[Added 8-12-2003 by Ord. No. O-37-2003]
The Commission on Parks and Recreation is hereby created and shall be known as "Parks and Recreation Commission."
[Amended 2-28-2012 by Ord. No. O:08-2012; 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. O:04-2019]
The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be composed of 19 persons, which shall consist of up to three nonresident members with the remaining members being citizens and residents of the Township of Monroe.
Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. All members of the Commission shall serve for a term of five years commencing on January 1 and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies on said Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term only. All terms of members of the Parks and Recreation Commission serving at the time of the effective date of this article shall have their term extended until December 31 of the last year of their current term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be effective on January 1 for a term of five tears. In addition to the 15 members of the Commission, the Monroe Township Council shall appoint a liaison member from the Township Council, which member shall be a nonvoting member but shall be permitted to attend and participate in all meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission.
The members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall reorganize annually and select a Chairman and Vice Chairman and such officers as required by the rules and regulations of the Commission. All officers shall serve as such until the first day of January next following their respective appointments and until their successors shall be appointed and shall qualify. Vacancies in the chairmanship and vice chairmanship shall be filled in like manner for the unexpired term only.
Members shall receive no compensation for their services as members.
The Commission shall meet at least once a month and at such times as the Commission may direct.
[Amended 10-28-2019 by Ord. No. O:46-2019]
The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
Implement and carry on an ongoing program for the Division of Parks and Recreation, subject only to the review, when necessary, by the department head. The department head shall have the authority to review, modify or reverse any action of the Commission only when all the voting members of the Commission present at a meeting duly called for any reason cannot agree on any particular issue.
All actions of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be subject to review, modification or reversal by the Mayor only after the Parks and Recreation Commission has acted upon any particular issue or matter or by inaction has failed to decide a particular issue or matter. It is the intent of this article that all matters or issues shall be brought first to the Parks and Recreation Commission to encourage public participation in any decisions rendered by said Commission. All decisions of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be final, subject only to the review as set forth above.[1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection C, which stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission would make recommendations regarding development and improvement of the public park and playground and the sums necessary for such, and which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 8-24-2010 by Ord. No. O:16-2010.