Before any map of the subdivision of any tract of land within the borough or amendment or further subdivision of parts of layouts shown on a map already approved and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Bergen shall be approved by the Mayor and Council of the borough, the owners of the tract or any subdivision thereof shall make application in writing to the Borough Engineer for a preliminary checking of the layout.
The Borough Engineer shall upon receipt of such application proceed with the checking of the map and submit the map to the Mayor and Council for their inspection. If upon inspection such map is found acceptable, the owner shall be directed by resolution of the Borough Council to proceed with the setting of monuments marking the layout in the field in such locations as the Borough Engineer may direct. All monuments must be of durable stone (bluestone or limestone or concrete) at least four inches by four inches square and not less than 30 inches long. These monuments are to be set in such position that the lines which they mark can easily be checked in the field and shall be placed so that any future grading will not disturb their position.
After setting all monuments required, the owners shall submit the original map with profiles showing proposed grades for public highways laid out on the map to the Borough Engineer for his final approval who may thereupon recommend the approval of the map and the proposed grades to the Mayor and Council. Should the Mayor and Council by resolution approved the map and the proposed grades, the Borough Engineer shall, after the map and profiles have been properly signed and attested, cause the following reprints to be made from the original map and furnish the municipal officers with copies as follows:
One black-line print on tracing cloth for the Clerk's files.
One blueprint on cloth for the use of the Assessor.
One blueprint on cloth for the Tax Collector.
One black-line print on tracing cloth for the Borough Engineer.
One blueprint on cloth for the filing with the original in the office of the Clerk of the County of Bergen.
One black-line print on tracing cloth and two blueprints on cloth for the owner.
The Borough Engineer shall, upon obtaining the prints herein mentioned file the original map and the blueprint on cloth required by the office of the County Clerk and pay the fee charged by the office of the County Clerk. In no case shall the original map after the same has been approved by the Borough Council and signed by the Mayor and Borough Clerk and attested with the Borough Seal be returned to the owners but shall immediately be filed by the Borough Engineer as aforesaid.
No map shall be approved by the Mayor and Council unless the principal highways shown thereon, which in the opinion of the Mayor and Council form parts of present or future main thoroughfares, are at least 60 feet in width. No map shall be similarly approved unless all other highways shall be at least 50 feet in width. No map shall be approved showing highways not connecting with existing highways, nor shall any dead-end streets or courts be approved by the Mayor and Council.
No map for any subdivision showing new highways shall be approved by the Mayor and Council unless the owners submit proof in writing to the Mayor and Council that any mortgage or any other liens or encumbrances have been released by the mortgagees or lien or as far as the highway areas are concerned and the respective releases have been properly recorded.
No map shall be approved by the Mayor or Council showing any reservation strips nor shall any map be approved which does not show all lot and block numbers conforming to the Borough Assessment Map or which does not show bearings and distances for all street or highway center lines. With the map there shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer a copy of the field data obtained in making the survey and the subdivision and a copy of the computations of the traverse showing the error of closure. After checking the map the Borough Engineer shall file these data and computations with the Borough Clerk.
[Amended 12-14-2016 by Ord. No. 16:25]
Applicants for all subdivisions will pay to the Borough with the filing of the application for approval a fee of $600 for the preparation of revisions to the Borough's tax map that are required by the subdivision if a subdivision plat is filed in electronic form (CAD format or NAD83). All other subdivision applicants will pay to the Borough with the filing of the application for approval a minimum fee of $600 and will pay any additional fees and costs incurred by the Borough Engineer in checking the subdivision plat and preparing the tax map revisions to be filed and the proposed grades, subject as to amount to the approval and control of the Mayor and Council.