are within 200 feet of each other, they shall be made to coincide by curving or angling the local streets.
If the lots resulting from the original development are large enough for resubdivision or if a portion of the tract is not subdivided, suitable access and street openings for such an eventuality shall be provided.
Culs-de-sac in the local system shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length and must be designed with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 100 feet and a street property line diameter of at least 120 feet. When required by the Planning Board, culs-de-sac shall be installed with center island. The Planning Board may, on specific findings related to geographic or physical features of the tract, extend the length of the cul-de-sac.
Street alignment.
The minimum radius at the center line for curves on arterial streets shall be 500 feet; for collector streets, 300 feet; and for local streets, 150 feet.
Local streets shall have a tangent of at least 100 feet measured at the center line between reverse curves. All other streets shall have a tangent of at least 200 feet.
Proper sight distances should be provided with respect to both horizontal and vertical alignment. Measured along the center line, the sight distance should be 400 feet for arterial streets, 200 feet for collector streets and 100 feet for local streets.
Street grades.
There shall be a minimum grade of at least 3/4 of 1% on all streets and a maximum grade of 6% on arterial streets and collector streets and 10% on local streets for maximum distances of 1,500 feet.
Vertical curves shall be used in changes of grade exceeding 1% and should be designed for maximum visibility. Intersections shall be approached on all sides by leveling areas. Such leveling areas shall extend for a distance of 100 feet from the point of intersection of the center lines of the intersecting streets and within which no grade shall exceed a maximum of 3%.
Street and pavement widths.
The minimum street width shall be 60 feet, and the minimum pavement width for local streets shall be 24 feet, and 32 feet for collector streets exclusive of any gutter. Where divided pavements are proposed, the minimum street width shall be 80 feet, and the minimum pavement width shall be 18 feet per lane.
Additional widths may be required by the Planning Board upon findings that the same are required for:
Public safety and convenience.
Parking in commercial, industrial or public use areas.
Old roads which do not provide the proper widths and where, as a consequence, additional dedication is necessary.
Street intersections.
Multiple intersections involving the junction of more than four roadways shall be avoided, and where such avoidance is impossible, such intersections shall be designed with extreme care for both vehicular and pedestrian safety.
Right-angle intersections shall be used whenever practicable, especially when local streets empty into arterial or collector streets, and there shall be no intersection angle measured at the center line of less than 75°.
Street curb intersections shall be rounded by a tangential arc with a minimum radius of 20 feet for local streets and 30 feet for intersections, including collector streets and arterial streets.
Other requirements.
The dedication of half streets at the edge of a new subdivision is prohibited. If circumstances render this impracticable, adequate provision for the concurrent dedication of the remaining half of the street must be furnished by the subdivider. The existence of a half street in an adjoining subdivision will require the provision of the remaining half in the proposed subdivision.
Reserve strips controlling access or egress are prohibited. New streets shall be provided through to the boundary lines of the development, especially if it adjoins acreage.
Streets that are extensions of or obviously in alignment with existing named streets shall bear the names of the existing streets, subject to the approval of the Planning Board. Street names shall be cleared with the County Planning Department and the representatives designated by the Town Board to avoid duplications or use of similarly sounding names.
The minimum lot size and frontage shall be controlled by the provisions of the 1967 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of DeWitt, as amended, and as may be further amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 192, Zoning.
All lots shall abut on a street. Double-frontage lots are prohibited except where the lots abut an arterial or a collector street on which access is not permitted. All lot lines shall be at right angles to the street or to a tangent of the arc of a curved street. If, after subdividing, there exist remnants of land, they shall be included in proposed or existing lot areas.
Corner lots shall be at least 1 1/2 times the width of single-frontage lots.
The minimum building setback shall be controlled by the provisions set forth in the 1967 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of DeWitt, as amended and as may be further amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 192, Zoning.
Where sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, gas, electrical, street lighting or other public utility facilities are to be located within street rights-of-way, their location and installation shall be coordinated so that they may be added to, repaired or enlarged at minimum cost. If easements are used at the rear of lots to provide such facilities, an easement shall be required having a minimum width of at least 20 feet. (Where lots back up to each other, thus would require a ten-foot easement from each lot.)
Alleys are prohibited in residential developments. In commercial or industrial districts without expressly designed loading areas, alleys with a minimum width of 22 feet shall be required. Where such alleys dead-end, they shall be provided with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of not less than 100 feet.
To meet the requirements of § 164-3G, the Board may require reservation and dedication of at least 8% of the area of land to be subdivided for park, playground, recreation, open land or other public purposes. In locating lands to be reserved and dedicated, the Board shall consider preservation of special environmental and geographic features, unsuitability of certain lands for building purposes, future expansion of public use lands upon development of adjoining areas, the most appropriate type of public land use for the area and the conditions necessary to preserve access, use and maintenance of such lands for their untended purpose.
Such lands may be retained in private ownership, provided that they are permanently dedicated and maintained for their intended use by recorded covenant and security deemed adequate to the Town Board. Alternatively, lands may be offered to the Town as a gift, to be accepted at the discretion of the Town Board.
