The Town Board of the Town of Pound Ridge finds that growth of population and attendant residential and commercial development and increasing demands upon the natural resources have the potential of encroaching upon, despoiling, polluting or eliminating many of the ponds, lakes, reservoirs, natural drainage systems and wetlands of the Town of Pound Ridge which, if preserved, constitute important physical, economic, social, historic, archaeological, aesthetic and recreational assets to present and future residents of the Town and provide important beneficial functions, including natural flood and stormwater control, groundwater recharge, natural pollution treatment, erosion and sediment control, wildlife habitat creation, recreation and open space enhancement and educational opportunities.
It is the intent of this chapter to protect the public interest, general health, safety and economic welfare of the citizens of the Town of Pound Ridge by providing for the protection, preservation, proper maintenance and use of its ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rainfall drainage systems and wetlands by preventing damage from erosion or siltation, minimizing disturbance, preserving natural habitats and protecting against flood and pollution through the establishment of a Water Control Commission and otherwise protecting the quality of such areas for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public uses and values. Further, it is the intent of this chapter to protect the potable surface and ground water supplies wholly and partly within the Town from the threat of pollution, misuse or mismanagement. Therefore, because all wetland areas are presumed to be of importance, it is hereby declared that the regulation of controlled areas of the Town of Pound Ridge, as defined in § 63-3 of this chapter and as this chapter becomes effective relative to any specific area as described in Article VIII, is essential to the health, safety. economic and general welfare of the citizens of the Town of Pound Ridge.