All required subdivision improvements shall be subject to inspection by the Village Engineer, the Superintendent of Public Works or the authorized representative of either.
The developer shall notify the Building Inspector, in writing, at least seven days prior to the completion of the following phases of construction:
Road subbase and shoulders.
Drainage pipe and other drainage structures before backfilling.
Road paving.
Recharge basin grading and test hole.
Upon completion of the required work and prior to the termination of the bond period, the developer's engineer shall make as-built survey of the required subdivision improvement. This information shall be incorporated on the final road and drainage plans to ensure that the required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the plans as previously approved. The following certification shall be placed on the plans and signed by the developer's engineer:
"I hereby certify that this plan shows locations, profiles and elevations of roads, curbs, drainage and other structures as actually constructed and that the information as shown hereon is obtained from an actual field survey.
The as-built plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board and approved before the performance bond will be released.
After the completion of all work and the submission of the as-built plan, the Superintendent of Public Works and the Building Inspector and/or Village Engineer will make a final inspection to determine whether the completed improvements are in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. Upon a satisfactory final inspection report, action will be taken to release the developer's bond.