These rules and regulations are established
A. Require use of public sewers.
B. Prohibit the discharge of sewage and waste into the
sewage system in excess of its carrying capacity.
C. Prohibit or regulate the discharge of sewage, industrial
wastes or other wastes, which may cause maintenance and/or operating
difficulties of the sewers or other structures and equipment appurtenant
to the sewerage system.
D. Require the treatment before introduction to the sewage
system of such wastes as may otherwise impair the strength and/or
the durability of structures appurtenant to the system by direct or
indirect chemical action or which may adversely affect normal treatment
processes at sewage treatment plants.
E. Establish the characteristics of the sewage and industrial
wastes that are prohibited from discharge into the public sewers.
F. Establish the design standards, materials and methods
of construction for connecting to the public sewer.
G. Establish the fees for permit application and connection
to the public sewer.
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation
of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days
at 20° centigrade, expressed in mg/l (milligrams per liter) by
The amount of chlorine which must be added to water or waste
to produce a residual chlorine content of at least 0.1 milligrams
per liter after a minimum contact time of 10 minutes.
The duly appointed Health Officer of the Borough or his authorized
deputy, inspector, agent or representative.
Includes any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or
any other facility, located on the premises, intended or used for
the disposal of sewage.
Either an individual, partnership or corporation to whom
the Board of Health of the Borough or the State of New Jersey has
issued a license to practice plumbing in the Borough during the period
when such license is valid.
Any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other
body of surface or ground water.
The logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen
ions in grams per liter solution.
Wastewater or water-carried waste from residences, business
buildings, institutions and industrial establishments. Sewage shall
be further classified as follows:
A. DOMESTIC OR SANITARY SEWAGE -- The solid and liquid
waste from toilet and lavatory fixtures, kitchens, laundries, bathtubs,
shower baths or equivalent plumbing fixtures as discharged from dwellings,
business and industrial buildings.
B. INDUSTRIAL SEWAGE OR WASTES -- Includes the water-carried
wastes or any industrial process as distinct from domestic or sanitary
sewage. All substances carried in industrial wastes, whether dissolved,
in suspension or mechanically carried by water shall be considered
as industrial wastes.
C. STORMWATER -- Includes the runoff or discharge of rain and melted snow or other water from roofs, surfaces of public or private lands, swimming pools or elsewhere. Stormwater also shall include subsoil drainage as defined in Subsection
D below.
D. SUBSOIL DRAINAGE -- Includes water from the soil percolating
into subsoil drains and through foundation walls, basement floors
or underground pipes.
E. COOLING WATER -- Includes the wastewater from air-conditioning,
industrial cooling, condensing and hyraulically powered equipment
or similar apparatus.
F. GARBAGE -- Solid wastes from the preparation, cooking
and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage and sale of
produce. "Properly shredded garbage" shall mean garbage which has
been shredded so that no garbage particles will be greater than 1/2
inch in any dimension.
The pipe or conduit, together with manholes and other structures
or equipment appurtenant thereto, provided to carry sewage and waste
liquids. Sewers shall be further classified as follows:
G. PUBLIC SEWER -- A trunk, main or lateral sewer up
to and including the Y-branch or tee provided for connection thereto,
and to which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights,
and which is controlled by a public authority. The public sewer shall
include the house connection but does not include the property owner's
H. SANITARY SEWER -- A sewer which carries only sanitary
sewage and to which stormwater, subsoil drainage and cooling water
are not intentionally admitted.
I. STORM SEWER OR DRAIN -- A pipeline carrying stormwater
or subsoil drainage.
J. BUILDING DRAIN -- That part of the lowest horizontal
piping of a building sanitary sewer system that receives the discharge
from the sanitary waste pipes inside the walls of the building and
conveys it to the property owner's connection, beginning five feet
outside the inner face of the building wall.
K. PROPERTY OWNER'S CONNECTION -- The extension from
the building drain to the house connection.
L. HOUSE CONNECTION -- The pipe laid incidental to the
original construction of a public sewer from said public sewer up
to two feet inside the curbline of the street, highway or similar
location, and there capped, having been provided and intended for
extension and for use at some time thereafter as part of a property
owner's connection.
M. BUILDING SEWER (house sewer) -- That part of the horizontal
piping of a building drainage system extending from the building drain
to its connection with the public sewer and includes the property
owner's connection and the house connection.
The Borough Engineer or such other person, authorized by
the Borough to inspect sewer connections, as may be designated by
the governing body of the Borough to issue permits and to review and
approve the construction and installation of sewers and sewer connections
to ensure compliance with the provisions of this article, the current
Plumbing Code, and all pertinent ordinances of the Borough or the
Board of Health of the Borough.
Solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspension
in water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by filtering
as prescribed in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage
and Industrial Waste, American Public Health Association.
A channel in which a flow of water occurs either continuously
or intermittently.
The Sewer Inspector or any member of the Board
of Health shall have the right, upon identifying himself or themselves,
to enter in and upon any premises, at any reasonable hour of the day
or night, to make any reasonable examination or inspection required
by this article to determine whether any nuisance exists therein or
thereon, or to determine whether the provisions of this article and
the rules and regulations thereunder are being followed or obeyed.
This article and ordinances supplementary thereto
and amendatory thereof shall be considered part of the Plumbing Code
of the Board of Health of the Borough and is annexed thereto and made
a part thereof and incorporated therein as fully as if set forth at
length. All rules and regulations set forth in the Plumbing Code,
but not specifically set forth herein, shall be construed as to be
part of this article and shall regulate that which is not regulated
specifically herein. However, all parts of the Plumbing Code inconsistent
with this article shall be considered not applicable for the specific
purposes as set forth herein.