If the Township or its water supplies are experiencing a short-term supply shortage, the Township may request conservation measures to reduce or eliminate nonessential uses of water.
The Township shall first request voluntary curtailment of all nonessential use of water.
If voluntary cooperation does not achieve satisfactory results, mandatory compliance will be imposed. If any customer refuses to comply with such mandatory measures, the Township may either adjust the outside water valve connection in a manner which will restrict water flow by up to 1/2 or otherwise restrict or terminate flow.
Nonessential uses of water include:
The use of hoses, sprinklers or other means for sprinkling or watering lawns and any other vegetation.
The use of water for washing any vehicle or mobile equipment.
The washing of any outdoor surface.
The operation of any ornamental fountain or other structures making a similar use of water.
Filling wading, swimming or ornamental pools.
The operation of any water-cooled comfort air conditioner which does not have water conserving equipment.
The use of water from fire hydrants for fire drills.
The use of construction water.
The use of water for commercial farms and nurseries other than a bare minimum to preserve plants, crops and livestock.
Other provisions.
All customers may be subject to a conservation charge for summer usage if the Township deems that it is in the best interest of its customers, the stability of its operations or its conservation efforts.
In the event of a drought emergency as declared by the Delaware River Basin Commission or other regulatory agency, and by a proclamation or executive order issued by the Governor of Pennsylvania, the Township is authorized to collect fines as authorized by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council.