Application: required. The form is available at the Planning Department.
Filing fee: none.
SEQR assessment form: none required.
Public hearing: none.
Required documents.
Two copies of the following shall be submitted:
Maps, showing:
The proposed name and location of the development, the name of the subdivider and the name of the person who has designed and prepared the subdivision sketch plans.
The name, date, North point and scale of each map.
Existing streets, buildings, easements, water bodies, streams and drainage channels, flood areas and base flood elevations, railroads and other pertinent natural features such as wetlands, outstanding trees and outlines of densely wooded areas.
Proposed streets, indicating those which are to be public and those which are to be private.
The location of existing water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, culverts or drains located adjacent to or on the property to be subdivided.
All proposed and existing lots.
Existing contour lines for the entire property at ten-foot intervals or less.
The drawings shall be on sheets with an outside edge of 24 inches by 36 inches.
[Amended 12-2-2009 by L.L. No. 15-2009]
The scale of the drawings shall not be greater than 100 feet to the inch.
Informal consultation. Before preparing a sketch plan, the subdivider should discuss with the Planning Director and the Town Engineer the requirements for the general layout of streets and lots, zoning, street improvements, drainage, flood areas, utilities, fire protection and the availability of other existing services.
Application submission. The subdivider shall file an application and required documents with the Planning Department.
Staff review. The plans will be reviewed by the Planning Department and the Engineering Department. Upon the completion of the review, a member of the Planning Department and the Engineering Department will meet with the subdivider to discuss the reviews. A copy of such reviews will be given to the subdivider at the meeting.
Planning Board review. The sketch plan will be placed on the first available open agenda of the regular meeting of the Planning Board. The Planning Board will review the plans and the staff reviews. The subdivider or a representative should attend the meeting. Upon the completion of the Planning Board review, the Planning Board's comments will be sent to the subdivider.