The Board shall be known as the Monroe Township Parks and Recreation
Sports Advisory Board ("SAB").
This organization serves as a conduit of communication among
athletes, parents, volunteers and the Parks and Recreation Department
on issues to improve the athlete experience and promote growth through
sports participation in The Township of Monroe.
The SAB shall have the following powers and duties:
A. The SAB will oversee and advise the sports programs in the Township
of Monroe.
B. The SAB will be responsible for establishing grievance procedures.
These procedures will be endorsed by each individual sports program
and be followed accordingly.
C. The SAB, in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department
head and volunteer boards of the various youth sports organizations
in the Township, shall make recommendations to the Monroe Township
Parks and Recreation User Handbook to be implemented by all youth
sports organizations within the Township of Monroe under the direction
of the Director of Parks and Recreation in the Township of Monroe.