Land for park, open land, playground or other recreational purposes may not be required until the Planning Board has made a finding that such lands are suitably located for playgrounds or other passive or active recreational purposes within the Town. Such findings shall include an evaluation of the present and anticipated future needs for park and recreational facilities in the Town based on projected population growth to which the particular subdivision plat will contribute.
In the event that the Planning Board determines that reservation of land of adequate size and suitable purpose cannot be practically located in a proposed subdivision or that said reservation would not appropriately serve the locale, the Board may condition its approval of a subdivision upon payment to the Town of fees pursuant to the schedule set forth herein, which fees would constitute a trust fund of the Town to be used exclusively for the acquisition and development of parks, playgrounds, recreation or open land areas in the Town. Such fees will be collected at the time of filing a subdivision map utilizing the fee schedule then in force and effect.
The following is a complete list of required improvements to be installed either by the developer or by the Town, with the developer paying most of the cost as outlined in Subsection B:
Tract grading. Before grading and improving land to be subdivided, the developer shall obtain Town approval of grading plans which shall assure adequate protection against excessive grades, surface water runoff, ponding and soil erosion both during and after completion of tract development. Compliance with approved grading plats shall be assured by undertaking and security acceptable to the Town Board.
Street grading. All streets shall be graded to the grades shown on the street profile and cross-section plans as submitted and approved with the preliminary plat. Where installed by the developer, they shall be inspected and checked for accuracy by the Town or its representatives. All land within the street right-of-way shall be graded toward the pavement at a minimum slope of 2% and a maximum slope of 15%. When installed by the developer, an as-built center-line profile shall be furnished prior to acceptance.
Pavement. All pavement for local streets and collector streets shall be installed as shown on the preliminary plat. All pavements shall conform to the Minimum Standards for Residential/Industrial Street Construction. Curbs or gutters shall be required on both sides of all streets.
Sidewalks shall be installed on one or both sides of a street as the Board may require, depending upon local conditions of public safety.
Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the detail contained in the current Minimum Standards for Residential/Industrial Street Construction.
Storm and surface drainage. All storm sewers and drainage facilities such as gutters, catch basins, bridges and culverts shall be installed and the land graded for adequate drainage as shown on the grading plan submitted and approved with the preliminary plat. These also shall be inspected and checked for adequacy by the Town or its representatives. Stormwater shall not be carried overland in roadside gutters or ditches for a distance of more than 400 feet.
Sanitary sewers. All plans for sanitary sewers and sewage disposal facilities or individual septic tanks, if permitted, shall conform to the Onondaga County Sanitary Code and shall be approved by both the Onondaga County Department of Health and the Town.
Fire hydrants.
Fire hydrants shall be placed along all water mains at maximum intervals of 600 feet and shall be set and installed at a height above the final finished grade to establish a minimum of 18 inches above the final finished grade to the bottom of the lowest butt or steamer connection and not more than 36 inches from the final finished grade. A circular area with a five-foot radius from each hydrant shall be level and clear of all obstructions. Fire hydrants shall be located for easy access by the Fire Department.
The developer shall be responsible for the cost of correction of any violation of the foregoing standards within two years of the filing of the subdivision map or the contract if no filing of a subdivision map is involved.
Planting. Adequate tree planting shall be completed by the developer. Street trees shall be a minimum of 35 feet and a maximum of 40 feet apart. Tentative tree species will be indicated on the preliminary plat. Trees shall not be less than two inches in diameter at the base at the time of planting. They may be planted on either side of the sidewalk unless the planting strip is less than eight feet, in which case they shall be planted in the lawn area. Trees must be adequately supported by guy wires until firmly rooted.
Monuments. Permanent reference monuments of precast concrete or a durable stone of a minimum size of six inches square in cross section and 30 inches in length with forty-five-degree beveled edges shall be set at the final grade at all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided and at all street intersections and such intermediate points as may be required. Lot corner markers shall be provided at all property corners. Lot corner markers shall be at least a three-fourths-inch metal pin with a minimum length of 30 inches and shall be permanently located in the ground to final grade.
Street signs. Permanent street signs, of the same specifications as those of the DeWitt Town Highway Department, showing the names of the intersecting streets shall be erected at each intersection.
Streetlights. In general, selective streetlighting is required to illuminate roadway segments involving important intersections, curves or other irregularities in or near a roadway that may pose a risk to travelers and the use of abutting properties. In some instances, full roadway lighting may be warranted, depending on the specific subdivision circumstances. Such lighting shall be of the style and type specified by the Town of DeWitt.
The Town may construct all sanitary sewers, sidewalks, streetlights and waterlines to serve the lands within the subdivision, and the developer, on behalf of himself, his successors, administrators or assigns, will guarantee to the Town the payment of all taxes and special assessments which may be levied against the subject premises by the Town on behalf of any and all improvement districts or extensions thereof within which the subject premises or any portion thereof are located until all the lots within the subdivision have been constructed thereon and certificates of occupancy have been issued therefor. The Town will in this regard require that the developer deposit security in a form and amount satisfactory to the Town. The developer shall construct all drainage facilities, streets and other required improvements, and turn them over to the Town at no cost or expense to the Town.