Permit requirements for trucked or hauled wastewater. Any person trucking or hauling wastewater to the POTW must first obtain a septage discharge permit. The following prohibitions apply to all trucked or hauled wastewater:
All wastes are to be discharged only at the designated location contained in the users septage discharge permit.
All loads are to be sampled and approved prior to discharge.
Only sanitary septic wastes are to be discharged unless prior written approval is given.
Sludges or grease trap wastes shall not be discharged.
Permit application.
Users required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit for trucked or hauled wastewater shall complete and file with the Township a baseline monitoring report or other report as may be required by the Township. The user shall submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, such information as the Township shall request.
The Township will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. After evaluation and acceptance of the data furnished, the Township may issue a wastewater discharge permit subject to terms and conditions provided herein.
Promulgation of additional National Categorical Pretreatment Standards. When additional and/or new National Categorical Pretreatment Standards are promulgated, any user subject to such additional or new standards shall apply for a wastewater discharge permit within 180 days of the promulgation of such standard. In addition, any user with an existing wastewater discharge permit shall submit to the Department within 180 days of the promulgation of an applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standard the information required by Subsection B(1).
Permit modifications. The Department may modify any existing permit for any of the following reasons:
To incorporate any new or revised federal, state or local pretreatment standards or requirements.
Material or substantial alterations or additions to industrial user's operation which were not covered in the effective permit.
A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge.
Information indicating that the permitted discharge could in any manner adversely affect the POTW, personnel or receiving waters.
Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit.
Obtaining the permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts.
Upon request of the industrial user, provided that such request does not create a violation of any existing applicable requirements, standards, laws or rules and regulations.
Permit conditions. Wastewater discharge permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this chapter and all other applicable regulations, user charges and fees established by the Township or city, as applicable. Permits may contain the following:
Concentration and/or mass limits on the average and maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics.
Limits on average and maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulation and equalization.
Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities.
Specifications for monitoring programs which may include sampling locations, frequency of sampling, number, types and standards for tests and reporting schedule.
Compliance schedules. The Department may, at its discretion, issue interim effluent limits as part of a compliance schedule.
Requirements for submission of technical reports or discharge reports.
Requirements for maintaining and retaining plant records relating to wastewater discharge as specified by the Township and affording Township access thereto.
Requirements for notification of the Township or of the city, as applicable, of any new introduction of wastewater constituents or any substantial change in the volume or character of the wastewater constituents being introduced into the wastewater treatment system.
Requirements for notification of slug discharges.
Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Township or the city to ensure compliance with this chapter.