General. In any new land division the street layout shall conform to the general arrangement, width and location indicated by Chapter 44, Official Map, and the Comprehensive Plan. In areas for which such layouts have not been completed the streets shall be designed and located in proper relation to the existing and proposed streets, topography, such natural features as streams and tree growth, public convenience and safety, the proposed use of the land to be served by such streets and the most advantageous development of adjoining areas. The land division shall be such as to provide each lot, by means of a public street, satisfactory access to an existing public street.
Major streets. Major streets, collectors and highways shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of major streets and highways and insofar as practicable shall be continuous and in alignment with existing planned and platted streets with which they are to connect.
Minor streets. Minor streets shall be designed to conform to the topography, discourage use by through traffic, permit the design of efficient storm and sanitary sewerage systems and require the minimum street area necessary to provide safe and convenient access to abutting property.
Buffers. In residential districts a buffer strip of not less than 50 feet in depth, in addition to the normal lot size required, shall be provided adjacent to any railroad right-of-way, limited access highway and commercial and industrial zoning districts. This strip shall be a part of the platted lots but shall have the following restriction lettered on the face of the plat: "This strip reserved for the planting of trees or shrubs by the owner; the building of structures hereon is prohibited."
Culs-de-sac. Cul-de-sac streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall not exceed 600 feet in length to the center of the cul-de-sac.
Alleys. Alleys shall not be required in commercial, industrial or residential districts unless deemed necessary by the Plan Commission.
Streets shall intersect each other at as nearly right angles as topography and other limiting factors of good design permit.
The number of streets converging at one intersection shall be reduced to a minimum, preferably not more than two.
The number of intersections along major streets shall be held to a minimum. Whenever practicable the distance between such intersections shall not be less than 1,200 feet.
The minimum right-of-way and roadway of all proposed streets and alleys shall be of the width specified by Chapter 44, Official Map. If no width is specified thereby, the minimum widths shall be as follows:
Type of Street
Minimum Right-of-Way Width
Minimum Roadway Width
(back of curb to back of curb, feet)
Major arterial or highway
Dual 29 (30 median)
Minor arterial
Dual 29 (14 median)
Local streets and ways
Class 1 in commercial, industrial and residential areas with a street length greater than 1000 feet with a minimum expected average daily traffic (ADT) of 750
Class 2 in residential areas
All cul-de-sac streets shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right-of-way diameter of 120 feet and a minimum outside curb diameter of 90 feet.
Unless necessitated by exceptional topography and subject to the approval of the Plan Commission, the maximum street grades shall not exceed the following, unless steps of acceptable design are provided:
Arterial streets or highways: 6%.
Major streets and collector streets: 6%.
Minor streets and alleys: 8%.
Pedestrianways: 12%.
The grade of any street shall in no case exceed 10% or be less than 0.50%.
Radii of curvature.
When a continuous street center line deflects at any one point by more than 15°, a circular curve shall be introduced having a radius of curvature on such centerline of not less than the following:
Major streets (including arterials, highways and connectors): 300 feet.
Collector streets: 200 feet.
Minor streets: 100 feet.
A tangent of at least 100 feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves on major and minor arterial streets.
Half streets. Where an existing dedicated or platted half street is adjacent to the tract being divided, the other half of the street shall be dedicated by the subdivider.
Street names. New street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing street names, and existing street names shall be protected wherever possible.
The Plan Commission may require easements of widths deemed adequate by the Plan Commission for the intended purpose on each side of all rear lot lines and on side lot lines or across lots where necessary or advisable for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, stormwater management facilities, gas, water and heat mains or other utility lines, as follows:
Minimum Easement Width
Side and back
Where a land division is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, an adequate drainageway or easement shall be provided as required by the Plan Commission. The location, width, alignment and improvement of such drainageway or easement shall be subject to the approval of the Plan Commission, and parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith. Wherever possible, the stormwater drainage shall be maintained by landscaped open channels of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate maximum potential volumes of flow, these sizes and design details to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.
If parkways or drainageways influenced by typographical features, such as streams or ponds, ravines, wooded areas or other natural features, are to be provided within the proposed plat or certified survey map, their width and location shall be determined as may be deemed necessary to preserve such features. Such determination shall be made by the City Engineer. Generally, parkways and drainageways shall have a minimum width of 100 feet but shall not in any case be less than 50 feet in width.
The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be suited to the planned use of the land, zoning requirements,[1] need for convenient access, control and safety of street traffic and the limitations and opportunities of topography. Block lengths in residential areas shall not as a general rule be less than 600 feet in length between street lines unless dictated by exceptional topography or other limiting factors of good design.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 260, Zoning.
Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth, except where otherwise required to separate residential development from through traffic on major and minor arterials.
Pedestrianways or crosswalks shall be provided near the center and entirely across any block 900 feet or more in length where deemed essential, in the opinion of the Plan Commission, to provide adequate pedestrian circulation or access to schools, shopping centers, churches or transportation facilities.
All utility lines for electric power and telephone service will be placed in rear lot line easements when carried overhead on poles.
[Amended 12-9-2008 by Ord. No. 08-22]
Every lot shall fully front on a public street, from which street access to the lot must be available from the City, except that a lot may front on a parcel of land over which a permanent easement has been granted, provided that the permanent easement meets the following requirements:
The easement is permanently granted in a document that has been properly recorded in the Barron County Register of Deeds office.
The recorded easement acknowledges and accepts the owner's duty to maintain the easement's improvements (except utilities), including but not limited to striping, curb stops, signage, winter maintenance and surface repair, and in which document the owner has consented to the City undertaking said maintenance, at the owner's expense, upon failure of the owner to do so within 24 hours of notice from the City.
The easement will provide that the ownership of and responsibility for any utilities above, below or on the easement will be the same as if the easement were a dedicated street.
The easement is at least 66 feet in width.
The easement contains the owner's agreement that if the owner is derelict in its maintenance duties, the City may, at the City's option, declare the easement a public street, without compensation to the owner, and rebuild, as necessary, to bring the easement improvements up to City standards at the owner's expense.
The easement runs with the land.
The Common Council may waive the requirements of Subsection A(1), after due deliberation and discussion.
Lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 260, Zoning, and shall have a minimum average depth of 100 feet. Where not served by a public sewer, lot dimensions and area shall, in addition, conform to the requirements of applicable Wisconsin Department of Commerce Administrative Code.
Side lot lines shall be, insofar as practicable, at right angles to straight street lines or radii to curved street lines on which the lots face.
Corner lots shall have a minimum width of 90 feet.
Excessive lot depth in relation to width shall be avoided, and a proportion of 2 to 1 shall be normally considered as a desirable ratio.
Lot lines shall follow municipal boundary lines rather than cross them.
Double-frontage and reverse-frontage lots shall be prohibited except where necessary to provide separation of residential development from through traffic or to overcome specified disadvantages of topography and orientation.
Residential lots fronting or backing on major streets should be platted with extra depth to permit generous distances between the buildings and such traffic ways.
Depth and width of properties for commercial or industrial use shall be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type of use and development contemplated.
Lots capable of resubdivision. Where a lot(s) is platted or designated on a certified survey map in excess of 20,800 square feet or 160 feet in width at the building setback line, a preliminary resubdivision plan shall be submitted showing a potential and feasible way in which the lot or lots may be resubdivided in future years for more intensive use of the land.