[Adopted 8-13-1973; amended in its entirety 10-25-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004]
Minimum standards for residential or industrial street construction shall be as follows:
Plans. Prior to the start of road construction, the following documents shall have been approved by the Town of DeWitt in conformance with Chapter 164 of the Code of the Town of DeWitt:
Preliminary subdivision plat.
Road profiles, in conformance with § 164-15, Streets and roads, of the Code of the Town of DeWitt.
Grading plan.
Construction drawings.
Erosion control plans.
Construction procedures. All work and materials shall conform to the latest revision of the latest Town of DeWitt Minimum Standards for Residential/Industrial Street Construction and the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials, including addenda.
Special conditions.
All utilities, conduits and sleeves shall be installed prior to installation of gutters, curbs or pavement.
All first-floor elevations of homes shall be at least 2 1/2 feet and garages one foot above the center line of the road, unless a detailed drainage plan is approved by the Planning Board.
The area between the edge of the road and the street line shall not be more than +15% slope nor less than +2% slope, unless a detailed drainage plan is approved by the Planning Board.
The final grade shall be 0.75% minimum on all streets. A maximum grade of 6% on arterial and collector streets and 10% on local streets will be allowed for a distance not to exceed 1,500 feet.
The minimum lane width of divided entrances shall be 18 feet. All divided entrances shall be approved by the Planning Board prior to construction.
If the road grade at the lot's front yard is 5% or greater, the lot width shall be no less than 100 feet. For each 1% or part thereof that the grade exceeds 5%, the lot width shall be increased by four feet.
Rear yards, which shall be at least 30 feet in depth, shall be graded from the back of the house with a minimum one-percent slope and maximum one-foot drop in the 30 feet.
[Added 12-11-2006 by L.L. No. 7-2006]
Driveways shall have a minimum 20 feet in length of level area at the garage with a maximum one-percent grade from the garage. The remainder of the driveway shall have a maximum grade of 15%.
[Added 12-11-2006 by L.L. No. 7-2006]
Street acceptance procedure.
Street construction shall be inspected by the Town of DeWitt. The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with this inspection.
Upon satisfactory completion of the work, including placement of the top course, a recommendation for acceptance will be made by the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Engineer to the Town Board.
The Town of DeWitt reserves the right to core streets prior to acceptance. The cost of this work will be borne by the developer.
Upon acceptance of the street by the Town Board, the developer shall post cash or other security acceptable to the Town in the amount of $20 per linear foot of roadway. The security shall be returned to the developer after a one-year inspection has been conducted and any deficiencies corrected.
If the developer wishes to obtain final subdivision approval prior to completion of the street, securities in an amount to be determined by the Town Board shall be posted by the developer to cover the cost of unfinished work.
The one-year guaranty period will commence upon the completion of all work and the acceptance of the road by the Town Board, which is subject to the Town Attorney's review and approval.