Definitions are in Part 1.
Whenever the sewer system or a usable portion thereof are completed and ready for public use, it shall be the duty of the Township, either by personal service or by registered mail, to notify each owner of property accessible to the sewer system to connect to them within 60 days at the owner's expense and to continue to use the systems and to pay for such use in accordance with the fee schedule of the Lower Bucks Authority as it then exists and as it may be subsequently amended.
All persons owning any occupied building now erected upon property accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within 60 days after such notice.
All persons owning any property accessible to the sewer system upon which an occupied building is hereafter erected shall, at the time of erection of such building and at their own expense, connect the same within the sewer system.
All persons owning any occupied building upon property which hereafter becomes accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within 60 days after notice to do so from the Township.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning any property accessible to the sewer system to erect, construct, use or maintain, or cause to be erected, constructed, used or maintained any privy, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or other receptacle on such premises or otherwise for receiving sanitary sewage after the expiration of the particular period required by law to erect, construct, use or maintain any pipe, conduit, drain or other facility for the discharge of sanitary sewage into the gutters of the Township, the storm sewers of the Township or upon public or private property or otherwise, except into the sewer system.
Any person who erects, constructs, uses or maintains a privy, cesspool, sinkhole or septic tank on any property accessible to the sewer system, or otherwise erects, constructs, uses or maintains any pipe, conduit, drain or other facility for the discharge of sanitary sewage in violation of this article shall be deemed and shall be declared to be erecting, constructing and maintaining a nuisance, which nuisance the Township is hereby authorized and directed to abate in the manner provided by law.
No connection shall be made to the sewer system except in compliance with the ordinances and resolutions as well as such rules and regulations as may, from time to time, be enacted, adopted, approved or promulgated by the Township or the Lower Bucks Authority.
After the expiration of the particular periods specified in § 184-48, if any owner of an occupied building on property accessible to the sewers system shall have failed to connect such property with the sewer system as required by said § 184-48, the Township shall cause to be served on the owner of such property so failing to connect to said sewer system, and also upon the occupants of the building in question, a copy of this article and a written or printed notice requiring such connection to be made, and such notice shall further state that its requirements shall be complied with within 30 days from the date thereof.
If the owner of an occupied building fails to connect to the sewer system following the notice in § 184-52, the Township may enter upon such property and construct such connections or designate Lower Bucks Authority's employees and agents to do so.
In such case, the Township shall forthwith, upon completion of the work, send an itemized bill of the cost of the construction of such connections to the owner of the property to which connection has been so made, which bill shall be payable forthwith.
If the property owner is unable to pay the cost of construction of connections forthwith, the property owner may enter into an installment payment agreement with the Township over a period not to exceed five years, whereby said sum, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum and costs, shall be payable to the Township in equal monthly installments. Such installment payment agreement shall be furthermore secured by a municipal lien as below provided.
In case of default in the payment of any installment and interest for a period of 60 days after the same shall become due, the entire cost of construction of connections and accrued interest shall become due, and the Township Solicitor shall proceed to collect the same under the general laws relating to the collection of municipal claims.
In case of neglect or refusal or inability by the owner of such property to pay said bill, it shall be the duty of the Township or its designee, the Lower Bucks Authority, to file a municipal lien for said construction within six months of the date of the completion of the construction of said connection, in accordance with the general law providing for the filing and recovery of municipal liens.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding before any Magisterial District Justice of Bucks County, be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 and costs of prosecution for each and every offense or, upon default in payment of the fine and cost not caused by indigence or lack of sufficient assets, by imprisonment in the Bucks County prison for a period not to exceed 30 days. Each day that such violation is continued after notice shall constitute a new and separate offense, punishable by like fine, penalty or imprisonment, and further notices to the offender shall not be necessary in order to constitute such continuance as an additional offense or offenses.