[Added 10-28-2019 by Ord. No. O:47-2019]
The Board shall be known as the Monroe Township Parks and Recreation Sports Advisory Board ("SAB").
This organization serves as a conduit of communication among athletes, parents, volunteers and the Parks and Recreation Department on issues to improve the athlete experience and promote growth through sports participation in The Township of Monroe.
The SAB will consist of two representatives from each of the recognized sports organizations. One member must be the President of the organization and the other member must be a Board member for the organization. Each sports organization will count as one vote for all SAB business.
The Council representative and Parks and Recreation Department head shall serve as ex officio members.
Ex officio members are nonvoting members.
A President, Vice President and a Secretary shall be elected and will serve for a period of two years.
The election of officers will take place at the reorganization meeting in January.
The SAB shall have the following powers and duties:
The SAB will oversee and advise the sports programs in the Township of Monroe.
The SAB will be responsible for establishing grievance procedures. These procedures will be endorsed by each individual sports program and be followed accordingly.
The SAB, in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department head and volunteer boards of the various youth sports organizations in the Township, shall make recommendations to the Monroe Township Parks and Recreation User Handbook to be implemented by all youth sports organizations within the Township of Monroe under the direction of the Director of Parks and Recreation in the Township of Monroe.
Meetings of the SAB will be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
Meetings of the SAB will be held on a quarterly basis. Meetings will be the first Monday of the following months: January, April, July, and October.
Closed work sessions will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by an open public meeting at 7:30 p.m. (Public portion time frame will be 15 minutes without a prior scheduled request time.)
Members will be notified by the Parks and Recreation Department if the time of the regular meeting needs to be changed or if there needs to be a special meeting.
A quorum is required at all meetings. A quorum shall consist of 50% plus one member and must be present to conduct official business. If a quorum is not met, the SAB cannot conduct official business.
Reorganization of the Board shall take place at the January meeting.
The individual sports boards' President or his/her designee must be present at 75% of the SAB meetings or that sport's President is subject to removal by the SAB. Excessive lateness or leaving early will be addressed, and these occurrences may be considered absenteeism.
Attendance at meetings is required.
All emergency meetings will be called by the Director of Parks and Recreation.
All fees collected through the registration process for the purpose of background checks for sports organization volunteers will be held in a trust account under the Department of Parks and Recreation. The Department of Parks and Recreation will be responsible for dispersing payment for background checks.
Each sports organization shall submit annual financial statements to the Township of Monroe Business Administrator and Director of Parks and Recreation within 45 days of the end of each season at its own cost.