The required application for permission to install and use a private sewage disposal system shall be made on the appropriate prescribed form as follows:
Private sewage disposal application.
Residential building sewer connection application.
Industrial or commercial building sewer connection application.
The appropriate permit application form shall be provided for the applicant by the Township.
Having been duly executed, such forms shall be submitted to the Code Enforcement Department for approval, subject to all the requirements of the Township ordinances and Pennsylvania DEP regulations governing sewers.
No industrial wastes shall be permitted to be discharged to the sewer system which will prejudicially affect the sewage structures or their functioning or the renovation of sewage treatment, and any permission granted by the Township or appropriate control authority for industrial wastes to be discharged into the sewer system reserves to the appropriate control authority the right to regulate the rate of such discharge or to require such further preliminary treatment as may be necessary or the exclusion of the said industrial wastes from the sewers if this be deemed necessary to protect the interests of the Township. All industrial waste must comply with the Township local limits as set forth in Chapter 205, Wastewater System Contributions, of the Falls Township Code.
Where deemed necessary by the responsible officials of the appropriate control authority, the industry shall, at the expense of the owner, be required to retain a competent firm of consulting engineers, chemists or other qualified persons to make a study of the industry's particular problem and to prepare a report with sufficient quantitative data showing that the industrial waste is or will be made acceptable for discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Such report shall include the consultant's professional opinion based on quantitative data as to whether the industrial waste will or will not adversely affect the public sewer system and/or sewage treatment works. The report shall be submitted to the subject control authority as a supplement to the industrial or commercial building sewer connection application and shall serve as a basis for negotiating a formal agreement and/or permit for the discharge of the industrial waste to the public sewer system.
Whenever the Department shall be required by any of the provisions of Part 1 of this chapter to serve any notice on any property owner, such service shall be made personally or by first class postal service upon the owner, if such owner can be found in the Township, or on an adult person residing on the property affected, and in case personal service cannot be made upon the owner or an adult person cannot be found residing on the property, said notice shall be tacked or posted conspicuously on the premises.
Permit and inspection fees have been designated by the Board of Supervisors, which fees shall be amended from time to time. A permit shall not be issued until the designated fees have been paid. Failure to pay designated fees shall be considered a violation of this Code.