[Adopted 3-13-1923 by Ord. No. 45]
Permission be and is hereby granted to the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Baltimore City, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate its posts, poles, cables, wires and all other necessary overhead apparatus on, over and along; and its conduits, ducts, mains, pipes, cables, wires, manholes, distributing poles and all other necessary underground appliances on, in, under and through the streets, alleys and highways within the limits of the Town of St. Michaels, in the County of Talbot and State of Maryland; and to use the property of other companies and to permit other companies to use its property upon such arrangements as the two companies may agree.
Whenever the said company shall desire to erect, lay down or construct any poles, conduits or manholes, it shall present a plan or plans, showing the location, number and size thereof, to the Chairperson of the Street Committee, who is hereby authorized to approve or disapprove as to location, which plan or plans or copy thereof with approval endorsed thereon shall be filed forthwith with the Town Clerk. In case the said Chairperson of the said Committee disapproves any plan or plans as to the location of any poles, conduits or manholes, he or she shall designate some other suitable location therefor; that all work done under the provisions of this ordinance in said Town shall be subject to the supervision of the Chairperson of the Street Committee, and said company shall replace and properly re-lay any sidewalk or street pavement which may have been displaced or damaged by it in the construction and maintenance of its system in said Town.
All poles erected by said company shall be neat and symmetrical, and shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety or convenience of persons traveling on or over the said streets, alleys and highways; and in the work of installing and maintaining its underground system, said company shall not open or encumber more of any street, alley or highway than will be necessary to enable it to perform same with proper economy and efficiency, nor shall it permit such opening or encumbrance to remain for a longer period than shall be necessary to do the work for which said opening shall have been made.
Space on one crossarm of the poles erected or in one duct of the conduits laid under the provisions of this ordinance shall be reserved, free of charge, for the purpose of carrying wires of any fire alarm or police telegraph system now in use or which may hereafter be adopted by said Town; in no case, however, shall said wires carry electric light or high-tension currents.
The said company shall maintain all poles, cables, wires, conduits, ducts, mains, pipes, manholes, distributing poles and all other apparatus erected or constructed under the provisions of this ordinance in good and safe order and save harmless the said Town from and against all actions, claims, suits, damages and charges and against all loss and necessary expenditures arising from the erection, construction and maintenance of its system in said Town; or from its neglect or failure to maintain the said apparatus in good and safe order and condition.
Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to grant unto the said Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Baltimore City any exclusive right or to prevent a grant of similar privileges to other companies.
The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Baltimore City shall, under its seal and by its proper officers within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, signify in writing its acceptance of all the terms, conditions, regulations and restrictions in this ordinance contained, in default of which this ordinance shall become null and void and of no effect.